I lift for her

>i lift for her

Attached: Kurosawa.Dia.600.2497038.jpg (600x338, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I lift for her

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i lift for joe chemo

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>I lift for her

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I lift for my loving wife

Attached: 1533282594474.png (900x1400, 1.13M)

I lift to take back the Motherland.

Attached: 1550495043471.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

That is why I am Jow Forums. I hope the revolution is soon.

Tikka Masala isn't Indian what a fucking retard.

I do it for her

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Attached: moe 2.jpg (225x225, 8K)

the sheer arrogance and entitlement of this totally infuriates me, and I'm not even Jow Forums.


based and nicopilled

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commit sewer side incels

Me? I lift for Ana.

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I lift for You !

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the only 10/10 ive seen so far

Lifting is bullshit. Real women are into vidya

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>lifting for women
>they are not even real
Unironically never gonna make it.

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what game

Unironically log out of 4chin.

I lift for him

Attached: Arthas.jpg (685x1032, 209K)

I lift for Yunyun. Pic related is my body pillow

Attached: IMG_20190220_193123.jpg (300x503, 56K)

Actual women don't care about muscles anyway so why would I lift for them ?
I lift for myself and for my cute 2d wife

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Dia is a good girl.

Dakis are great.
Try to get another if your bed is big enough.

They are abstractions. Ideals. Incorruptible ur-women. Guideposts for action in a world of petty things.

They are more real than real.

Attached: ass-eater.png (1584x888, 2.02M)

who dis she cute

Attached: STEAL.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

Confirmed dakis are great. Pic related is mine, and the reason I lift.

t. lifting for a buxom firehead who fires an anti-materiel rifle in one hand who can crush my dick with the other

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i lift for her

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For her, while listening her songs

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I lift so one day I may be able to confidently say:
>Hop in, dude

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cringe. back to pol, nazi

I lift to be him

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I lift for the best primarch

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Attached: waifu.jpg (680x463, 238K)

>Liking the retard of the primarchs

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Small autistic girls are precious.

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Bench the future.


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Sure is a shit waifu you've got there.

>I'm not even Jow Forums
>in 2019
I'm unironically interested in why white people in the current year can still be cucks. Is it low test?

I'm not Jow Forums because I went to a meetup with my fuckface cousin.
Jow Forumsfags fit every stereotype of them to a t.
Fat, dumb, noguns, would willingly fellate a cop for no reason, 24/7 virtue signalling
It's sickening. They aren't even actual nationalists or racists, they're just loud contrarians who want Talking Head Of The Month to notice their YouTube rantsona.

moeposters pls go

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I lift for her

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Attached: disregard harems, genocide goblins.jpg (1146x1000, 757K)

>no Violet Behemoth, Daidoji, Miyabi or Momoyo style GF
fucks sake life sucks

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I honestly feel like I'm becoming a mix of GS and Guts except instead of killing the shit out of enemies, my autism is focused on aviation

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Watch Monogatari you nu-anime faggot

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I bet I squat more than u lol

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The only saving grace of being surrounded by Cubans is that you see hot chicks like her in the city every now and then. At least thats one way I enjoy my time in Miami whenever I'm there

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But monogatari is nu-anime

If you want to shine like a sun, first you have to burn like it

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That's enough coffee for today, Mohammed

So you're nothing like them. Thanks for clearing that up.

Arthas did nothing wrong


Nigger it's more like I don't give a shit about women nor the world, I'm only in for myself and I just want to survive and be strong. Try having some comprehension


idk man love live seems like an anime to me

Sorry gramps I didn't realize you were 28

>1990 was 40 years ago

I lift for her

Attached: 888.jpg (500x375, 227K)

>lifting for a dead kike on a stick
>he wasnt even real
Embarrassing really

School Idol Festival is a rhythm game for Smartphones and there are no plans for more seasons of anime so he's right on that count.
For the foreseeable future the members of Muse live on through SIF.
Though Grand Order is getting anime adaptations so it's no longer solely a mobage.

Illias' final boss battle theme is hype.

But for real though the early monogataris are pretty based when you compared it to the nu trash like konosuba, dragon maid, cells at work, XD le goblins. I think it would be a good gateway show for people wh started watching Anime in 2016 and just watch the cookie cutter airing shows

>Dragon Maid
nigger, those are fighting words

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so we agree love live is anime, good

Yes, but one that is no longer airing.
The mobage is keeping the franchise alive.
You're not getting any new content from anime.

Gonna lift to this tonight. Really hoping it shows up again in paradox part 3

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I wouldn't go that far. For all we know, user might get to bomb mexicans one day.

If I make it to the Air Force, I'm calling dibs on a B-2

I do it for him.

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You wanna have a squat off to settle this? Ill be at the Arnold

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Oh shit I forgot about Paradox.
Do you know when part 3 will get translated?

I already squatted yesterday

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Lion El’Johnson is better

I lift for

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i dont see how that matters
many people posted their wifu from anime that is no longer getting any new content
only one picture from the love live ones were from mobage, so i would get if he only quted that one
but the other were eitther screenshots from anime or fan art
him calling it mobage is wrong

Part 3 aint out yet, nor do we even have a trailer. 70%ish of part 2 is available, though ive heard the translation team is nearly done with the snow continent finale. Another team also translated most of the LoC

I see, thanks for the quick rundown.

Disgusting nigger mark on her lip

I, too, lift the dead person that stands behind me when I look in my mirror.