>tfw perfect rest day
Tfw perfect rest day
Never gonna make it
get on my level motherfucker
Nah, man. You're just an uptight loser virgin who wasnt cool enough to smoke weed in school. It's healthy for you. Inhaling the burning refuse of anything, into your lungs, can actually be "healthy" for you because it treats a bunch of shit I never even had, and I'm definitely not just making excuses because I'm such an disingenuous piece of shit i can't just say, "I am a responsible adult, and I would like to get high. Yes I know smoke is bad for my respiratory and cardiovascular systems"
Weeeeed, maaaaaan!!! Haha
is that some fucking broccoli?
Show me on the doll where the weed touched you
U forgot playing fortnite zoomer faggot
It's actually very hard to scientifically link weed smoking to lung cancer because of all the factors involved. It's hard to get good longitudinal data for something that was illegal in most of the U.S. until recently. The doses are all over the place, unlike with cigarettes. A lot of people smoke both so it's hard to tease out the effect of the weed versus the tobacco. There are more problems I can't think of right now. But the smoke still has all these cancer causing compounds in it, and the whole point is to hold it in your lungs so it's making more contact with the tissue.
Someday there will be all these longtime weed smokers getting cancer and a lot of idiots will be surprised because they never smoked tobacco and thought they'd be OK.
The classic "my strawman enemy is absolutely retarded" fallacy. Mmm, rather based indeed.
that is some fucking broccoli
No, it’s clearly cannabis
>rest day
I'm considering taking roids just so that I can go to the gym 7 days a week.
There are longtime weed smokers right now. The 60's were 50 years ago. Should be fairly proveable by now.
Rest days are for manchildren. Much like video games, anime, lifting, sex outside of reproduction, enjoying food, reading books other than nonfiction, having pleasant (aka distracting) thoughts, enjoying life in general, and not having a barbed wire stick up your ass 24/7.
If your life does not revolve solely around work, reproduction, raising children, and flagellating yourself unconscious in the name of God every time you accidentally have fun, you just need to grow up. Remember, to live your life any different than a worker drone ant is an insult to your ancestors.
Thanks for the upvote, kind stranger.
The classic "my strawman enemy is absolutely retarded" fallacy. Mmm, rather based indeed.
No prob.
>Flexes 'cep
I'm mostly taking the piss but you'll be surprised how close this is to certain types of people on this site. Mostly confined to Jow Forums and /lit/.
I have absolutely talked to people who advocated for all of that except the flagellation, having barbed wire up the ass, and not having pleasant thoughts
Fuck off pothead
Chickfila is delicious but contains a shit ton of onions oil and chems
This guy gets it.
Any wine+weed chad here?
That combo is literally heaven
weed is the opposite of chad you fag
Are you a 40 year old roastie?
>Doing Drugs
"Heeyeahh! bro!.. I smoke and drink.. heh... Exotic wine.... I'm so alpha mang.. heh..."
Bitter incels
wine and high sex is GOAT
>Sitting on your ass
>Not doing an active rest day for optimal gains
>Literally smoking dried estrogen
>Eating like some reclused bugman who gapes his mouth 359 degrees when the s()ylent truck arrives
I would have thought so too but I was reading about this recently. Maybe the data is considered unreliable still, it would mostly be self-reported.
brain gains
Weed is actually pretty good for lifting.
Objectively and quantifiably, ive made massive gains after taking a big rip from thc vape pen before gym. I can usually do 10-15lbs more than normal maximums.
I usually take a few hits, put some eyedrops in and then start with the elliptical/treadmill to warm up.
Doing cardio+thc is amazing. Gets the bloodflow going which amplifies the effect. Listening to music is godly and getting a view of fit chicks in yoga pants is pretty close to heaven as it gets.
When you hit the weights on thc, you basically hyper-focus on everything going on. I find that i can more fully use every muscle fiber to their fullest...its like scraping the bottom of the jar for every bit of leftovers.
