>hey user, could please you spot me?
Oh shit what do
Hey user, could please you spot me?
try not to wake up
Yea, sure, I mean what could possibly go wrong
yeah im always down to spot a pretty girl. that was a compliment by the way
>needing a spot
I chortle my way out of the gym while suckling on my snake juice. Also
>lifting for girls
Who needs motivation when you have DISCIPLINE
Ok virgin
sure, just take your shoes off first
h-haha yeah f-fuck women who needs them
180° shadow-step in the next gym area + avoid too look at her by any means, use blind spot if you can, be scared and run for your mom.
Unsheathe the blade
How do you know my name?
In an impossible scenario where that happened, i would help her and be done with it really fast, but it would never happen because i cant look at people in the eyes so any for of connection is impossible
i want to be her little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juies inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.
so I can see if she has nice feet, dummy
Nike just do her.
Misc changed my life for the better, will never forget that shit
Shame its full of balding incels and low self esteemed women looking for attention now
Someone shop NIke logo into a dick with that sentence
Because he's a digusting foot fag fetishist
>spot her and stare at her armpits
oh yea, silly me (not into feet personally)
Ah, a fellow man of taste I see
I like armpits too, it's not like you have to choose
For me it's the back of the neck
I remember being in these threads. Nice to see our boi cameljockey still has the aesthetics
>dubs chooses wut do
Is this now an armpussy thread?
Ok, I see you.
you too thanks
You're a fucking retard.
>spot her
>go back to my workout
Great, now I have a clear picture of a girl with vulva under both of her arms. Jow Forums fucks up my mind once again.
..and thats a good thing!
Name a single situation in real life where you actually had somebody ask you for a spot man or woman. Faggot. Sage
Yikes user! Loner much?
Agree, then once I'm there I'll grab the bitch-weight bar with my pinky toe and throw it out. Then my primordial bloatchad energy will kick in and she'll fall to her knees quivering and begging for my holy member to grace her disgusting unpure mortal body.
I've literally never seen a woman doing anything that would require a spotter despite taking up a rack for their meme bullshit.
To think that she married an ugly fat disgusting jew...
>yea you’re right in front of me
Then ignore and continue my workout
I've had men asking me for a spotting and girls asking me for advice. You just have to look normal.
>put hand above eyes like I'm looking far away
>scan eyes across room until they go back to her
>"there you are"
>spot her
>maybe give her advice on form if she is looking for it
>introduce myself etc.
>"want to crab a coffee later?"
absolutley epic
umad fag?
spotting allows for dogging
>crab a coffee
>not, "Hey I'm gonna be shootin' some skeet this weekend, if you wanna tag along I can show you the ropes."
>squats next to you
>looks at you seductively
What do?
>turn towards her
>say ">using a smith machine"
A Girl was doing lunges with 70 pounds and using the dip station to get the bar on her shoulders. I saw that some dude started doing gay leg lifts so I waited for her to finish her set.
>"hey you need help getting the weight up? "
>her: yes please I'll let you know when I'm ready
>casually curl up her 70 lbs barbell to her shoulders.
Then I helped her with the 80 and 90 lbs bars
Damn, It feels good to be a chad
>Smith Machine
But did you fuck her user
me hanging on the top left
who is this?
Ew God no. I'm done with women and only fuck bros.
Explain how it changed your life and what did you learned
No, slut.
Slap the bitch with a bible and tell the slut to go to church.
>"crab a coffee? did you just ask me if I wanted to 'crab' a coffee with you?"
>she squints her eyes
>looks down and notices your 4 pairs of ASICS
>"wait a second"
>moisture beings to race down your shell
>she grabs your large pincer
Pick two
Moist and shellpilled. Also checked
>could please you spot me
Female mire spaghetti? Help her out and go about my business. I got a comp to train for
crayfish and crustaceanpilled
yeah, you're right there
Is that riley reid?
Really a fucking smith machine? Is that like 5 fucking pounds on the bar? Are you that weak that you couldn't contain a brap for like 5 reps? Pathetic, your braps are worthless.
>"Sure, what lift are you doing, and how many reps are you aiming for?"
Then I interrupt her and demand that she cease whatever relentless faggorty she's doing, jump in the skwatz cage and consume a bowl of oatz after every set. When she asks me to stop yelling I'll scoff at her and tell her I knew she wasn't a serious lifter like myself.
just the idea of an autistic crab leaving his shell behind to escape an embarrassing situation lmao..
Yep, this is going into my based collection.
>pulls down pants
>starts cooming all over her
I know what's real
i want to be her little baby tampon boy
They look nothing alike.
i cockled
I'd probably just spot her
Spot this, bitch.
*grabs dick*
Uh spot her.
tell her no because i dont want to be kicked out of the gym for alleged sexual harassment
oh shit, cameljockey in the background.
Check'd and kek'd
Reps on RC
you spot her...unless you are DYEL. then an hero faggot.
based clownposter
More deluded, like a Ferrari driven by an old man
she's so pretty it hurts
crabbed and seapilled
lmfao underrated
Rape her
God you virgins anger me