>tfw psychosis has made my life so weird even /x/ thinks I'm just shitposting
Tfw psychosis has made my life so weird even /x/ thinks I'm just shitposting
This is me its actually people documenting me and saying I made it up when kiwifarms is a thing
Redpill me on kiwifarms.
i forgot fake mental illness is a fad now
I'm not faking it. I'm diagnosed with psychotic depression. I see translucent people and can feel them touch me. I'm at the age where schizophrenia sets in and I feel like the dreamland is slowly absorbing me.
Fuck, I'm even unintentionally posting anime girls that look like the "spirits" that haunt me now. I see doc tomorrow. Is there anything I should tell him? I really don't want him to increase my meds again. That just made the delusions worse to the point that /x/ start getting pissed at me.
Stop going to /x/, they're just feeding your madness.
I'm addicted though. Whenever Jow Forums starts to piss me off I gravitate towards /x/. Jow Forums isn't healthy either but I feel like less of a bother whining here.
Tell him "I really don't want you to increase my meds again. That just made the delusions worse."
Explain how it made them worse if needed.
You should find a good Therapist/Psychologist and quit meds user.
Antipsychotics make you gain giant amount of weight, give you ADHD esque symptoms, give you BPD/Bipolar type mood swings, nothing will feel good anymore, you will not be able to think, life will feel empty, also you might get huge amount of acne/pimple stuff.
Im normie who has no schizo himself or in family but after taking literally just once during one day antipsychotic Risperidone. Then not taking it the next day due to feeling like shit. I've had all symptoms of schizophrenia for next 1 week thanks to that.
Couldn't fall asleep for 5 days, hallucinated, people told me im acting unnaturally agitated/active, that im saying weird stuff and that they fear my behavior. At best i managed to sleep 10 - 20 minutes, had to go back on it then gradually taper for few weeks before i could go back to "somewhat" normal functioning.
While antipsychotics do work, they also worsen the symptoms due to tolerance build up, just like with stimulants or psychedelics but in opposite direction. Your receptors become even more sensitized so that they shit themselves even more when you're off em.
Ive been on them for a while. Im probably going to become a massive wreck.
It's unrelated to the op but its pretty harmful
You shouldnt dehumanize people, its inherently wrong.
Let me cuddle you an reassure you that you'll be safe.
even though as a delusional paranoid such as myself even I would doubt my own words and I know full well that you'll doubt mine as well
You should be happy your life is interesting at least.
That's the tradeoff desu.
People know themselves best and kiwifarms and websites like that take away common sense
Basically stay away, since its mostly rumors
one day of risperidone just doesn't do that, did you eat the whole thing including the packaging? i'm in the process of coming off of risperidone (have been taking them since august) and i never had the sleeplessness and it made the delusions / hallucinations stop entirely (or they would've gone away on their own anyway). i did try to go to a psychologist, she refused to take me when i mentioned psychosis saying it's for a psychiatrist to fix.
What's the probability that I'm going to get schizophrenia? I have paranoia, disorganized thinking, avolition, and feel like there are external voices in my mind, but I haven't had any hallucinations yet.
I think it's kind of random. I went from just bipolar and depression to suddenly having lots of schizo symptoms once I reached early twenties. I still haven't been diagnosed with schizo... yet.
You picked the 3 shittiest boards on this site for your mental health.
I think it was all part of God's or Satan's plan.
>suddenly having lots of schizo symptoms once I reached early twenties
same, user. they put me on seroquel and it got rid of the majority of schizo thoughts, but im running out, so am about to see how bad i really am without drugs
I used to just get cranky when I missed my meds but ever since I reached schizo age I get scared af and feel like something's attacking me whenever I forget to take them.
I'm mentally ill and the best thing I've ever done in my life is kick (((shrinks))) and their dehumanization pills to the curb and wade through the problems by sheer force of willpower and occasionally self-medicating with wild herbs and herbal supplements. You can do it too OP, just believe in yourself.
>Is there anything I should tell him?
Tell him to suck a fat one.
>What's the probability that I'm going to get schizophrenia?
100% Everyone has schizophrenia to some degree. Really the only way that people get diagnosed is that it becomes a problem in your slave labor. Being able to hold down a job is an important distinction that (((doctors))) use to differentiate eccentricities from "mental illness".
The world is constantly attacking all of us. There's no way to fight back, so yeah it can be scary as shit. The only thing to do is accept it and tune it out like braindead normalfags. The harder you try to pull away, the harder it pulls you back in. The harder you try to push through it, the harder it'll push back. There is no winning no matter what you do. The only peace is in accepting defeat.
>Everyone has schizophrenia to some degree.
This is true but your 20s take it from 0 to 100 real quick. I went from high functioning normie with slight autism to low functioning schizo who can't hold a job. Human.exe took a nosedive straight off a cliff.
That sounds really sad. I hope that's just your mental illness speaking.
>You picked the 3 shittiest boards on this site for your mental health
Great insight, user. OP should probably start browsing Jow Forums, /lit/ and maybe Jow Forums if he doesn't have violent tendancies.
This feel is the worst feel, there is no escape.
I know its only a matter of time before the voices take over and I kill my mom.
Don't kill your mom. My demons hate my mom too but I don't want her dead.
>That sounds really sad. l hope that's just your mental illness speaking.