Do you like big butts or small ones. Jow Forums?

Do you like big butts or small ones. Jow Forums?

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Small cute ones

Big one's obvious i'm not a faggot

medium but with a nice shape

Big butts are for niggers

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Don't bother replying to this b8
he just want to leech free (you)s

Small to medium sized ones that are well shaped. Big, fit butts aren't don't look bad but they aren't really my thing: however I can appreciate the aesthetic even if they don't get my dick hard. Big butts that are nothing but fat and cellulite that only look remotely tight because they're shoved into pants 3 sizes too small are disgusting. Small, flat pancake asses are also horrible.

Big is preferable, but small can still be nice as long as it is shapely

wrong. men who prefer boobs have small penises.

I like any butt I can get which so far has been nothing

Sources? Studies? Proofs?


Source: my penis vs your penis

Thicc girls under 5'3ft

>tfw no big booty gf to berry my dicc in

>men who prefer boobs have small penises.
And are therefore less likely to be niggers, brainlet.

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Anyone who has a posture like this has a spinal deformity called lordosis. Once you know this you start to find thots like these disgusting.

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small cute and perky.

>Mongolians are all about fat batties

Huge, loud, brappy ones.

Small and perky is the best. I don't like those big negro butts

I prefer boobs so I'm mostly indifferent but I can respect a nice ass when I see one.

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Large Latina booties. I'm proud of my racial heritage as a Hispanic male and will gladly procreate with any race but the Latina booty is the gold standard of butt

Big mommy butts

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based fucking iceland
original post right here guys

can agree. I have lordosis

I'll give you 5 guesses.

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size doesn't matter, shape does. same with boobs. neither should be too big and boobs shouldn't be flat

The proper answer is big booty buttcheeks.

You got any more of her or a name?

small cute butt . Large asses are nasty as fuck and you just know the girl couldn't properly wipe her ass.

this user knows the truth. it's quite funny seeing that the civilized peoples of the world(obviously mostly whites, east Asians, and white middle easterners) like boobs over butts

Bait or not, he's right

>I literally can't leave my politics at the door

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>Do you like big butts or small ones. Jow Forums?
I like them to be bigger than myself.

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Mana Tanaka

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I love huge asses, but small tits.

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i like both, honestly
mr. lonely

I would smell that brapper all day