Talking to myself thread #1

A Haven where I may finally speak out loud without Interruption and Rejection.

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So... what is your favorite song, user?

You know what it is man

just came across this shit on the catalogue lol. What a funny idea! Keep it up bro!

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you are so faggish

Keep this shit going guys. (and gals?)

probably just guys in here haha

Here's one to think about. Why the fuck are cats so stupid? They are all genetically and mentally and physically the same. They all act the same. It's like they are actually part of a hivemind.

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Yup. I had a cat that looked exactly like that, and I know someone who also has one of these clones, minus the eyes. Look at the pic. There are fucking NOODLES on its head and it doesn't give a shit. They are vegetables, and I want to eat them like one.

that took a sick turn but yeah, fuck cats, and love dogs! I agree

i can vouch for that as well. My cat looks like this

Mine too, it's just a little fatter and has the same eye color. I even put noodles on it some times too

Im listening to Garth Brooks

Check out that picture man! maybe thatll help you with that music

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Shut the fuck up and get off of my thread. Can you read?

this is the type of shit that abusers think to justify their abuse..cunt

OP here, and holy shit am I getting the hang of this thing!

Not op but Ariana 4 lyyyyfe. Listening to thank you, next

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Speaking of porn, anyone else think these ads are fuckin strange? Especially the one where she's wearing a shit ton of makeup and shit out a buttplug and squirts and shit

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>speaking of porn

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How do you get so much responses on one post? No one responds to any of mine

yeah fuck ads. It's called "capitalizing on the unfortunate" especially how They cater to us with porn ads cause they think we're addicts

UPDATE: I'm taking a quick break. I will piss and get some grub (as they call it) then return and talk to you lovely fuckies.

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Back. Now here's some more food for thought or a question or whatever. Anyone feel more inclined to jack to a certain webm or hentie pic when you see that it has a large amount of responses? I do. Can someone elaborate? (PS, it is bullshit how I have to click on "I'm not a robot" when I most certainly am! Stupid Google integrations

Fembot here, this thread is neat.

I most definitely do and it is wierd as fuck because I will probably skip over a more worthy slice of masturbatory media and instead excrete semen to one that produces a less enjoyable orgasm
And to I am listening to Takyon Death Yon as corny and stereotype fulfilling as it is

*gotta break the "fourth wall" for a post- this is my female alter ego- I forgot to include it in *her* post!! *
It is most definitely me as no one else can post in this thread!

why is that corny?

Because death Grips is the obvious choice for a r9k and b and gif and /a/ browser and Aspie wallpuncher

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Dogs are fucking retarded. look at pic related. Dogs are ugly as shit and they smell. I had a dog that barked for hours on end. Damn I wanted to just zap him again and again. The feline maintains itself just as human does. All you have to do is clean a little stinky shit. and people f@@@ dogs and not cats

Forgot pic. It is of my dog that I mentioned- and it is very queer looking

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Holy shit guys this thread is on page 6. So Keep posting and get this shit up there! Cause we Don't wanna abuse the bump feature now, do we?

The ads aren't strange, they're annoying as shit. I was at the library and almost opened up a wholesome post on r9k when I remembered that shit was in the middle of the page

Whats your fav tape of theirs? Mine is money store

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Money store is a go to because it has the best reviews and that is how poeple learn of them. But critics are soulless beings that forget the meaning of music. It is more acceptable to say money store is your favorite because of it's ratings when it makes more sense for your fav to be shit like exmilitary.
Yeah fuck the ads they always get me in public

Fuck death grip and fuck all of you
Death grip my cock

Are you a real person? lol

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Holy shit is that your pic? What's your Runescape I know all wowies play Rs an i need someone to play with obviously

Money store best Fuck you

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The end is nearing. Soon this thread shall be a mere memory unwritten in the history books

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Watching that fat brown girl sucj day dick in shower r hot as fuck though I cum 2 day shit bich

Nice pic. That Bill Cosby? Nice cataracts fuck face!

oP here. I gotta piss again. What the fuck? Maybe its the brain cell massacring Pepsi that stimulates my bladder or some shit. Also getting fast as fuck with captchas

Bill Cosby is rotting in prison. Probably in some 5 star hotel prison cell actually. So is this guy and his pic realated and this retard

Are people serious when they say "I clench my fist and sieze it" is a goat line? I can't tell because I probably have autism but I know it's subjective anyways

I don't play RS because it's annoying like my fucking dog barking right now. God, everything is just annoying. I'm just like fucked in the head

This thread has been visited by the Monk of Blood and Body. Respond to this post in 10 seconds or you shall develop suicidal tendencies strong enough to actually push you over the edge!

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Fucking roll or response or whatvever. Please spare me, Lord of Body and Blood!

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Holy shit dude, page 9....fuckin hold on, it's gonna be a rough ride!

do not fret, Brothers. The crusade shall continue 'till the days become dust!

I bet you worship Manson, don't you. You do know hes dead and rotting in the sixth/seventh hell, right?

roll. Btich and save me from whatever. Wait... That's Gandhi

Op here, third time. Thinking of investing In a piss bottle. I haven't flushed yet and I've pissed so much that the toilet water is shite brown

Get a life. Incel posters are.better than this shit


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Hahaha you guys are so lame but at the same time, make me feel at home. Thank you.

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Page 10 and soon to be archival footage of the mentally Ill. It was fun while It lasted guys.

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Wallow in your pity and sorrow OP. Just keep going. It's funny to witness