Why is the US behind in free college/healthcare?
Why is the US behind in free college/healthcare?
>NDSAP gives everyone free healthcare
>Places the health of citizens as one of the most important corner stones to society
>Promote Roman-like levels of health and fitness
>Neo-nazis argue against universal healthcare
>in free college/healthcare?
>free college/healthcare?
bad troll
because its a backwards brainwashed society with a corrupt government.
>inb4 eurocuck
>two years
>community college
Staying out of the workforce for two years while learning nothing and earning nothing. What a great idea.
There are some good medical degrees you can get out of a community college
>Roman-like levels of health and fitness
The death rate was higher than the birth rate in Rome and they had to constantly flood it with immigrants. It was a filthy diseased place full of filthy diseased people. I don't know what the FUCK you are talking about.
Everyone knows that it's not actual free user fuck, that's just what it's called. You're like the atheist who think they disproved the existence of Jesus by saying that the letter J didn't exist back then. Yeah, because his name wasn't actually Jesus, stupid. Stop being so dumb.
Neither of these things are profitable enough, OP.
>Everyone knows that it's not actual free user fuck, that's just what it's called.
Why do you insist on calling it free then when you admit it's not free?
is it because you're trying to trick low IQ morons into believing it?
Because I'm not giving the government 65% of my paycheck. You see if I lived in a place like Singapore where the government is actually efficient and provides as much as I pay I would be more than happy to. But we live in a country where zoomers are too lazy to open cans.
I got to go to community college "for free" just by being low income. It's already happening, you just need to be dirt poor. I squandered money and bought stupid shit with my student refunds, too.
Just bring back a focus on standardized testing to make sure people who deserve higher education can go.
not him but the person going into college isnt paying money from their OWN pockets, (everybody else is), therefore its free for the individual
I dont care about any of this shit unless my student loan debt is also forgiven
>Genocide happens
>Average death rate goes up
Everyone agrees that the veteran's administration gives vets terrible healthcare, there was a huge scandal over it. That's what government run healthcare in the US would be.
The problem is scale, it's far too large, far too spread out to give reasonable care.
>is it because you're trying to trick low IQ morons into believing it?
well yes? isn't that what the whole of politics is for? tricking dumb people into believing your shit?
>(everybody else is), therefore its free for the individual
It's not free, the cost is back loaded onto that persons taxes for the rest of their life.
Smart euros can avoid this though by getting a taxpayer funded education in Europe and then moving to the US were they'll pay a fraction of the tax rate, thus saving them thousands of dollars.
I know, government culture would have to completely change for many of the things people want the government to handle. But shit man we can't even do smart shit like government setting the price of drugs and treatment. But yeah telling people government culture has to change for some reason really pisses people off for some reason.
Because it would benefit blacks and immigrants. These programs will only happen when they are available to whites only. Just look at the south. Most southern states have no economy outside of agriculture because the racists think investing in education/training for something other than agriculture is a waste of time.
t. never been to the south
>Most southern states have no economy outside of agriculture
Alright yank whatever you say. Industry, finance, transportation has all moved to the south.
>The vast majority of the male population is returning as veterans
>GI Bill allows them to attend college for free
>This continues for 10+ years thanks to Korea
>The US is losing the scientific war with the Soviet Union
>Eisenhower puts billions (modern day trillions) into education
>Kennedy and Johnson both continue this trend
>Public education is basically free until...
>Ronald Reagan decides that we don't need to fund education anymore
>Puts caps on the amounts that go to education at a time when inflation was going up drastically, education was getting more expensive, all of the people with tenure were retiring and getting pensions, etc
>This cap is never raised in 30+ years
>Tuition rates double, triple, quadruple in the next few decades
>By 2010 they are 10x more than what they were in 1990
>The easy access to quality education from 1945 to 2000 has made getting a college degree an absolute necessity for an entry level job
I know it's old hat to blame everything on the baby boomers, but they absolutely fucking killed the golden goose and then refuse to share their eggs with anyone else.
Because highschool education isn't good enough to create sufficiently educated workers anymore since they refuse to fail people. Rather than fix the issue by looking deeper they'd rather throw money at it and see what sticks. In the process, an undergraduate degree a generation from now will be as worthless as a highschool diploma today.
Because we spend so much money keeping the rest of the world at peace.
A lot of community colleges have certifications available that can get you a much better job than just a high school diploma.
no it hasn't nigger. Mississippi Florida, Tennessee, and Alabama are nothing but farmland. Virginia has some government contracts but it's still nothing compared to coastal states. The southern economy is mostly agriculture.
College should be a place to learn not a fucking a business. Hospitals should be place for help not a fucking business
We already have this in Tennessee and I guarantee it helps almost nobody. It's a huge pain in the ass to even get the money though with several requirements. Even so many people from my school did it and dropped out after one semester. It's a shit program.
look at that fat bitch with the sign. fucking commie.
>By 2010 they are 10x more than what they were in 1990
Blame administrators. American colleges are super wasteful with spending and have make-work jobs for diversity hires ranging into the six-figures. European colleges by comparison are very lean and don't have nearly as much bureaucratic overhead.
Please stop digging yourself into a hole.
Illegitimate wars, large corporate tax breaks, and big bank bail outs don't pay for themselves, user. If not for the taxpayer, how could those executives pay themselves bonuses for extra yachts and champagne?