I have a vagina but i'm fat and have no social skills. How do I procure orbiters and free money?
I have a vagina but i'm fat and have no social skills. How do I procure orbiters and free money?
what about your face tho? can't be failure in all categories of looks, now can we?
Take really good photos of your feet. Post them on a patreon and try to garner followers via twitter. Boom, free muney
If I have access to free female feet, how do this for lonely men? I wanna get money, user. Is it really just that simple?
Average. Good skin, look younger than I am but slightly jowly because of my weight.
My feet are in a constant state of crackly dryness no matter how much I moisturize them and my toenails are gross. I can't imagine anyone wants to see that. Plus the only camera I have access to is the one on my shitty $150 android.
use myspace angles so you dont look as fat or just get in shape, i guess its worth it if you get orbiters and money and free self esteem boosts
Well there are some fat chicks with good faces or some that have faces that is face of a woman with a normal weight
If you're face is at least average maybe you can pull it off. If not the too bad uggo. Some people were meant to stay out of the sunlight
Have you tried not being a whore? It sounds like you whore around.
Exercise you fat fuck.
You don't have to do anything beyond sitting in public. That's it. Just be within mens' sights and you'll have all the attention you need on you.
Eventually a man will come and want to be with you. Of course he won't look like Chad so you'll reject him straight away in your entitled ways. But what you don't realize is that this man cam provide you with everything you want, except being good looking. In fact women should see good looking men as a trap. They have the power and authority to fuck whichever women they want so why would they stay with some random whore? In a way I think women know this and it excites them even more. That's what makes Chad so desirable, his ability to fuck anyone he wants. Stop thinking with your fucking vagina for once and think with your head and find a man who will actually support and stay with you. As soon as you accept an ugly/average man you'll understand how shallow and stupid you and all women are.
but r9k told me that women live life on easy mode and we get everything handed to us, even if we're fat or ugly. why would you lie to me like this robots?? I want the easy life, money and attention I was promised.
I'm 27 and khv, I'm as pure as they come.
exercise alone isn't going to bring my weight down. I'm pretty sure I'm a binge eater so I wouldn't be able to just start eating at a caloric deficit without professional help, which I don't have access to.
Fuck off I've seen so many 5/10+ men with fat women. There are so many men who will fetishize you and you don't even realize it you stupid cunt.
but where are they? where do I find them?
>I'm pretty sure I'm a binge eater
You're the kind of woman/person I hate the most. The "I don't have the willpower to do it" kind.
>You don't have to do anything beyond sitting in public. That's it. Just be within mens' sights and you'll have all the attention you need on you.
I've tried this, nothing happened. I've been catcalled and harassed a bunch but I've never been seriously approached in public.
Just sit in public. Just be in public. Literally just go to any place with attractive men.
A bar, a gallery, a university campus, a doctor, a dentist, the supermarket. Anywhere.
They're bound to come up to you at some point.
It's related to my mental illness. I can't just decide to stop being mentally ill. It isn't a matter of willpower.
>I'm pretty sure I'm a binge eater so I wouldn't be able to just start eating at a caloric deficit without professional help, which I don't have access to.
Sure you can. You just have to want to.
Every time you eat, it's a voluntary act. Just don't perform that voluntary act.
If you fail to do this, I'll just take that as evidence that you don't actually want to lose weight.
Have you tried self improvement? It sounds like you're just whoring around and complaining when it doesn't work.
>even if we're fat or ugly.
Just be slutty and perverted as hell then, it isn't rocket science.
You're also the "I always have an excuse for everything kind."
This has never worked. I've been yelled at by drunks and packs of pajeets but no one has ever approached me conversationally. Never.
I do want to. No one wants to be overweight (except for fetishists I suppose). It isn't like quitting alcohol or cigarettes, you need to eat to live.
>self improvement
>It sounds like you're just whoring around and complaining when it doesn't work.
again, I'm a virgin in my late 20s. There is no whoring around happening here.
but i'm not perverted or slutty. I'm literally a virgin. This is something men apparently prize, if I was to listen to robot propaganda. I can't pretend to be something I'm not.
Not that I care about your approval, but It's the truth.
marry a robot and poison him
You can fast. Go to and look for a fasting thread. You can probably go without eating for a week or two depending on fat reserves.
stop being a fat bitch, work out and start a thot instagram-gamer account and some twich shit.
You will have a shit ton of orbiters.
Or you can just camwhore... there is people who enjoy fat bitches and will throw cash at you.
well you're kind of a whore by the sounds of it so, to improve instead of being an attention whore and whoring around because being a whore is your thing, you could just kill yourself and that'd be an huge improvement since you're too retarded to read the dozens of threads about self improvement on this board and other Jow Forumstards yammering on about it. then once you improve yourself, preferably by dying, if you don't die you can whore yourself out as your new improved self and it won't be as worthless.
>Not that I care about your approval, but It's the truth.
I have dealt with your kind. There is no helping you. At least give up on being normal then. Don't waste people's time on "how do I be like teh normal Stacys and get money and love". You're not.
Fix yourself. Whatever problems you think you have fix them.