>Be hot Stacy with a 10/10 body
>Yeah i have like social anxiety and stuff and people are mean to me sometimes i'm like a robot and stuff please give me attention
Can you believe the nerve of this bitch
Be hot Stacy with a 10/10 body
yeah and especially this part:
>well handsome guys hit on me on the bar when they're drunk, but they only want sex. No one wants to date me buhu
Bu hu indeed, stupid roast
Image if a Chad had pulled this shit he would be ran out
Men and women want different things. Men would love nothing more than for a random drunk whore to walk up and suck their dick but women dont find that to be a fantasy scenario.
Oh sweet! Is this the Newfag General?
lul. im slowly realizing that you faggots just want to be a pampered pretty girl. you should become traps.
>Women would love nothing more for a random drunk chad to come up and stick their dick in them
>be me
>meet some 8/10 stacy
>we're talking
>she tells me shes an introvert, isn't a slut and is lonely
>find out over the course of a week that she goes to 1-2 partys every weekend.
>Dresses like a total sloot every day.
>Has about 50 guys all chatting to her at every moment
>still tries to tell me shes like me.
>she even tried to convince me that she was a 'robot' like me
>I'm not even a fucking robot im a dirty cyborg nigga
No just a woman hate thread
No i want to kill pretty girl's
But most men drunkenly approaching them aren't Chad.
>this girl posts here
>she will never sit on my face
what's a 'robot'? why does everyone keep bringing it up on this board?
>Aren't chad
That's why they don't want them
She only posted this one thread for attention
>Coworker with two kids tell me about her medication for her "anxiety"
>Have literally never seen this cunt anxious
>I'm always a second a way from sweating my life away
>wanting a Jow Forums roast
>you can always 'see' anxiety
low quality bait
clearly some newfag that wants to piss off other newfags that feel they're not newfags because they can define something everyone on this board knows.
Wrong. I want a relationship.
>meme anxiety that everyone has
>worried about the future
>other people
>actual social anxiety
>took me years of practice and doing drugs to be comfortable talking to people
>still sweat when uncomfortable
>used to not even look people in the face
and yet you respond
God I want to take her to pound town doggy style
i don't because i'm gay ;)
Yeah me too she may be a dumb annoying attention whore but i'd fuck her like a animal
an animal, user.
I have been drunkenly approached by Chad. I turned him down. What now?
>go to bars presumably with friends
God I fucking hate "Fembots"
If that would be true, women wouldn't cheat so often
You don't honestly expect me to believe your a girl do you?
you're, user.
So did you score, or nah?
I'm not a reddit fag
I'd post proof, but I don't want to get banned.
Ummm i don't understand what you are saying
ummmm sweatie are you this dumb really?
Is there more of this slut?
Good. now come to Germany and fall for me. I'm Brad tier, women try to get my attention, but I don't cheat. I'm 6 foot tall
You called me user and asked if i was ok i don't know what the fuck you mean by that but yes i am ok
>I'm 6 foot tall
you mean short
No thanks.
Lost me at Germany.
someone who has bad social skills and is dead inside and feels jack shit like a robot. Most people here aren't robots and are actually just autists and actual robots don't call themselves robots
Yeah I know, not many german posters here
literally everyone on this board
unless youre trans or schizo or have a permanent disease youre literally just a larping sadboi faggot
go outside you fucking losers
try for once in your miserable pathetic beta lives
you dont have any problems.
youre just being a little bitch
I mean your brain chemistry can be fucked up and you'd still be attractive. I agree that a lot of people use this shit for attention but you can't see mental illness.
Like bipolar as a disease?
Isn't the former just someone who is depressed?
Actually they do. They get angry if men want love but no sex. It's ironically the opposite that women only want sex because it validates them and increases their self-worth
But beautiful people are loved by most everyone they have no reason to have social anxiety
I know, I fucked up.
but you know who also fucked up? the namefag. get that shit outta here
Oh who am i kidding your not even a girl anyway
bipolar is baby mode and mania easily makes you sociable
a real disease/impariment that's permanent and life disrupting like being hit by lightning and having chronic pain or something
I have ptsd and need my chihuahua with me at all times because one time i got called fat
No. I decided to ghost her because I noticed she was building a number of orbiters and I felt I was becoming one.
She said I was her best friend not that long ago, haven't talked to her since. Obvious fucking ploy.
Type 2 is mostly depression and the manias are pretty destructive.
>Baby mode
I can tell you don't know anyone with bipolar
>be some slut with a nice ass
>post said ass in a thread
>possibly even a passable gay tranny
>robots toot your pics and talk about you day in and day out.
This is how these shitty e-celeb/waifu/I don't know what to call it, orbiting cults start. Soon you'll have people making threads wishing Big Butt Slut good morning and "I hope you had a nice day, Big Sis Slut booty". All you're trying to do is make her come back so that you can orbit her, because she responded to you lot. Like that other wide-hipped, small boobed bimbo that was popular some time ago. I don't even remember her name because I don't get involved in that shit or all the other online 3D waifus of Jow Forums
This is why you'll never be respected and will always be pathetic losers. You worship online whores instead of making sure women have an incentive to be modest followers of our Lord and Savior with values and self-respect.
Well mental illness doesn't have a reason. The way we see the world is based on how our brain works. You could have everyone in the world adore you but not believe it and feel like an awful piece of shit.
No man, I mean I'm sure you talked to other women too in the mean time? I mean I believe women can still be loyal, atleast they often explain cheating with being treated badly at home. Go for a 2nd try user, gl
ok i don't feel like a robot i just have bad social skills and i have flashbacks of something that i said or did long time ago that makes cringe and feel almost a physical pain. so definitely not a robot.
