Who is le superior chad edition once again because previous post barely got any replies
Considering the description of the Shadow, can we say with certainty that homosexuality is literally evil?
I align more with the ENTJ way of thinking, however I think the ESTP way of thinking is more in line with what people would picture with "chad".
The ESTP as per the description there, I think is someone whose personality is magnetic on a subconscious level, whereas the ENTJ has required their following to hold convictions based on a respect for ideas and ideals which transcend them as a person.
As i've said in previous thread
ENTJ would inspire people with accomplishments and organizational skills
ESTP would inspire people with unshakable spirit
Entj obviously. We get results guaranteed. You may not like us while we get you there but we will get whatever the goal is accomplished even if we have to take you kicking and screaming.
Why is no one talking about ISTJ's?
Are we so irrelevant? We're not that different from you INTP's
As a beta negro, how do i become a TYRONE ENTJ?
The lamarqus intp
healthy INFJ:
>patiently listens to others, nonjudgmental, secure boundaries between self and others, strives for harmony in self and others
>can still be a bit manipulative but only has others' interests in mind
unhealthy INFJ:
>gathers information on others, secretly judges, fuzzy boundaries between self and others, delights in chaos
>extremely manipulative but when confronted will shift blame and say some dumb shit like "it weally hurts my fee fees that u would think this about me"
Pic related is an ISTJ and he is literally the richest man in the world lol
But yeah you're fairly unremarkable and boring. You're succesful but boring
Why boring though? I don't know much about MBTI personalities so i'm asking here
Because you are just boring. Generally, the Extraverted Perceiving functions (Se and Ne) are what are seen as "exciting" and fun. Introverted functions in general are seen as boring and dull, introverted perceiving especially so, and Si especially so. Si is like basically the most boring function. When you couple that with Te, which is the only extraverted function that can be seen as boring, you have the most boring combination of them all. Basically ISTJ is peak boringness
>be ESTP
>read 16personalities
>Sexually, ESTPs have no real reservations. It's fun, it's physically enjoyable, new ideas are always welcome, and ESTP personalities' strong perception keeps them well-tuned to their partners' needs. However, ESTPs' separation of the physical act from the more emotional and spiritual connections that many other types look for in intimacy can be a serious source of tension if everybody isn't on the same page. Some types need sex to be a genuine expression of love - ESTPs just aren't one of them.
what, this isn't acurate at all. meme shit
Im an INTJ and i hate myself
You're probably not ESTP then
Step 1:
Ask yourself "Am I being a bitch right now?"
Step 2:
Stop being a bitch
That will be $75 and I only accept Paypal
if you pay him you're a bitch
>Stops another man's flow of wealth for no reason
user please refer to step 1
Basically, istj is the boomer personality.
i cucked a man and helped another in the same breath, fed two birds with one scone
Chad isn't supposed to be the most financially successful guy (ENTJ); Chad is the stereotypical douchebag that girls like because he SEEMS dominant.
ESTP is the true chad, ENTJs are successful people, but don't fit the "chad" stereotype.
Youre right the Chad sterotype isn't quite the same as the entj stereotype
Chad is used colloquially to mean any male that is succesful, dominant and good with women
Who can be a good partner for INTJ? ENFP or INTP?
Stay away from INTPs. ENFP is a good match
>that last quote
How would ENTJ raise their kid?
And why is that? My best (and only actual) friend is INTP, his autism can get annoying at times, but is it that important in relationships?
instead of throwing them in a lake they'd give a kid some wood and tell them to build a boat
if the boat sunk they'd walk away in disappointment
if they made it to the other side they'd throw the kid into the sea and see "let's see if your shitty boat holds up now?
I noticed a lot of INTPs tend to take out their insecurities on INTJs. Not all of them of course, but too many for me too feel comfortable about them and INTJs together. They usually tend to secretly look down on INTJs and hold resentment towards them while also admiring them in other ways, but their resentment usually outstrips their admiration. Just doesnt seem like a healthy relationship to me usually.
The only types that can deal with INTPs autism are ExTJs and ISTPs.
