There's literally nothing scarier than death, The complete abyss, the absolute nothingness. Prove me wrong.
There's literally nothing scarier than death, The complete abyss, the absolute nothingness. Prove me wrong
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what about eternal pain?
>scared of death
>tfw I don't fear death because i'm going to heaven
exactly, but we arent supposed to long for death
>what about eternal pain?
Yeah that's pretty bad.
I think that there's no better consolation than the thought you'll never actually die. The thing that I want the most out of this World is for there to be a Heaven and to know I'll never die.
what about life? knowing that you will live a life in isolation with all of your mental and emotional needs and desires unfulfilled
Death, to me, is a comforting thought. (almost) No matter what state I am in, what little choice I have, I always reserve the right to choose to die. I can end this ride when it gets too much, that is comforting.
im athiest but if hells real and i go to hell i'll be drinkin the finest brews with my boy satan
The prospect of complete oblivion is preferable to me than an actual afterlife.
>Prove me wrong.
I only long to sniff my sisters panties to be honest desu
>There's literally nothing scarier than death, The complete abyss, the absolute nothingness. Prove me wrong.
While we are here, death is not here.
When death is here, we are not here.
How can death be scary when we can't even be in the same place at the same time?
im still holding out hope, and being actively in pain is worse than death
What does Jow Forums think of SENS and life extensionism?
Loli is the only thing keeping me going at this point in my shitty little life.
The posting Morrison quote Tumblr response
It's not scary. When you are nothing you can't feel nothing, so you can't feel the nothingness. Was it bad before you were born? Did you feel the emptiness?
>Hurr Durr you won't be there to feel
No shit Sherlock. But that's exactly what I fear. I fear not being there, I fear not feeling, I fear not existing. I'd rather live a shitty existence and suffer than be dead. In a way it's like I enjoy suffering and pain because at least IT'S REAL and it's something that I feel rather than not being at all. In a way I even enjoy being miserable.
The eternal abyss is the last salvation left to me. Praise the Gods, and might they wipe me from this place permanently.
Shit, I came here to say "read about NDE's" but then I noticed it's this fucking namefag.
If you actually believe that NDE stories are true and pseudoscience like that, I don't even want you on my thread, faggot.
I'm not afraid of death user that's stupid and egotistical. Death is literally just the lack of existence. We've all been through it before. Something worse that death would be being locked in a guy's basement for 10 years, getting tortured and raped daily. Death is far from the scariest thing that can happen.
If hell was real, you wouldn't be sitting around chilling with Satan, you'd be getting tortured for all eternity.
Yeah, dude. They're just hallucinations ;)
No matter what we do, death is inevitable but I would rather try to live as long as possible unless the suffering becomes too great.
>There's literally nothing scarier than death, The complete abyss, the absolute nothingness. Prove me wrong.
aw, it's babby's first existential crisis
congrats you're part of the way to accepting that you're already dead (it just hasn't happened yet)
It always seemed comfy to me. Like asleep.
>literally scared of nothing
You have no problem going to sleep every night. How is death any different? Waking up every morning is a lot more scarier
We're a collective effort of millions of chemicals, cells, and molecules. When we die it fades out and those atoms fall free and mingle with the rest of the universe. We're here before the "user" you are existed, and we exist afterwards too. We simply return to the more freely flowing form we had before birth. What's more to be afraid of is the potential of a great pain or paralysis that could happen during the process of death, which could be comparable to a real life hell.
it's not the dark void and the abyss of death that is truly scary, it is leaving this world having never really shown yourself or what you are capable of....the forever and infinite loss of opportunity that life provides, the chance to right wrongs, the chance to....change...something,anything....
that is the true fear in death, it's not the purgatory blackness or even heaven or hell, the end of life is the end of opportunity.
you know deep down, even in depression, that as long as you live there is a chance...there may be an opportunity...
That's what people say so the poor and genetically disadvantaged don't go into anarchy.
