On my 3rd month of working at amazon. I officially have 2000 dollars in the bank...

On my 3rd month of working at amazon. I officially have 2000 dollars in the bank, and have nothing I even want to buy anymore.

I dont understand why people even need more money from this, im struggling to even find stuff to spend money on, at this rate I can just collect money and retire by 50.

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At their warehouse or their corporate / tech offices?

Do you live by yourself or with parents OP?

You could by a medium end sex doll with that

Most peoples money goes to living expenses like rent, electricity, etc

Warehouse, I make 15 an hour.

I live with me mum, I could live by myself, Rent would only be like 600 a month, but why the fuck would anyone want to do that if you can just live with your parents. You're going to inherit their house anyways, why invest in another one.

How do I work at Amazon. I live near san fransisco. I havent left my house in 3 months. Never had a job before either. What jobs do they have.

A lot of people waste their money on useless shit, however others also have hobbys that require you to spend money. Sounds like you don't have that. Well and you mooch of your parents apparently

Kids and especially a wife are expensive.

I want to obtain currency to purchase goods and services. Must feel nice to work and earn. I just leach off my mommie.

Start saving towards a larger goal, like a house (at least the downpayment) or a plot of land.

I work inbound as a Stower, there are several jobs that people do as new hires.

I drive around a Order Picker, which is pretty much a portable elevator that can attach to cages. I take goods that come in from receiving and consolidation, and put them into bins. It's kind of an easy job, but can be mildly stressful depending on what you are stowing that particular day and if there is space in the bins. The worst part is standing for 10 hour shifts 4 times a week, and currently I have mandatory overtime because of peak and am working 50-60 hour weeks.

Amazon doesnt even interview people, if you apply, and pass their little mini online test, they will call you in for a drug test and a little session where they talk about amazon. Just show up and you get a job if they are hiring.

Check amazon.force.com/ if any locations near you are hiring.

Most of the jobs are pretty fucking easy and menial

Why would I waste money on a house? I like the idea of not being anchored to a piece of land. Especially since amazon lets me transfer to where ever the fuck I want if I want.

A drug test. Fuck. I dont think I would pass. I'll consider it. I'll look at the website. They must have a warehouse near san fransisco. It's big giant city.

Where's my Playstation classic wagie. I was supposed to have it Monday.

Sounds nice, but sometimes you end up with some kind of chronic pain for whatever reason (standing on concrete floors, bending down to pick stuff up, whatever), so take care. As for the money, it's really a question of what you want in life. The pay's probably not enough to support a family at all well, but if you're living at home with no attachments besides family and have a rainy day fund for repairs then I guess it's alright. You're not exactly going anywhere in life, but you aren't rotting or sliding backwards either.

>NEETcuck can't into emulation

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That's why you have bought everything you wanted and have 2K saved. I could save all of my paychecks too if I didn't have any bills.

Hey good job on getting a job. Very proud of you

You have no gf user.
Any man in this day and age can live like a king by parasiting in their parents house and having a job and no gf.
Remember only women are always a net loss on someone's income, they buy 10 times more useless shit than a man ever will.
If you get a gf money will never be enough.

It's cheaper to buy a raspberry pi and run an emulator on it, its essentially what you are paying for when you buy the playstation classic.

That said, have a bf instead user

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Start buying some crypto, its down right now.

>I dont understand why people even need more money from this,
>can just collect money and retire by 50.
Uh tell me whats wrong about retiring at 40?

Just to flex on other normies with your superior material goods to be honest. But yea a decent sized living space in a none crime ridden area, a working vehicle and food in my stomach. Just save the rest and retire at 40 lol. But if you get a gf/wife she'll insist on spending your money.

>You're going to inherit their house anyways, why invest in another one
enjoy that for a few years
then either you get fed up with them or they get fed up with you
and you won't inherit that house for another 20-30 years because the old faggots will never die

Just buy a a used PlayStation. A good one is like 40 bucks to buy on marketplace or ebay, and you can play any PlayStation game.

UPS warehouse vs Amazon which should i go with? I have my emt-b but I don't want that responsibility of lives in my hands.

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Is it easy. I'm close to being fired from my call center job and I need the money.. about to go homeless

On my 3rd month as well working on a Pipeline. I now have 25k in the bank and well I haven't been able to spend anything because I'm living in a work camp.

Not even sure want I want to buy after I'm done here. I've never had this kind of money before. I loathe the job and the pay cheques don't excite me anymore. I can't wait to go home. It's more like a NEET safety net until I do another job months down the line. My dad wants me to keep doing cuz then he hopes to retire off me or something in the future.

I just wanna get drunk and play Vidya all day for as long as possible.

>any PlayStation game
You need a mod chip to play games from other regions or burnt copies though...

Damn -- what do they pay $150k?