My friend anhero'd yesterday. Why keep going? I just feel numb now

My friend anhero'd yesterday. Why keep going? I just feel numb now

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Oh shit, what was his name? I've got someone in mind who browses r9k I reckons gonna an hero pretty soon.

His name was Nick. He too, browsed here occasionally.

Fuck sorry to hear bro. Do you know why he did it?

What does anhero means sorry if am retarded but I want to know

Nope, he seemed perfectly fine, I never saw it coming

Anhero just means to commit suicide

Sorry for your loss. Keep going, just think if you kill yourself you won't be able to browse Jow Forums anymore. No way god would let Jow Forums in heaven, satan wouldn't let you use Jow Forums in hell, and if there's neither and everything just goes black then there's no Jow Forums either. Also if you off yourself then you'll miss Avengers 4

I dare you to go post this same shit on /b/, they'd tell you to anhero too

I don't think I'm gonna do it. I've got a good college career so far. Just one more year and I'll be able to start a normal life. I just gotta make it

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What why this is so sad
OP I sorry for your friend

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he's a better place don't sweat it man he's not hurting anymore peace be upon him

Just know your buddy is enjoying the big sleep now. He'd want you to go on, user

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You think that I should pity you user.
No, Im glad ur friend is dead.
The kind of weakness that he put on display absolutely nauseates me. Let me take my edge out for a second and just say that those who are too weak to struggle and fight deserve to die. I think thats a Hitler quote but Im not sure. It could be Conan the Barbarian as well.

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"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."
-Adolf Hitler... or maybe Conan the Barbarian, idk

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Don't spoonfeed faggot

How did he do it? Sorry to hear that.

he is now in valhalla with his 2d waifu having the time of his life... dont be sad for him, in fact, you should envy him.

Why is this so sad i am crying

you must be new, in order to preserve the integrity of Jow Forums I must implore you to Lurk Moar. Of course you already know the answer, so I will give you a cute waifu just for you.
This is yours to do with what you want user
>lube up

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it has escaped /b/
oh no

He hanged himself at his apartment, roommates found him after

too soon
way too soon man

damn, something about the winter and suicides I guess. Any Idea how old he was? its sucks that its usually teenagers that do it, once people get to 23 and up the chance of them clocking out goes down

20 years old. He had a lot going for him too

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was he on any medication? those can fuck with your mind

I don't think so. He's never been on meds

Its means suicide

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play neptunia games. they make you feel better. also listen to their music

shit user sorry about that
did he leave a note? you might not know if he did yet give it a few days or weeks, best to check with the parents

>He had a lot going for him.
Fucking retard. Go watch an animal burn to death and try to mentally reproduce how the animal felt. You are too fucking brain dead to get what I'm saying tho.

This isn't even good bait. You gotta try harder to make people upset buddy

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bump for OP's friend

So that you don't transfer your feelings to your other friends and family. I don't mean that you're at all selfish when I say this, but completely forget about yourself. Spend your time living for the people you have left.

Luruku moaru

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Too fucking soon bud.

>never saw it coming
Interesting how never saying a word about it can be the biggest indicator, he was no attention-whore and was committed to it. He's in a better place now OP.

She's fucking perfect my dude

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Be happy that he had the courage to do what most of us cannot do

>once people get to 23 and up the chance of them clocking out goes down

>Why would anyone kill themselves when there's new marvel movie coming out

Haha right

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>Also if you off yourself then you'll miss Avengers 4
I applaud your taste in movies. Very original. Very cultured. Very great taste. Must have taken you many years to develop your taste in movies, right?

I understand your elitism and edge, but all things considered, Avengers and nu-Star wars are decent movies. At least to shut down your brain and just enjoy an action.
t. another user. My favs are Minority Report, Kin-dza-dza and maybe both Blade Runners.