Accustom yourself to believing that death is nothing to us, for good and evil imply the capacity for sensation, and death is the privation of all sentience; therefore a correct understanding that death is nothing to us makes the mortality of life enjoyable, not by adding to life a limitless time, but by taking away the yearning after immortality. For life has no terrors for him who has thoroughly understood that there are no terrors for him in ceasing to live. Foolish, therefore, is the man who says that he fears death, not because it will pain when it comes, but because it pains in the prospect. Whatever causes no annoyance when it is present, causes only a groundless pain in the expectation. Death, therefore, the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are, death is not come, and, when death is come, we are not. It is nothing, then, either to the living or to the dead, for with the living it is not and the dead exist no longer.
I'm scared of dying, only because the process could be extremely painful.
Being dead is awesome though
>Being dead is awesome though
This statement made me think of suicide with a smile kek.
Holy fucking cringe.
What is it about death that garners such autistic prose?
no that's what stage III ass cancer survivors say. lol
I've been dying before dude....a long drawn out thing that i was lucky to survive.
i'm telling you man, if you're in that position and you got time to contemplate your death, you don't really care whats on the other side, it is what it is and there's nothing you can do about it either way...the fucked up thing is your life and what you made of it...the sense of despair and shame outweighed any fears i had.
My reply want made to be poetic, you retard. I don't care about form.
Make a meaningful contribution to the thread or fuck off and neck yourself edgy faggot
You were already dead for billions of years before you were born
It wasn't poetic; it was a string of over-used cliches.
>talks about meaningful contributions
>his shitpost prose wasn't satire
speaking of edgy faggots.
fuck off vsauce.
You're posting Seneca yet you fear death?
Not him but is that an edgy statement? It's true. Who knows how long you didn't exist before you were born
i'm not sure if you're the same person but please shut the fuck up
people are just trying to articulate their own thoughts and feelings anonymously and you're trying to discourage them from doing so, why?
dying will be scary, but death will familiar, it will be the same place you were before you were born, and the same place you are when you wake up from a dream
Because if you're stupid enough to write that ridiculous mush, then you're too stupid to have an opinion worth opining.
Yeah the inevitability of death is pretty spooky, but imagine a big black man chasing you
nobody is too stupid to post on this website, what do you think this place is? a space for intellectuals?
t. The exact variety of idiot I'm describing
yep I am an idiot and thats why I post here
Why should I fear the inevitable? If I die it's the absolute end, I won't know it ended at all. Thinking it's eternal nothingness is dumb because your consciousness will have died along with your body since it's tied to your brain function. If you die that's it you done kid. Nothing scary about that in my view.
I find it strange that everyone in this thread is speaking with such certainty about something they've never done before and has never been described to them. Death and what happens after is the one thing that will always be a mystery no matter what.
fear to death is normal, not fearing death is when you reached a point of no return
Death isn't scary, it is sleeping forever. How wonderful that would be.
I fucking knew all your christkikery was just a phase. A transient cope. I told you. Now I get to laugh and you get to fear.
I don't fear the whole death part, its rather the how I will end up dying part that will scare me.
>you could die drowning
>or in a fire
>or you could bleed out
>or get locked up and starve to death
man there's a lot of ways of going out that are fucked up
It's more exciting then scary. Nobody can reliably say what there is after we go, some who have made it back after death have said heaven, some have said utter nothingness. Either way, ascending to a new plane of consciousness is not to be feared. We all have to go eventually.
what's with the idiot(s) calling people edgy for discussing the thread topic? maybe they need to hurry up and die
>since it's tied to your brain function
>never done before
OP said nothing was scarier than death and asked everyone to prove him wrong. Everyone made well thought out replies and then you decided to shit up the thread because you're a total brainlet or probably baiting I hope you are because if not jesus christ lol. I'm not replying to you again.
if not for the miracles of modern medicine i would have died a very very painful death....
imagine basically dying from having a buttplug stuck up your ass...
