>walk past two pajeets at gym
>an over power smell if curry radiates off them
Who smells the worst at your gym?
Walk past two pajeets at gym
The women
People smell at the fucking gym, what do you expect you fucking incel
I probably do. I wear the same clothes every time and I haven't washed them for weeks, plus I'm on GOMAD and lactose intolerant. The farts I've been pushing out has been hazmat tier.
>Who smells the worst at your gym?
I expect normally body odor. These guys smell like they've been standing over a stove cooking curry all day. One is 15 feet away and I can smell curry
Found the angry smelly poo
Found the racist Jow Forumstard
an indian dude asked me to spot him on bench and the smell was horrid. i dont get how they manage to smell like that and completely lack self-awareness about it
No, but the smell will make people racist. Do something about it or open a pajeets only gym
low hanging b8
People have gotten up and moved benches further from the pajet pack. How do you not know? I take a shower to wash my butthole after every poop if I can.
This, i go immediately after working in a warehouse, my feet makes the gym unbearable
The smell makes me nauseous. I work with a lot of Indians. Everything I own smells like curry. My perspiration now smells like curry. Just by being around the stuff. You can’t get rid of it.
Can we chill with the racism on /fit? this is supposed to be an inclusive part of the internet where we discuss health and fitness. My heart breaks thinking of some young little sand nigger coming onto this board for advise and inspiration only to have to deal with racism and people making fun of curry. It might detour him from lifting altogether. sad.
They detour others from lifting. I legit have to drive by my gym's closest location to go to another part of town bc the stunk up this one. Shit sucks, and now their invading my new gym. Fuckin hb1s.
By all means, they should lift, but either clean your shit up or go somewhere where people like curry stank
Can you guys stop hogging all the dumbbells
Also why do you wear polos to the gym how is that comfortable
>sand nigger
You had me going for a second there.
>work at UPS
>black female diversity hire PT supervisor
>doesn't brush her teeth
>have poor sense of smell
>never noticed this for months until co-workers pointed it out
possibly me
My entire gym smells like a toilet because it's overcrowded and the staff suck. I'm cancelling membership and doing calisthenics until I find a new gym.
>why do you wear polos to the gym
I wish I was joking
That wasn't a denial pajeet