Ex reddit incel quote on quote robots getting increasingly mad about females on this board

>ex reddit incel quote on quote robots getting increasingly mad about females on this board
i wonder where theyll take refuge next

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I keep hoping they'll fuck off to wizchan or 8ch or anywhere but here.

>quote on quote

quotes count as non ASCII text for me apparently. their negative attitudes stink up the board more than a little vagina does

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Do you have full picture of this OP?

Good stuff.

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>mfw incel posts around me

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I hope you get raped and get pregnant and have to give birth to the child of your rapist i hope that rapist is me

The phrase is "quote unquote." And yeah they really do, I want self-professed incels and Jow Forums out of here.

had to dig for it ufh


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holy fuck what the fuck I thought it was quote on quote my entire life. fucking lul. not even op but thanks for the tip u grammar police nigger

>invade an incel board
>claim it as yours
>pretend you're glad when the originators that made the board interesting leave
>destroy the place from what it once was
>be proud

Literally only the mentally sick roleplayers that frequent the discords could actually feel this way. I hope you get help for your personality disorders.

it never was an incel board, and you were never welcome here. and youll never be welcome anywhere that matters

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Females cant be robots and you cant change that.

>good things come to a end
thanks Batman
you've solved another quandary

>roleplayers getting called out and swarm

>Tumblr art
>gay pic
>gay post
lmao of course

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anyone can be a robot if theyre autistic enough use common sense. what cant be changed however is the fact that everyone on this board is fucked up some way or another

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not sure where the tumblr comment came from but ill agree with you to make you feel better

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This was and still is a robot board
Redditors, roasties and failed normies get the fuck out

Being a mentally ill slut doesnt make you a robot, user.

you ticked every box
now get the fuck off Jow Forums

no, fuck off
and I was here before you as well, so suck my dick

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neither does having the facial features of a goblin so much that even 4/10s wont stand to be within 2 feet of you. dont they have forums for you cucks? go back there

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It's never been so easier to tell someone's from reddit.

This has never been an incel board. This has always been a board for robots, social outcasts and such. You fucks attributing all your problems to women need to actually go lol

This board (9001, not 9000) was literally an incel board by design from the start

the robot was from the old r9k and only got brought back by Hiro in like late 2015
fucking sneaky lying whores need to fuck off

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Jow Forums is and always has been an incel board and you will never be able to change that
even if all the robots leave and you replace all the focused virginal energy and fun with trannies and e-celeb drama everyone will still remember this board as the incel/ loser (male) board

Sorry you cant handle the truth
Probably more attractive then the average "fembot".
Are you projecting, user?

Someone had to say it. Incels will never be robots. They belong on reddit

The idea of a robot/ incel have always been one and the same, and always unchanged in their definition.
Women cannot and never could be robots

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>I've been here since 2016, jokes on you

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Thank u v much user

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cute! I want to bully a qt shota

We won't fall for your divide and conquer tactics roastie.

Incel was a commonly used synonym for robot here long before it became associated by normies with the subreddit
.There was literally a tripfag who would post constantly who had incel in his name around 2013/ 14

The main "demographic" of this board is and has always been robots.
Robot: A virgin male (usually white) between the ages of 19 and 35

Atleast we're trying to get laid you pathetic robots

Jow Forums is property of incel gang and has been since it's inception
To argue otherwise is to argue against documented evidence, the archives are there for anyone to see!
Roasties, trannies and other infiltrators are nothing new and the demoralisation and denial tactics exemplified by this very thread are something we're used to.

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