>family asks for police report on his son's death
>"found dead with a pink dragon dildo 10cm up his ass with a hypno sissy video open in his laptop, had to mechanically open his anus to remove it"
I'm not very verbose or whatever it is yeah I know but it's all biology isn't it, if your brain stops functioning then you stop functioning. Essentially you won't exist after you die so you'll never be cognizant of the fact that you did die. No reason to fear death with my own logic which is probably piss poor to you but wtv.
Personally I find the idea of living as a vegetable much more frightening since you're still alive but you're worse than useless, you're a resource leech on those you love.
If the radio breaks, the broadcast still exists.
>Personally I find the idea of living as a vegetable much more frightening
What if your consciousness is experiencing some amazing dream though?
>you're a resource leech on those you love.
Yes; this part is terrible.
Sometimes the unknown is preferable to the complete misery that life can be.
i prefer to jack off to this.
It really starts feeling less and less scary and more like the most definite rest when you think of how tiresome and often painful life is.
If there really was nothing scarier or worse than death, suicide wouldn't be a thing. And I don't mean "depressive suicides", I mean people who are in so much physical pain they welcome it, people in such dire circumstances that they risk their life just to get away from whatever it is that keeps hurting them.
Of course it is only normal to fear death for it's certainty or uncertainty, but at the end of the day it simply becomes "something" that is neither particularly good or bad. You will die some way or another and worrying about it is healthy to a degree, but the things that life could drop at your doorstep are honest to god just mind-blowing in how fucking awful they are.
That's exactly why I'm not afraid of death op, I can't wait to sleep forever
You can't prove that death is a bad thing.
>If the radio breaks, the broadcast still exists.
I'm inclined to doubt the existence of an afterlife but if there is one then it's not anything worse than what I would think happens which is absolute nothingness.
>What if your consciousness is experiencing some amazing dream though?
I mean more along the lines of you're concious and your consious mind is still alive and well but you have absolutely no control over your body and are in essence a physical vegetable. I find that much worse than the idea of death imo.
I'm not afraid of death but I should clarify that I don't want to die, I merely accepted that it will eventually happen and that I should live my life to the fullest before that comes along. It doesn't mean I won't fight against dying because I have no intention of dying, it's just I don't live because I'm afraid of the end it's cause I want to do so many more things before the end. So I guess from my own perspective I hope you can kind of understand why I don't really think it's all that big a deal.
Philosophy is gay and I'm gay for discussing this in any form of depth fukin lol.
Guys I was wrong I'm going back to now
You were fine before you were born, you'll be fine after you die
Your a fucking moron. Without your brain you literally cannot comprehend death. Once your brain shuts down you will literally have no thought or feelings. 1 second and eternity are the same in death.
>Once your brain shuts down you will literally have no thought or feelings.
And that's a good thing.
Honestly, with all the bickering that goes on in this board, why would anyone want to feel any more feels?
We will feel everything that everyone ever felt back and forth forever ))((
>tfw non-existence and eternal existence keep sounding less and less appealing
>No matter what we do, death is inevitable
Wrong. There's a chance that quantum immortality might be true, and there's also a chance that the probably of death could continuously decrease asymptotically.
Why would you want to be stuck in this meatsack when you could be a point of consciousness able to create your own reality like in lucid dreams?
How are people here afraid of dying? You guys must have better lives than me
>Absolute nothingness
>The complete abyss
Sound's like paradise
I've tried suicide so many times I've lost count. I've jumped from a bridge, tried poison multiple times, tried suicide by cop, and lots of other failed attempts last of which was in March. All I want is for this joke of an existence to end. Someone please murder me already. There's no fear of death here - I embrace the silence just please unironically get it over with already!
Do something that's more garunteed then. Shoot yourself in the head with a cheap gun, won't take too long to save up money for it if that's your ultimate goal.