>tfw perfect rest day
Tfw perfect rest day
Never gonna make it
get on my level motherfucker
Nah, man. You're just an uptight loser virgin who wasnt cool enough to smoke weed in school. It's healthy for you. Inhaling the burning refuse of anything, into your lungs, can actually be "healthy" for you because it treats a bunch of shit I never even had, and I'm definitely not just making excuses because I'm such an disingenuous piece of shit i can't just say, "I am a responsible adult, and I would like to get high. Yes I know smoke is bad for my respiratory and cardiovascular systems"
Weeeeed, maaaaaan!!! Haha
is that some fucking broccoli?
Show me on the doll where the weed touched you
U forgot playing fortnite zoomer faggot
It's actually very hard to scientifically link weed smoking to lung cancer because of all the factors involved. It's hard to get good longitudinal data for something that was illegal in most of the U.S. until recently. The doses are all over the place, unlike with cigarettes. A lot of people smoke both so it's hard to tease out the effect of the weed versus the tobacco. There are more problems I can't think of right now. But the smoke still has all these cancer causing compounds in it, and the whole point is to hold it in your lungs so it's making more contact with the tissue.
Someday there will be all these longtime weed smokers getting cancer and a lot of idiots will be surprised because they never smoked tobacco and thought they'd be OK.