How did you quit your porn addiction?

How did you quit your porn addiction?

Abusing the reward centre of your brain makes you less productive. The porn available today freely on the internet is like putting a pleasure button in a mouse cage. Some people will just sit there and push that button and naturally via tolerance move on to weirder and more degenerate porn.

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I like the Buddhist method. You allow yourself to consume as you like, but maintain awareness while doing it, and observe how it makes you feel. (goal is not to let yourself get lost in the sensations like you usually do).
Naturally over time, you will realize it isn't doing anything for you, and the habit drops away.

How do i achieve this? How does one maintain awareness?

Yeah, that ruined booze and drugs for me. Fapping is the last thing I gots left.

Then you truly have nothing in life friend.

I also have lifting, but that's only one hour out of every 24.

based fellow buddhist(?)

literally just keep your kind thinking while and after indulging.

I quit by recording myself farting and playing that recording every time I had the urge to watch porn, eventually that urge was so associated with farting noises that I didn't want to think about porn anymore. Unfortunately, I'm really into scat now.

I think im desensitized to porn now.
What do?

1. Delete all porn
2. delete all porn bookmarks
3. don't keep porn on external hard drives or any other backups (I personally make an exception for pics and videos I took myself, but that's up to you)
4. if possible, get a gf that you can fuck a few times a week (this prevents too much build up or sexual frustration - be careful tho, usually the morning after fucking, I'd get the strongest urges to look at porn and rub one out)
5. HAVE SHIT TO DO. I'm a musician so I'm always recording, promoting, going out to collaborate with others etc. etc. The way I dropped it was this + some more redpilled images about porn, porn companies etc

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If I hadn't quit already, that pic would be good motivation to do so

Based. Thought I was a rare case doing this myself, I try to be self aware as possible when indulging in things too good for me, but I don’t try to stop myself or trick myself at all- I feel like that could be bad for my well being.

I just stopped watching porn. Simple as that. I think that was 3 or so years ago.

>got a gf
srsly, after actually having sex I instantly quit. it was almost too easy

Keep the dump coming Bros. Get the word out.

I realized how pathetic it is to be turned on by watching another dude fuck a girl. Made me switch to POV porn only at first, but dropped that, too, because it's still basically the same. Gradually lost all attraction to it.

Now I only masturbate to my imagination (mostly to girls I banged in the past) or to pics of attractive girls (clothed).
Nofap is retarded btw.

Also important; porn is one piece of the puzzle. If you have garbage sleeping habits, drink too much alcohol, do too much drugs or eat like shit, that will make it harder. The more you get your life together, the easier it gets to get 'even better' - it's like your brain shifts into this mode where you WANT to be your best self (I guess people around here call it 'alpha'), so if you adhere to nofap and noporn, all the other shit gets easier, which in turn makes nofap and noporn easier.

And a last point; don't beat yourself up over a relapse - if it happens, it happens. Just observe your mental state objectively after it happens: If you feel guilty, try to absolve yourself a bit. For me, I'd notice how bad/passive/unsocial I'd feel after jerking off with porn, and this would last for days (less if you're young). That was the easiest way to get off it. This way, it's also not this big forbidden fruit or something - it's just porn and fapping, and it sucks compared to fucking (and later on, if you keep on this path, you won't even fuck more than once or twice a week to retain some energy and last longer).

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ITT: Bunch of losers that make a big deal out of porn and blame it for being a failure

Every single one of you fucks need to get off this site and go get a job/education.

Besides no gf and porn addiction I have a very fulfilling life desu

I dont think jews are behind porn because of Jow Forums theories, its just a really immoral and very lucrative bussiness, jews have no morals so it fits them

My ability to stay focused and stay on task without being distracted has been seriously diminished. I have been more wrapped up in sex & porn lately. How to I break from this. I need to be more productive at work and not be trolling dating apps / kink sites

wtf just jerk off to porn once in a while you freak fuck

i was about to go jerk off, but this image killed it. thank you.

Someone needs to post those images of xhamster freaking out over last years nofap november as they were trying to get guys to fap more.

Usually if I relapse I would hate myself the next day for doing it and try to push my self more the next time I lift.

Unironically this. Don't let failure deter you though, it is the right thing to do.

Also, not watching porn helps.
Cut the 2d waifus too.

