I have the courage to speak to the my old friend and try to get in a relationship with her.
Make me dead in a way that is both quick and painless for me.
She still shoots you down and the harshness of it affects you negatively throughout your life.
turn my house into a missile silo
I want a new pc and new phone, don't even care if both is used
The government pays you "fair market value lol", forces you to sign a non-disclosure, and tosses you out to fend for yourself while they build a silo under your former house
But you wake up in a hellish void where there is nothing but you and your thoughts and regrets
The government takes your home via eminent domain for a missile silo and boots you out into the street. All of your possessions are "taken for safekeeping" by the military, but are hopelessly lost in the bureaucracy.
A PC and phone lands on you from a third story window, maiming you.
Immortality for my family and I, without changing our forms as they are.
You're now the main cast of Unfriended: Dark Web.
granted. they both have bombs in them that will detonate when turned on.
granted, but you spend the rest of eternity in limbo
>Immortality for my family and I, without changing our forms as they are.
You and your family are now frozen in time forever, unchanging.
granted, but everyone else on earth dies
You get a pc and a phone which are both new to you even though they are 20 years old.
I wish for all wishes granted by this monkey's paw to be completely reversed, and for all wishes granted by similar objects to be reversed as well, with the caveat that I remain aware of what has changed.
I'm just curious to see what happens.
You die instantly in a car crash, but the person you loved most become paralyzed for life in the same car crash
Earth is eventually is destroyed and you spend the rest of eternity floating through the vacuum of space all alone, constantly suffocating but unable to die
granted, but she will not speak back to you at all
At least let me open Roblox and browse Jow Forums in peace before all of this happens to me
I wish I was the god of my own pocket realm with the power to create and exert influence over anything within it.
granted, but all of the effects of the wishes already done will be cast on you
sure but everything you create fucking dies lol
Granted. But you now MUST exert influence over all of it. It's a full time and very hectic job just to keep things from collapsing.
Thanks chief
Granted, but you can only play shitty tycoons and browse /b/
Awesome! I basically got an uncountable number of wishes for free!
Why can't I move? Actually, why can't I feel my face?
I wish for my dong to double in size
granted, but you turn into SCP-106
granted, it grows a tumor
oof, though to be honest after long enough of staring into the void my thoughts will eventually silence which isn't too far off what I wanted.
Well worth it
I wish for everyone I know to always be happy and have good things happen to them
i wish hat the answer and explanation to any academic question
granted, but everything bad that would happen to them happens to you
Granted. They're all on krokodil-tier drugs and will be dead by 2020. They are, however, in a permanent state of zen-like contentedness and see everything that happens as positive; they will die with a big ol' smile on their face.
Granted. But you could never articulate it in a way that people would believe your explanation. Eventually, out of frustration, you make a youtube channel exposing the secrets of the universe and turn into a laughing stock nutter. Unable to handle this, you turn to heroin and eventually overdose.
I wish I had magical powers like Dr. Strange. The power of the infinite would be at my beck and call.
I wish that I could go back to my preschool and kindergarten years with my current mind and knowledge.
Granted. You are now doomed to repeat those years over and over again.
cmon user lemme get some decent grades for a second
I want to kill a nigger.
>implying this wasn't what I wanted all along
But their family murders you and your family
Checkmate faggot. Infinite theory literally makes the probability that someone will be able to unfreeze me a reality and it'll be a blink of an eye to me and my senpai. Literally just a change in scenery over a nanosecond, BRAINLETS BTFO.
Infinite wishes.
Then wish for the repercussion(s) to never take effect.
granted, but every creature you create despises you and always work to kill you in horrible ways you dont think are possible
granted, but no girl wants to be with you, not even escorts
granted, but they all grow to hate you
Granted! Makes you unable to ask for any more wishes. Checked
But the years are only repeating FOR YOU. The world still goes on, the classmates move on, the teachers change, and on top of that, you still age.