Also, it feels like i am quickly rewiring my brain/nervous systen and establishing better neural routes to my muscles.
Post thc+workout hot baths with a cup of protien shake is basically the perfect end of the day.
Not him and I don't even disagree, but you look like a literal fucking retard posting like that.
Why do people freak out over weed of all things> Is this the power of DARE? Scary stuff
I agree with pretty much all of this. It feels like I have a much better mind-muscle connection during my lifts if I use cannabis before a workout. Feels great.
Post body.
My perfect rest day goes like this:
>Clean and organize my house for like 5-6 hours (DEEP CLEAN)
>Take off the trash
>Take a cold shower
>Eat cheese sandwhicheses after fasting for 20h
ufirst :3
Kratom after a workout feels much better than weed imo
I almost feel guilty consuming thc+gym.
The more cardio I do, the more I feel it.
Each weight set I do leaves me feeling accomplished and thoroughly spent....at times, its better than sex to be honest.
Receiving such pleasure/ephoria from working out isnt normal (obviously in a chemically induced state)....but the dirty secret...i feel the same way for about 5 workouts afterwards even when not using thc.
Its like the thc trains the brain to find working out to be pleasurable/reinforcing.
Years before i tried thc for the first time, i used to bike ~20-30/miles a day. After about 15 miles, you start to feel a "runners high".
Feels similar to that, except when doing weight lifting.
I know this feel. It gives me the impression that cannabis helps highlight just how much our bodies enjoy being physically exerted. It is extremely satisfying, and at times definitely feels better than sex.
I started watching the 007 movies from the beginning and I'm up to Thunderball today.
Watching Connery manhandle these women makes me sad that these scenes probably couldn't exist today.
>wine and high sex is GOAT
t. power bottom
bond burger
fp[most divisive and reactionary]p
My perfect rest day:
>lie down
>close my eyes
>never open them again
Me too haha
This is why cannabis+yoga is popular in states where its legal
kek. You take their position to its logical end and they call it a strawman.
>imagine being such a faggot that puffing some weed almost grows you a pair of tits
>the 60's were 50 years ago
hugh wot mate?
based except for lifting and enjoying food. Everything else i agree with
most of them smoke cigarettes as well:
>"b-b-b-but it was the t-tobacco that did me in!"
>Immediately begins projecting once someone criticized your idolized weed
Ok fag
Weed fags constantly justifying, just like sodomites do
You forgot "cumming inside a milky-thighed slut"
>tfw no gf
samefag weed bro doing undercover ops
>junk food
One day every fortnight. It's an enlightening experience and I love it but best not to do it more frequently for obvious reasons. Weed+sweaty sex with gf is even better but I only do that combo once a month at most.
that's.. not how things work user..
you are the one trying to make a point about how good weed is for lifting.
now post body
Based, glad there's some decent people itt
It's high grade faggot
Weed kills you from the inside(your soul and who u are), you literally can feel it when you smoke, you can feel the dopamine rush and the dopamine receptor burn out from weed(that's the feel when you've already peaked and everything just seems gay and fake), weed breaks immersions of tv, and it makes you feel like you shouldn't be smoking it.
Before weed vs After weed
Weed, not even once.
How can I trust that posting pictures of my body online is the right thing to do before you post your body; allowing me to determine whether you are trustworthy or not?
Umm let's see. Plebby shit tier drugs, shit tier food, (mostly) shit tier films and no sex.
Seems like an utterly rancid rest day to me.
>you can feel the dopamine rush and the dopamine receptor burn out from weed
No, you cannot. THC does not directly affect dopamine receptors in any way. THC binds to CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. Dopamine neurons do not contain any cannabinoid receptors, therefore cannabinoids (such as those in cannabis) cannot act directly on these.
Seems you let the propaganda get to your head and confirmation bias carried you the rest of the way.