Dominant Ti and Inferior Fe.
I can safely say that every INTP i have dealt with has been a can of worms. Its not just that you're autistic. It's that you're insidious, for lack of a better word, and unless faced with resistance from someone who knows how to deal with you (ExTJs and ISTPs) you will hurt the other person a lot if given your way (perhaps unknowingly).
Have a MBTI parody video.
This sounds accurate. Are you an ENTJ?
I've been friends with an INTJ for years and I think that my autism does bother him more than I notice. Which sucks because idk how to control my autism because I can only truly be myself around him. Are INTPs doomed to be hated by everyone eventually?
>They usually tend to secretly look down on INTJs and hold resentment towards them while also admiring them in other ways, but their resentment usually outstrips their admiration.
I think it's more like we are jealous of their firm resolve but at the same time don't see any better results from them so we may often criticize them for this. It's not resentment though it may seem to be.
>"I manipulate you in your own best interests, promise!"
INFJs are why executions were invented
INTPs are usually worth that trouble of those times though.
Resentment often builds up when they are too cowardly to communicate their anger, or INTJ is too centered on something else to notice and give them that opportunity to voice it.
Imo most times INTPs resent when INTJ get most of the social cred for things both have worked on together, since INTJ tend to act the public face when that happens.
Trouble is when you make sure INTPs get the spotlight time they deserve, they are even more hellishly uncomfortable with it than we are.
trump is an ENTJ, not ESTP
But the text itself says that the shadow might hold positive values
you're fundamentally different from INTPs in that, once you get past initial impressions, INTPs are interesting. ISTJs on the other hand are exactly as boring as they seem
How can an ISTP get a date without scaring girls away just by doing nothing? I get along with people just fine, and a lot of girls like me, but if I push the attraction button just a little bit, they will reject me. How can I make a girl want me for my personality?
>inb4 INTP or INTJ wins
>if they made it to the other side they'd throw the kid into the sea and see "let's see if your shitty boat holds up now?
kek pretty accurate
I know that feeIerino
Anyone else only visits Jow Forums for MBTI threads ?
Where did you come from?
This 20-minute TED talk video gives a good explanation for what MBTI is, so if you're not sure what you are, watching this video should help.
Ah fuck, I forgot the god damn link.
It's ESTP. Now way can inferior Fi be a real chad, just a pretender.
Are you trying to imply these threads don't belong here?
>Now way can inferior Fi be a real chad
What? Why?
It's better here than any other board.
You have this great men and then there is me, an ISTJ.
one of the defing features of chad is that he isn't self conscious, he does things naturally. ENTJ has a repressed insecure virgin inside him. He's got a soft underbelly, ESTP is chad all the way down.
I wanna put my dick in Winston Churchill's greasy asshole
But ESTP has that as well. Inferior Ni. Ni is the most self conscious function of them all.
Inferior Fi isnt really self conscious at all. Fi is about values, Inferior Fi is like having shaky morals and not really knowing what you really value in life
ISFP here, I always end up as therapist for all the people I know.
>mfw always have to give relationship advice to people even though I haven't even held a girl's hands
Does anyone else have some of these for the other types?
postin the other one
>Are you trying to imply these threads don't belong here?
No, just that I find no other content here worth paying attention to
I was at uni about to ride an elevator down today when I caught the door for a freshman who barely managed to slip in. He looked like he was upset inside and barely holding it together. I had just bombed my final but for some reason still felt great.
After confirming my year to him he paused for a bit and with a somber look asked me: "Do you like it here?" For some reason my Fe welled up out of nowhere and I just wanted to hold him and tell it would be alright. Depression is a big deal on our campus. I just said that things would get better and that I felt for him and we parted ways. Kind of surreal. I still feel like killing myself though.
As a Fe user what are your thoughts on its selfish brother Fi?
I don't really understand it desu. Imagining Fi in action for me is just imagining someone locking themselves up in their room and crying or sorting through their emotions or something. So maybe it's like me with Si except I'm in my memories instead of in my feels.