Well i have yet to see a metal ill Chad or Stacy if you noticed must crazes are average or below
I knew a girl who was very attractive and every said how much energy shed give to any interaction she had. She ended up killing herself because of bipolar. I just don't think things are as black and white as people on this board want you to believe. Suffering is a personal experience and is different for everyone.
except bipolars only have a 20% suicide rate so 80% of people with bipolar are perfectly fine
destructive my ass
probably because 80% of people who are bipolar arent even bipolar and just have accepted some stupid label of being bipolar
trannies are at 40% from suicide alone
nobody ever murders bipolar people or beats them or rapes them or harasses them
depression is an excuse for whiny 1st worlders who cant accept that they are lazy/stupid/fuck ups
its called life and you got too many participation trophies as a kid
For every good looking person with a mental illness there is 1000 ugly people with a mental illness
Nah I ain't going in for a round 2. I thought she might've been different because of her agreeableness towards a lot of my ideas and thoughts however in practices we're nothing alike.
oh shit. Hope I date her reincarnated soul and heal her
Yeah you don't know anyone whose had it then. That's a very high suicide rate for any mental illness including unipolar depression. You're a brainlet that spouts stats that he's either quickly looked up online or has been fed to him on Jow Forums. Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
it was supposed to be the world before incel in internet culture
both words evolved into different meanings and are each an independent version of their own selves tho
robot is someone who is from mere sad to depressed, doesnt have much social skills or spaghetti his pockets constantly when talking to girls, leads a life with zero to little friends but has an otherwise relatively normal life
an incel is someone with massive genetic disorders that completely wrecks his chances with girls, like dickletism and manletism. may of may not affect the rest of his life concerning friendship circles, work and school.
Definitely not an incel. And hardly a robot. Have a normal life. But still have shitty social skills and tend to avoid people.
>tfw no stacey fembot gf
Yeah, fuck you stacey's. I don't just want sex, I want love. Except you have to pat my head while I lay in your lap.
Who is this girl, OP?
Is it a trap?
no, we call her booty girl around here
>I want to have my cake and eat it too
Do you understand the luncay of a hot female posting about her shitty love life on a board filled with men who cant get anything?
Women do not belong here, women cannot be robots. THERE IS NO DIFFERENT THING. There is no 'women can be robots but have different problems'. Women can get laid even if it just being used a cum bucket, its more than what we get therefore you have no reason to be here.
Nothing more than entitled tubro thots with the world at their feet wanting more and more and more. I wish I lived 500 years where youl burn women for cunttery.
This is grade A horseshit. Really what it is is that normals want to fuck and everybody else wants am emotional connection. Normals think they do, but normals end up always selfishly using people in a relationship
anyone got the front side? I wanna see her titties
>I turned him down. What now?
What the fuck do you want from us? You know you don't like unattractive men at the end of the day, so why fucking hang out around here?
Fucking a, I hope I live to see even the beginning of the definitive fall of man
>have no reason to have social anxiety
I agree that certain people having social anxiety is dumb but
That statement is way stupider than anything could ever be
Dude theres a huge amount of middle ground between commiting suicide and being fine.
Holy shit, how do you need to be told that?
>I have social anxiety even tho people love me for just being attractive
They are just trying to get attention user don't be fooled
Potentially but
Anybody can have mental illness man. There are so many wires in the human brain it is entirely possible for any of them to cross
>mental illness has to make sense
Your talking bullbird man
Literal brainlet. People who think in black and white like this should be castrated.
I'm not saying it's impossible just very rare and most of the time fake
Come castrate me faggot oh wait your just a pussy talking shit on the internet
why haven't you posted more ass pics OP?
must just be bait
I only got the one pic of here dumb nigger
Original misspelling
>fight me irl
typical brainlet argument. Die in a fire.
Yeah whatever internet tough guy
>people with anxiety and depression somehow have sex
How? I barely have the energy or confidence to leave the house.
>pointing out a typo
Wow, you're a real special type of faggot, aren't you?
Yeah my own misspelling why the fuck do you care? Couldn't come up with a good insult?
>But beautiful people are loved by most everyone
Most people just wanna fuck them. The ones that can't despise good looking people
>most people just want to fuck them
That's more than what most people get
Redhead, are you here?
Ya know as much as i hate her(i made the fembot hate thread) i would love to fuck her and cuddle with her afterwards but i know that's not realistic
because it's meme anxiety
That's usually the case with 99% of incels. The second a female shows any attention you turn into mommy's boys. Seen even the most hardcore misogynists who were fantasizing about "roastie genocide" turn into soft marshmellowy pillow talk boys on discord the minute I vc'd with them on discord. It would be sad if it wasn't so laughable
Most of you shitting on people for "fake" mental illnesses have untreated mental illness yourself.
Denying legitimacy of people's problems and shaming of people for receiving treatment as "attention seeking" on online communities like this is unbelievably toxic, and actually contributed to my not seeking help until I had completely fucked up my life.
It's so frustrating on one hand i want to murder them in the most violent ways possible and on the other i want to hug and kiss them and whisper sweet things into their ear
>People with real mental illnesses get mad at people using mental illness for attention
What a concept
Here's what the psychology of that is:
The robot someone less fucked up than them getting help.
They themselves aren't getting help.
So they lash out at the less fucked up person as an "attention seeker".
Which I get. Their shit isn't on the same level as your shit. But that doesn't mean they don't have problems. It just means that you have extremely bad problems, and really need to take action.
The rational thing to do is realize that if people less fucked up than you are getting help, then you should definitely get help.
What happens? tell us more about how they exactly they change.
first line supposed to be:
*the robot sees someone less fucked up than them getting help
Honestly you just need to tone down the blatant hate for people you don't even know and maybe you'll find someone to hold you.