My landlord is outside

My landlord is outside

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I texted my landlord earlier today to renew my lease.

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Let's lynch him

Godspeed user. Wishing the best for you. This isn't original btw nice.

pay denbts lole

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thanks for the support user

>Let's lynch him
Bad idea

dab on him epic style

offer your bussy as payment

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He's knocking on my door now

He saw me playing on my Nintendo switch through the window

He's gonna be super mad that I didn't get a job again this month when I said I would get a job within two months of moving in

It's been a year

I think I lower his property value because of my scent and appearance

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open the fucking door o u will get kicked out so fast

>open the fucking door o u will get kicked out so fast
Nah it's ok

Whatever is coming up next I can handle it

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its okay user. you can move in with me as long as you let me use you as my fuck doll now then. pretty good deal desu

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If your landlord wanted you out he wouldn't show up personally he would just send in some security. Also unless you have the deadbolt locked 24/7 they could get in the apartment whenever they wanted.

He's been patient with you for a long time. What trouble are you having with getting a job?

He doesn't want to kick me out yet
My parents have paid my rent for the last 6 months ish

But they haven't paid in the last two to push me to get a job, they'll probably pay him soon though

He just hates me because I'm a NEET

>What trouble are you having with getting a job?
I haven't been applying so I cannot get a job

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Have you considered applying for a job so you will have a job?

Ok, but why havent you been applying then? Anxiety, lack of jobs or just laziness?

>landlord says no smoking in the apartment
>do it anyway

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OP if you wear a skirt and let me fuck you in your fat ass then I'll pay your rent.

I would only let a boy use me as a fuck doll if he cuddled me and held my hand and treated me very nicely also

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I'm not applying because I applied to some jobs a couple of months ago and no company replied to me and it made me really sad

They didn't even send me an email back

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*loud noises of wood and debris falling*
Excuse me, user. I've come to collect the rent money.

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of course user! we would play games and watch stuff together. it would basically be a long sleep over forever.

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>be maintenance guy
>going around posting eviction notices
>hear someone in empty apartment
>pop door open with flat bar
>some homeless black dude screams dont shoot, jumps out the window, and sprints away

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When did you realize you are the bad guy

i think you actually have to follow up with a phone call or something. they usually aren't going to reach out to you

My landlord is based and gives me free weed

>My landlord is based and gives me free weed
What the fuck

>nintendo switch
Brings me back to the good old memes

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Clearly, that's too much effort for OP.

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What's so suprising? Many landlords are drug dealers. He only gives me an oz a month though.

>Many landlords are drug dealers

>I think I lower his property value because of my scent and appearance
How hard is it to bathe now and again? Jesus.

don't worry, i'm going to kill myself soon and you parasites can harass someone else

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>only an oz a month

Slow down there buddy

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That's like $80, weed is cheap now even in rural shitholes like my town.

Yeah the price is alright but I just couldn't see myself smoking an oz each month. Idk maybe I'm just a casual

give me the rent or get OUT of my property

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>landlord wants OP to bathe at least once a day and not openly display that he's a lazy parasite by keeping his window open and playing videogames while everyone else has to go to work

He probably doesn't even care that you don't have a job, it just irks him to look at the pathetic excuse of a human being you are OP. It's hard to feel sorry for an animeposter.

Funny how you post that when Trump himself wrote about not standing directly in front of doors when collecting rent in order to not get shot

>He probably doesn't even care that you don't have a job, it just irks him to look at the pathetic excuse of a human being you are OP. It's hard to feel sorry for an animeposter.

He cares
He's told me multiple times that even if my parents pay for the rent he doesn't want "people like me" in his apartment

It gets so quiet during the day time when everyone goes to work

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>"people like you"
Jesus christ, what a rude shitlord. Make sure to do some subtle shit to fuck with that appartment

Just like the song

You're a lazy shitbag OP, but IMO it's none of your landlord's business what kind of person you are. I'd be annoyed too, but I wouldn't come after you as long as you paid up. Good luck out there.

Online applications are mostly a meme, go and apply in person

>online applications are a meme

Have you ever had a job?

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I could not fucking imagine not paying rent for two months in a row. I used to have panic attacks if I was a day late.

Do temp work. Go to a temp office like Express of Labor Systems or something and apply there. As long as you can pass a piss test they can find something for you. And if you don't like a job you can quit with only 2 days of notice.

Express OR Labor Systems*
There are various temporary labor service companies. As long as you show up on time and can follow directions and stay on task you will be a superstar. Don't act like you are any more competent than they need at the time. Keep your head down, do what you are told, that's all they want. Companies that hire temp labor just assume they are getting shitbags (mostly they are) so if you don't cause problems and do the job they are happy.

This is for USA though idk what the labor market is like elsewhere.

How about you go fuck yourself
There's absolutely no reason for me to get super stressed out about getting a job

Those two kindly gave you advice and you immediately showed the true NEET inside you and brushed them off. Damn, no wonder your landlord fucking hates you. You're just as bad as welfare abusers. Good luck OP, I hope you get evicted.

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My parents will pay for late rent next month

None of his fucking business as long as you pay the rent on time.

You fucking parasite, stop leeching off of people who care for you

You're fucking pathetic

This is their obligation

They created me and must care for me
I never asked for this. I don't know why you are lashing out at me

I did nothing wrong
All I want to do is play smash ultimate, is that really so evil of me

It isn't evil nor morally wrong per se

It's really pitiful and pathetic though, and I feel bad for people in your life


Part of caring for you is making you able to function on your own.
The best thing they can do for you is forcing you to get a job, since you are obviously an unmotivated person who needs someone to push him into becoming independend.

op, challenge him to a game on switch or settle thos like the olden days over a match of ssbm.

if you beat him you get another month free

Not really. He owns the property so it is his business who he lets stay in it. I dunno about other countries but in the UK landlords will usually want to know what you are like and will explicitly ban certain types of people like welfare receivers (almost every landlord bans them)

>living in a third world country