Fe only helps others because being seen as good increases their self-esteem. An Fe dominant is mentally incapable of creating their own self-esteem and rely entirely on others in this regard. All functions are as selfish and self-serving as every other. INFPs pride themselves on being flexible and not stepping on other people's toes, but on the other hand they don't EVER go out of their way to help others. ESFJs pride themselves on going out of their way to help others but don't ever ask "Does this person actually need help? Even WANT it?" To the ESFJ, being unwanted is a death sentence. Life would lose its purpose. So whenever one of them helps you, know that they're really just trying to prevent their own existential crisis.
Im an infj and Im always so terrified of stepping on infps emotional toes
like its palpable to me how much they feel about random things and Im not able to fully account for the degree of those feelings. even just making a comment or observation about a random topic, I get so scared that Im gonna somehow insult them or devalue strong emotions that I didnt know they had until after the fact....
anyone understand me lol..?
why didn't you tell him the truth that it won't be alright and he may as well end it now so it doesn't get any worse?
And this again.
No, I do not understand you with your shitty punctuation and grammar.
Do you actually not understand the concept or do you just want me to validate your awareness of poor grammar?
You're missing the point that I really don't give a shit.
ok I understand now :(....
INFPs get offended in two ways.
The first, and most common, is when they don't have anything to be offended about but make up a bullshit reason in their head about why what you did could be offensive and they decide to question (in their own mind) if you did it intentionally or not. This usually results in them being passive and upset and you really just have to ask what you did and why they're upset about it. They tell you, realize they're being silly and get over it in a few minutes.
The other is if you actually offend them. Their opinion of you will permanently change, for the worse. Nothing you do or say will remedy this. If it's severe enough they'll be done with you and there's nothing you can do about it. It usually takes a lot to get to this stage so unless you're being a real assclown you should be fine but also harsh truths don't sit well with INFPs, at least in my experience.
INTP here and it's like that for me with most INTJs. I can understand INFPs, I think. "Accept people's quirks, don't criticize me or the things I like, be real, and don't try to change my feelings" seems to be the bottom line. My Fe annoys them, though. They seem to find it boring and childish.
yeah this makes a lot of sense
Honestly I think Im too mean of an infj and love focusing on and understanding ugly truths....no wonder why all my infp relations feel strained lol
Fact: black INxP = turbo pariah
I have had a lingering obsession with MBTI for years now, and I wish I knew how to leave it all behind. At first, I was absorbed by its ability to describe traits I had previously held in high esteem or held in contempt, without ever having a clear image of what these traits were. I realized /why/ I admired the people I admired, /why/ I wanted to emulate specific characters, /why/ I was fascinated by specific celebrities.
Now, I see it as a system that is frustratingly accurate in one way, and frustratingly narrow-minded in another. I see it a system that has a lot of questionable rules which have no real logic behind them, and it's frustrating to see how adamant people are about adhering to a system with no evidence behind it. For example; why is it held that individuals with excellent "Ti" have poor "Fe"? Why is it held, that of the eight functions, everyone prefers four, and that there are only 16 ways that people can use 8 functions? Why can someone have and use "Ni" without being able to use "Ne" as well? It doesn't make any sense. It's pure and utter dogma. These are the rules, and they're just accepted. I know it doesn't make sense, but I'm still here. I don't know why.
Where did this person get this information from? Are there really only two forms of thinking? This comic makes it seem like you can only be 100% Te or 100% Ti.
I know a guy exactly like this.
im an entj and im a legit social retard who couldnt convince anyone to do anything
Here's the ENTP bf version.
haha nope i am intp
>I want to understand the truth, even if it isn't what people want to hear.
>I want to have a good standing with others, even if that's at the expense of the truth.
What about this "doesn't make any sense?"
>even if that's at the expense of the truth.
But that's not what Fe is.
I think I might have realized why you guys consider INFJs to be terrible people that devour souls or whatever. It has to do with us being the most extroverted introverts.