Give me the power to create anything I imagine.
granted but there is a even more powerful wizard that is able to kill you instantly, and you have no way of beating him
I wish to be adopted by healthy, mentally sound parents.
granted, but you become a nigger after you do
a tornado comes hurdling down out of the sky and rips her head clean off sending her brains flying and splattering all over your face like chopped hotdogs and alphabet soup
you can never experience pain and you are reincarnated as an immortal banana slug trapped in a dead homeless man's asshole inside of a toilet and the only way to escape is through the sewers
everything explodes into a fiery inferno of ash and consumes everybody in your family sending them to an alternate universe version of hell where missile silos are sentient and can speak with very slow dragging deep booming voices and they tell really bad puns (they have 1,000 of them you will mesmerize in order as they loop back and forth) while you and your family are trapped in cocoons that smell like cayenne pepper and paint remover for eternity
ok im bored
Granted but you live in the middle of the Iraque war
For the first few months it's great. But you very quickly get bored and settle in to a normal boring life, working at the McDonalds because you've burned through all possible experiences so quickly.
Granted but you can't control it and your imagination keeps spawning increasingly degenerate shit
granted, but everything you create becomes deformed and you have to always completely destroy it out of disgust
It does, but only the foreskin
Eh... I'll take it
originally you fucking cuntblock filter
That one makes no sense to me. This "repercussion" is just a refusal to grant my wish.
im able to make any girl sleep with me, no questions asked
>old friend
oldest person you've spoken to is the only person you gain the courage to speak to
You ask for infinite wishes, I give them to you but I don't allow you to use them how is that refusing to give you your wish u retard
You can, but must fellate ten niggers on camera first.
Granted! But you are unable to get an erection
Granted, every woman you ask will sleep with you... on your bed, non sexually.
Granted, but as a result all women smell like fish
you are now a full 2 inches. Even the paw feels bad for you.
It works, they physically can not object, but they still report you for raep afterwards
granted but midway sex they grow a gigantic dick(14 inches)
The world finds out you wasted a wish that could do anything and solve all the worlds problems, and that you wasted it on a computer and a phone. Because of this everyone fucking hates you
I find meaning
Granted| But the meaning you find is your worst nightmare
i wish to be a citizen of an eternal and isolated utopian society
I wish i to have the power to make any girl i want to fall madly in love with me, and to be able to trigger that power with my thoughts
>i thought that the twist was supposed to be bad?
granted but you get ripped in half by a mob of women fighting over you
Granted. They are madly in love with you forever, and by mad I mean insane. They go full yandere immediately and there is no off-switch.
I want to ace all my classes, win out big on stocks, become rich and influential, and use my influence to progressively control elections and soon the world
you start to lose control of the power and anytime you use it it effects other people you dont care about
i can enter a stalker mode in which im basicly a ghost and noone can hear me(i fly and i can still masturbate)
granted but you get every std known to man
granted, but the same thing happens to someone else and you slowly lose all your power to someone else
Granted! But you live the rest of your life feeling the biggest misery and depression imaginable making you unable to enjoy anything in existance
you are now a full 2 inches. Even the paw feels bad for you.
granted, but one day you are stuck like that forever and eventually starve
Deal, as long as I rule over the peons
Deal if it's during old age, but I'll try to assassinate him nonetheless
i wish the same as user but they retain their moral condition and social values so they don't fuck me up
I wish that i am able to make my own wishes with no consequences
keyword in that sentence
>during old age
Its around your mid 40s
I'll just try to make myself feel better, and fine deal. Let's not waste anytime on getting me that money
granted but anyone you try it on slowly return to normal, and you are unable to use it again on the same person
Granted! but you can only make them for other people who have a specific set of circunstances, which change randomly every time you make a wish for them.
I want all the money in the cash register and a get away car.
granted but when youre about to be nominated world leader you get entirely naked
I wish I had an incredible personality, becoming captivating and charming
Will there be ancient artwork of my masculine beauty, or unclothed statues raised in public squares? There will.
granted, but you are instantly caught by police