What drugs are good tier if not cannabis?
It indirectly effects the dopamine levels, also people that smoke weed regularly tend to have low baseline dopamine levels.
>smoking weed
Like some kind of Californian?
Have you ever gotten infections from the flagellation?
NO drugs baby
>cannot act directly
>therefore, it is impossible for any other connection to exist
The goalposts have shifted it seems. Assuming you are the user i replied to, first you can feel the dopamine rush and receptors "burn out" after using cannabis, now they are only affected indirectly, not directly affected by the cannabis.
Yes very good for staying productive and making lots of money for your boss, i hope it is worth feeling tired whenever you don't get your fix.
Nah my perfect rest day goes like:
>two fat bacon sandwiches for breakfast
>have girlfriend round, cuddle and fuck
>spend rest of the day chilling with her binging on some program
>tfw feeling another humans warmth against your skin
I don't trust anyone who doesn't smoke weed. You really have to be a pathetic loser to buy into the "weed is bad for you" hysteria. Also I bet the reason you all get so pissed is because you don't even know how to get weed in the first place, you dumb incels
You think because i say it has no direct affect on dopamine, that I am not aware of its potential indirect effects on dopamine? kek
God I wish this was me
get off of Jow Forums lmao
Good bait
Cope harder degenerate
gonna a need a redpill on kratom
I let my buddy talk me into smoking weed once, I immediately didnt feel like having the conversations i had intended to bring up, which sucked because i dont get to see him much. I just sat there watching him play video games.
I let him talk me into it again the next time, because he insisted I just hadn't gotten high enough, so we took dabs. Same thing, I just got quiet and bored for a while before going to sleep at 9pm. Weeds fucking awful user. Its a substitute for social interaction for those who cant properly engage in a meaningful conversation
But smoking gives you depression, explain that faggot.
Too bad she's 150lbs
>Not taking advantage of the muscle relaxant effects for post legday doms, the munchies to bulk, and weedhead girls for a quick test boost
Weed is how you make it dumbass.
I think that’s just you, brah. Everyone experiences it differently. I love having conversations while high because I think everything is funny
kek. How high were you? Dabs for a novice is pretty potent stuff. Also, in my experience smoking with friends becomes much more enjoyable if you get your sea legs and really get a hold on how it affects your mind first. Keep an open mind and keep the dose smaller and you will probably have a better time.
I can't explain that because it isn't true.
The only time this happens is if you have no willpower to begin with and are one of those people that has no self control. Then you smoke more than you can remain functional with routinely and let your life fall by the wayside, leading to an empty existence and depression. It's got nothing to do with weed and everything to do with you being mentally weak.
>because it isn't true
Ehhh, I think it depends. I find that if I smoke a really potent strain before going to sleep, I wake up pretty depressed in the morning, but that usually only lasts for a couple hours. I’ve got a history of depression anyway, so that’s probably part of it.
And the permanent retard squint from constant use.
i smoked weed for 2 years, stopped 6 months ago, me and everyone else who did it will say its the biggest waste of time, makes you into a lazy slug
I'm sure it is true for some people. I meant people who use cannabis won't necessarily become depressed from their using of it.
Quitting weed is the best thing I ever did.
It’s sad how people who still smoke constantly delude themselves into thinking it’s a positive thing. Drug addicts, alcoholics, gamblers and cucks all seem to share this trait.
Not him but I barely smoke weed and did dabs for the first time on the fourth of july. I ended up just floating around a fucking pool for an hour thinking about a fourth grade essay where I wrote about what freedom really means. I was drinking too and threw up but I think it was from the herb. White people are crazy.
Weed is pretty subjective, it depends if it turns you int a lazy retard or not. I used to like it but I smoked too much and it give me horrible mental health problems for a while. Every time I smoke it now I get paranoid as fuck. I'm never doing it again it scares me now
Caffiene does fucking nothing it's 100% placebo.