What kind of man gets the girl on the right?

What kind of man gets the girl on the right?

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A man of culture.

A fictional man because that girl is 2-d

I’m a pretty easy-going and non-judgmental guy, but images like this make me think all weebs should be crucified

As a weeb who is past any sort of redemption, I wholeheartedly agree.


A man that is based and redpilled.

Seeing anybody who isnt Japanese watch more than a handful of anime makes me wish for Caesars Legion style crucifixion

But my jojo's are alright?

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Anyone wanna come with and kill a bunch of weebs in the Arizona desert?

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degenerates like you belong on a cross

What's wrong with the left girls legs? Did she get her knees blown off by the japs?

The "Morning Leader"

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Man. So true.

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Get off your ass and cook for yourself. No man gets that girl cause no woman wants to fuck an overgrown child.

Tfw main character

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just escape this and you will make it.

Kuudere, I think I am one in real life .

There's no girls like that in the modern world, they're too busy updating their social media accounts and applying makeup to their washed up greasy faces. We live in dark times.

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do i get to rape people?

I know one. She still kinda likes social media, but most girls trash her for enforcing the thought that the one on the right can exist.

You after a while you have to fight

most "classical" movies come all from only one place namely Hollywood. Basically most western people ain't watching their countries own production either way.

Thats not even a role, wtf, i want a refund

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>I’m a pretty easy-going and non-judgmental girl, but images like this make me think all weebs should be crucified because they remind me how shitty i am

Me. Dont ask me how, im a failure in almost all aspects of life. Just keep searching

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Damn right

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An archaic man who exudes toxic masculinity

My wife desu. She works in a supermarket in the mornings like 05:00 and finishes around 12:00. Before I get home the dinner is waiting for me. All done from scratch. My previous GF were much better educated min university degree but they didn't feel like cooking or just plain couldn't. I take care of thing like bills and whenever something has to be done I will be the one organising it but I don't mind. I actually do prefer to do it this way because I know its done right. She usually puts her hair in a bun if she is going to work or BJ. Generally girls from smaller towns /villages tend to be less educated but are harder workers and have better developed homemaker skills.


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This is based

Do girls like this one even exist anymore

None of these are reality. Shy girls are just shy anf you have to make the first step so they no longer feel intimidated.

>The fuck are you trying to say you dumb whore

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Had one lie about needing help in math to get inside my home. I'm sure she taught it was cute n shit but personally i can't stand manipulation attempts because where is she gonna lie next? Risk ain't worth the trouble.

Girls are almost never the ones to start stuff, i'd say never but some smartass faggot will come out with a dumb example, they way girls "start" stuff is actually by making it easier for the man, like dancing closely in a club, or giving undirect hints

Had this happen to me once, I ended up pissing her off bc she was a slow learner

Yeah I don't know why else she'd ask a retard like you for help on anything academic

Why so salty, feeling targeted?
She outright admitted it after i pointed out that she didn't seem to have any troubles solving the problems. I don't know about you faggots but i certainly don't want to start any relationships based on deception.