Full-blown extroverts like ENFJs and ENFPs are always in the mood for people time. They might draw you in for a close relationship, but that's okay because they're reliably sociable.
Introverts like INTJs might be cold and unavailable, but they never draw people closer to them in the first place so it doesn't matter.
INFJs can try to draw people closer with our Fe and desire for close relationships, but our introversion and need for solitude can also make us emotionally unavailable seemingly at random and push away those same people whose friendships we sought out.
In essence, extroverts promise close relationships and keep that promise. Most introverts don't make that promise at all. INFJs make that promise, but alternate between keeping it and breaking it.
Not really. It's more so that types with high Fe may appear warm and genuine on the outside but beneath their exterior is a calculating coldness that they use to manipulate people for their own purposes. This is pronounced further by Ni which looks deeply into the soul of others, which people enjoy because they finally feel understood, only for it to hurt more when they realise the XNFJ was using them. Take a type with low Fe like an ISTP however, when you do finally see their Fe it's usually genuine because they would only show it to people they deeply trust, their are no conscious functions operating beneath it, it's pure in a sense.
>when they realise the XNFJ was using them
Using them for what?
Usually to satisfy their Ni, though this manifests in multiple ways. For example, XNFJs will use their Fe to get someone to open up so that they can satisfy their Ni curiosity, the recipient of this Ni probing feels a deep connection with the INFJ but this connection isn't shared, and once the XNFJ has understood them they discard them.
This actually reminds me of a post I read years ago that always stood out because she sounds like a bad person. Does this person sound like an INFJ to you?
She talks about how she throws herself into relationships until she fully understands the other person, then falls out of love and moves on when there's nothing else left to take.
It's very possible. The way she describes always being the one to break it off first, and the obsession she evokes in her partners strongly indicate INFJ. However, the lack of remorse is uncharacteristic of them, and so is cheating.
>How can I make a girl want me for my personality?
Be more inviting.
This is your daily reminder that you are engaging in pseudo-scientific bumwash.
>but muh personality type describes me so well and it totes accurate
You know what describes you better? Adjectives, literal fucking adjectives. Turns out you can do some freaky ass science shit with them, you can sample mass groups of people are see if there are correlations between adjectives through a technique called factor analysis. If you call yourself shy, you are less likely to call yourself outgoing, more likely to call yourself timid and less likely to call yourself social. You can scientifically prove that there is a correlation and that these words are actually measuring what is known as Extraversion.
There are Five Aspects of personality, you can reliably produce them by subjecting adjectives across all languages to a factor analysis and you will get practical results that are reliable at predicting your actual fucking behaviour.
Did you know that studies have shown that half of the people who took an MBTI had their test results change after five weeks? This shit is super unscientific and you need to grow the fuck up, you're actually harming yourself with these lies, you're basing your decisions and judging others on this. Come on.
The scientific consensus is the Big Five and you are seriously missing out by not using it.
Stop being so blind, please.
Nice digits and nice spacing, but big five is actually even worse in being a shitty pseudoscience.
It's the secondmost valid theory in psychology actually, the only thing that is more psychometrically valid is IQ. You're straight up wrong and cannot invalidate this theory.
>However, the lack of remorse is uncharacteristic of them, and so is cheating.
Sounds like INFJs are basically goodhearted people when all's said and done.
More important question, who is more fit to survive in the world full of weak willed retards?
>fit to survive
if we're talking about actual apocalypse then ISTP
ENTP given their ability to adapt and overcome, I'd imagine.
>implying INTJ can't adapt and overcome if needed
please stop ignoring this
>trusting 16memes
I'm ENTP and my gf in INTJ and i can say i'm way quicker in mean of adpting than her.
Sorry, didn't mean to ignore INTJ's innate abilities. I just think ENTP is more suited for active normie duty whereas INTJ will create a niche that lets them thrive while maintaining maximum distance from normies.
Posting political mbti from the last thread
Well, as an ENTP i have to say that this ring way too much true, especially the part of being a dick and being able to befriend people so easily, my girlfriend always complains about that.
I don't feel comfortable with how accurate this is.