Is sexting girls porn? Like virtual mutual masturbation

Literally log the fuck off Jow Forums and youll never see porm again outside of a literal pornsite

Just a heads up masturbating with your imagination will feel better. Also you masturbate less often with just your imagination since you won't just stumble on porn, and this is partly why it feels better

dude. Every time I drink now I feel like its fucking stupid. I only like drinking beer when Its nice outside and I am in the sun. If its cold and I am inside it feels shitty and empty.


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Yeah, I used to do that. Maybe it comes with age but I found it easier to drop it when I stopped the self-loathing shit that I'd do every time I relapsed (hating myself, trying harder to block all porn out etc) and instead just went "alright, guess I did this and it felt good, but I don't think it was worth it really".
In general, once you're a week or more in, you'll notice some stuff - eye contact with people and girls especially is easier, more energy, maybe a bit of restlessness. Once you notice this, don't think "I'm too excited/too much built up/need to release", think "it's working" and that's it. For a direct example, I'm recently getting into Gundam and one of the girls there would seriously turn me on, even though she isn't sexualised at all, simply because I've been on noporn/nofap for a while. My old self would've immediately looked up doujins/porn with her, but now I'm like "nice, it's working". Also, sex has gotten so much better; paradoxically I last much longer and my dick gets harder, even when I haven't blown a load for a week. GF turns me on much more too - and seems to get more turned on in turn. Man, the positives are immense.
Also, back when I was like 18 and a total fucked up NEET, nofap + noporn literally got me a gf in like a month. Just don't get discouraged by the peeps like normalising the fact that they're watching another man fuck a girl they desire to get off.

Yeah. Just fuck her? I've done this and it had the same consequence as watching porn (worth it for getting nudes of the hoe tho).

Kinda this too, tho it's gotten better since the big split. Jow Forums used to be relapse central.

>plague of strength
Yeah, make up your own mind on this faggot

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>Just fuck her?
They’re usually states away.
>worth it for getting the nudes

Bruh why are you sexting girls states away instead of fucking local girls tho? Also you can get the nudes without actually blowing your load


Usually they wanna see the cum shot and it gets me off too
>sexting girls states away
Meet them online. Either femanons from Jow Forums or girls from steam. I still fuck sometimes IRL too

That isn’t arousing at all man

My dude, you may be addicted to the dopamine hit of being wanted by random thots. I get it, cause I've been there, but trust me when I say it is much more rewarding and productive in the long term to just set up some fwbs or ideally get a gf - this will not mess your brain up as much and give you valuable oxytocin that you're not getting from these sexting projects.

I guess a large part of it IS the fact I go from not knowing them at all to having them get naked and showing me shit. I just like the interaction of it when I get off but you’re probably right
Not around these parts man; I live in the middle of nowhere

Shit man, I got a gf from the country (after fucking around with city hoes for a year or so), tho I'll take your word that you live out in the desert or some shit. Just think about why you like the validation from those thots so much - that's how I realised I still had a bit of beta thinking left over from teenage years (in the vein of "man i used to be a sperg but now I get these hoes to strip for me and schlick for me"). It ain't that bad, but you'd probably be better off without it in the long run.

make an effort to consume less of it. jerk off without it for at least the next couple of times and promise yourself not to seek it out. If you happen upon some online (because let's face it, it's impossible not to) or even break your noporn streak, don't beat yourself up over it. the important thing is that you keep to it and eventually you'll use much less if any at all. godspeed user

This is extremely good first step.

This method did it for me:
>Start at one week
>If you do it, add another
>If you fail, never mind bro. It is a great chance to learn about the whole thing, it gets also easier every next try. It is like lifting.
>Now go for a full month.
>If you make it, add another
>Once you are confident enough, go for a full 90 days.
>Once you finish them, visit an escort (I did) to get it out of your system and instantly start next 90 days
>Keep looking for gf or continue to visit escorts at 90th day or until you are healed

General tips:
>Read stoics nigger. Meditations by Aurelius, De Officiis by Cicero, writings of Epictetus. Helps tremendously.
>NEVER WATCH PORN. Plenty of anons fail there without understanding that it defeats the whole purpose, watch porn but not fap. Don't watch porn!
>If you fail, always pick yourself up. It is not about going nonstop pure chaste paladin mode, but always picking yourself after relapse. You only fail when you stop fighting.

By the way, stop watching Czech porn. It's not even authentic and those women are usually lowest tier street-walkers. It is also produced by kikes, not even memeing now.
t. Czech.

