Posted this before. Y'all said he was TinyTrip, Prometheus, or OCB. Which one is he? He looks the most like Prometheus, but I can't find more info about him. What are his stats?
Seriously. Who is this?
His stats are why the fuck does it matter? Go be the best you that you can be.
did he ever post nudes, or a glute pic. I know some archive user must have it
I will post it but you have to stop posting those fucking gay threads once and for all
weight: 71kg
height: 179 cm
So he's pretty much a dyel manlet.
He barely ever mentioned his lifts because he's weak and dyel (in general) but the total package looks aesthetically pleasing and that's all that matters. I think he was a swimmer or something.
Bench: 100kg x 5 reps
Squat: 120kg x 4 reps
Deadlift: 4 plates x 1 rep
Ohp (seated with DBs) 35kg x 5
Now fuck off.
he looks disproportionate as fuck
Its prometheus 100 %
I'm just curious what kind of numbers are associated with this look.
Yeah, agreed. All the people on the old thread calling him out for being scrawny/DYEL have groundling tier aesthetic sense.
What about him is disproportionate? Serious question. Not trying to challenge you.
But who is Prometheus? A Jow Forums poster? Reddit guy? miscer?
No fucking way he's 5'8". Look at his proportions. He looks ~6'3".
where do you think you are you fucking retard?
can you even use the fucking archive you brain dead faggot?
He has long upper arm area and torso, that's why you're thrown off. but yes he is a manlet.
There's no results where he's posting.
This thread is really, really, really gay
Honestly, looking at this turns me on. Not because I want to fuck him but because it makes me feel invigorated with the power of the human potential. I feel virile, alive, and inspired with the energy of a 1000 suns. You know what I'm saying?
you are a fucking idiot, just stop posting already
I'm secure in my sexuality, brah. I can admire and aspire to male aesthetics without being gay.
Thanks! How did you find this?
What's up with his skin though? Was he on juice?
179 is almost 5’11
Seriously. How do I find this thread?
179 is 5'10.5 not 5'8 faggot
>juicing for this
How the hell are those stats weak and dyel especially with that bf. How delusional are you
he roids
He looks great.
Truth bomb-- not everyone who juices wants to look like rich piana.
guy is a weird looking ginger
post his face pics. also, what's wrong with being ginger?
a twink bottom
4ch poster, he stopped posting because he found Korean gf and made it
>So he's pretty much a dyel manlet.
> what's wrong with being ginger?
>korean gf
>made it
Pick one.
He's a dyel, his stats mustn't be anything worth knowing
to me personally it seems he has VERY underdeveloped core and with overblown wide shoulders just looks goofy
asian gf:
>cooks and cleans while you're at work
>maintains body
>makes fun of fat people
>hates niggers
>supports you
white roast:
>sits on her fattening ass on instagram all day
>complains about how busy she is while you're at work while doing no housework
>gets fatter by the month
>fucks niggers
>wants to take out loans to go back to college for gender studies
This ginger mogs you.
Don't think you know Asians