ITT call out people you think browse this board
I'll start. That robot looking cashier girl at the Walmart self checkout
ITT call out people you think browse this board
I'll start. That robot looking cashier girl at the Walmart self checkout
are you dumb
That chick that drew furry porn every Chemistry lesson. Pretty sure her other female friend browses pol or atleast r/thedonald.
hey hans do you come here to bitch about the women who don't fuck you
there's this one dude that comes into my soup restaurant in ontario often, and one time he had his hands legit down his pants when he was ordering.
Quentin out in West Virginia I know you lurk here man
that dude on the third floor of gillett hall that everyone said probably masturbates to hentai and told me that there was a floor meeting
you know who you are
Ian, i know you browse this board, stop wasting your time in here
i know you still come here
i fucking hate you
That female gas station attendant with the harry potter beanie.
Billy Bob, I know you're in here.
>Normie beanie
Hahahaha, you wish faggot
hell0 tyrone
>that girl that showered maybe once a week, constantly had hair that looked like a crows nest, never turned in a single assignment, and had mountains of furry porn on her flash drive alongside crazy amounts of text-sex in her discord DMs (that i witnessed first hand because she left it open on a school computer)
literally the kind of girl Jow Forums orbits.
sorry user
2 people I know that browse Jow Forums.
Kid that tried to kill himself and got kicked out of school for refusing to do any work in the following months.
... and the major autist with who is somewhat Jow Forums but hasn't left his house in months
Gill I want to fuck your ass you sexy bitch I've heard you use the word normie so I know you post here lol
You have a lot to learn my friend.
I support this notion. I say this every time someone has "fembot" in their thread like it's a real thing. You ain't foolin anyone
Haha couldn't follow thru could ya ya pussy
Ivan. Fuck you ivan, kill yourself
This one's better, I love the look on the faggot cats face.
L, I love you and wish you would stop smoking meth. I miss my little brother. I miss who you used to be. Sometimes I think about where you are and what's happened and I cry a little at the thought. I'm sorry I was a shit excuse for an older brother.
fuck you bitch, im about to go to sleep anyways
wait one of these might be me how old are these people?
>gillett hall
that skelly kid that gets dragged every day to my local gym by his dad.
Frick frick frick frick
Not cool
Fuck you nigger
That one girl who tried to redpill the class on race and IQ in honors seminar freshman year
kid who brought up the bell curve in uni class
Is this alleged L a guy, in his 20s, mexican, and black hair. If so, decent dude. Sucks he does meth. And if not this guy, that sucks for your family. Im sorry your brother smokes meth.
That one states mexican who is rapey and a dirty perv, we may be on bad terms, but i hope you are well old pal.
Thanks. He's not mexican. We're both of irish heritage
That fat guy wearing sweatpants whom I saw wobble away after taking over my pgo stadium.
I bet you still browse this board, Jacob, you fucking sperg. Fuck you, I hope she breaks up with you. I talked to her first and your funny looking ass managed to get her instead.