Shills are getting straight up lazy now.

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Weird that you say that. There is this one girl that I used to love fapping to cause she had massive feet and she was also czech. Apparently girls with big feet is a common thing there.

>it was in porn, it must be a real life
Come on m8.

This. I've cut fapping from 3-4 times a week to once a week doing just that

Forgot Letters from a Stoic there buddeh.

Hey can you explain this a little more? Do you mean to be mindful of your thoughts when you consume? I don't understand but I'm curious.

Shieet, I always forget Seneca, don't know why.

I like indie porn. Camgirls personal productions, like Indigo White and Brookelynne Briar.

>tfw about to watch porn after gym workout
Feels good man

>pants down, dick is out
>just look at yourself, as if you were outside your body
> look at how pathetic you are, looking at another guy fucking a unknown woman
>you are not part of that, you're a loser.
>why are you not outside conquering the world, and the most beautiful women out there ?
>if you cum now, you'll lose all of you strength to go outside and do what needs to be done.

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i jerk off to myself you degenerate.

>became Jow Forums
>developed a method to talk to girls
>started slaying quality pussy in a regular basis

>now I'm a sex addict
>I don't even enjoy the act of it, only the idea
>last month I fucked 20 different women
>this month will probably be the same
>I'm gonna catch a STD one of these days

at least I don't watch porn anymore, heh...

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Checked, but
>consume as you like
Never gonna make it

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Post method

t. Autist

I managed to quit it for the most of 2018 but relapsed because I tried that stupid No Nut November thing when it is No Porn that I should be doing

Here's what helps

>recognize things that trigger you to watch porn: could be scrolling past a porn thread on Jow Forums, being on your own for the weekend, tfw no gf feels etc
>find something productive to do or go hang out with someone if you are faced with a trigger
>delete ALL porn from your computer, LEAVE NOTHING
>remember that it's one of the few things ((they)) will give you for free
>start fapping to your imagination

I haven't watched porn in a while and I'm not even excited about it anymore. In fact after losing weight I feel better about myself and I don't want to watch the stuff I used to. I have however gotten into hentai and that's kind of replaced 3D porn for me....

I want to quit it, it rarely makes me feel good, but it's the only way I have of making the primitive feelings go away since I'm guaranteed to die a virgin

Frank pls go

Kek I drive by the mindgeek building everyday trips and I'll fire bomb it

Step 1) Just bee yourself

I unironically picture this jew pointing and laughing at me whenever I get the urge to look at porn, and it sobers me right up.

Who that

What is "their" endgame? Is there any benefit to making me fap to videos of other men having sex with women?

You get more socially withdrawn, have less drive to make anything of yourself and ultimately become depressed -> subservient. Later on autogynephilia (which explains the meteoric rise in trannies), asexuality, low testosterone etc.
Easier to handle, useless in war and in starting families, etc.
Other cultures are usually less affected as they have higher T levels and more dominant culture.

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yeah but what if im into cartoon porn user
im talking rule 34 and e621 shit

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I had started lifting early last year, while still jerking off and watching porn... I then was invited to a party, and figured I'd stop jerking off for a couple days just to not be sexually drained for the party(or something).

As it happened, I made out with a girl at the party. Nothing more really happened, but something switched in my brain and I just stopped jerking off and watching porn, cold turkey.

Currently going on 300+ days.

I moved out of my parents house and have a girl come over most nights.

money you fucking mutt

You were right until that last bit, blacks have the highest free estrogen levels out of all races, asians have a comparable amount of test with whites and much lower estrogen levels leading to less breast cancers in women, despite this they have a "vegetarian male" epidemic (their version of numales), blacks have arguably the most submissive cultures and statistically the highest levels of homosexuality.

Lifting and boxing should be taking care of those issues.

What if you’re a shutin hermit that’s too autistic to be normal and get sex?

Why would someone like this benefit from not using porn? It’s not going to make you suddenly a normie who can leave the house and get a gf. You still need a job, money, a social circle and women are turned off by guys who clearly have no experience with women, especially being 30 it’s a huge red flag for any woman

I think no porn only works if you’re actually already a normie and still relatively young in your early 20s.

breh lel

I'm not a conspiracy theorist at all, I think jewish chicks are hot
but if you search for them on every major site they're largely absent, which is weird considering every other race is there in abundance

Why are you a shut-in hermit?