Last year

>Last year
>Be 18
>Was a fat, depressed, alcoholic fuck
>Living by self in apartment, only go out to go to work at night
>Start browsing Jow Forums in free time
>Start seeing shitload of Nazi posts, at first ignore them and write them off as autism
>Decide to read one
>Is a systematic, detailed explanation of national socialism and the greed of the Jews
>Get into arguments with the Nazis
>Most of them call me degenerate and shit like that but one guy actually has a real debate with me
>We exchange viewpoints and he explains to me that I'm closer to national socialism than I'd like to think
>He's right. I hate big banks and corporations, I'm environment conscious, I despise consumerism, and I believe we need a strong authoritarian government.
>And you know now that I think of it I do fucking hate Jews
>Get massively redpilled by this guy
>Start reading Nazi literature and learning more about national socialist culture and values
>Few months pass, decide to contact local Nazi Party to learn more
>Mostly get tutored like a fucking kid by some guy over the phone for a few weeks
>Get told to work out and stop drinking so that I can be the best I can be for myself, and for the party
>A year passes, I went on a fucking grind and lost about 50 pounds, and stopped drinking completely
>Now 19, proud member of the National Socialist Movement
>Got gf I redpilled at a march a couple months ago
>Feel better about life than ever before

Nazism is the best thing that ever happened in my life, and it can be the best thing that ever happens in yours.

As long as you aren't a dirty fucking nigger, spic, chink, or a kike

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>proud member of the National Socialist Movement
Congrats, you joined a CIA honeypot.

Hey man chill you can hate greed without wiping out an entire continent.

shut it down, he knows

what's your nazi gf like, user?

young depressed autist brainwashed again and now has delusions of grandeur while still only 19 years old. many such cases

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Not sure if she's Nazi yet but she's getting there. She was willing to listen to me instead of shouting, which is more than can be said of others. She's a lot like I was before I made the switch, which is to say, unsure of her own affiliation.

When are you going to let a real nigga like me clap her cheeks though

Not anytime soon, friend

You like red pills OP? Here is one for you: Hitler and the Nazi movement was underwritten (financed) by the Jewish elite from beginning to end. Who do you think owned the German central bank through the twelve years Hitler was in power. The Nazi movement was invented by a Jew. Jews controlled all sides in WWII, just as they do today.

Save it for the Alex Jones show

lol you're a loser. There's a difference between wanting to be an individualist (believing in self improvement and hard work and elevating society through ethical egoism) and fighting for people who were literally wrong in every way and lost a war while bank rolled by the people they tried to exterminate. It's blatant propaganda that's been around for decades and you're falling for it because you're a brainlet.

Well figured I'd ask I was going to give her the ol big Latino dick special but good luck with her lad

The Reichsbank was government operated by two ethnic Germans in the twelve years of the Third Reich, nigtard

The german government was funded by the seizure of jewish assets. Anyways none of that matters. Goebbels was legitimately a mastermind of marketing. He preached shit and manipulated millions and even idiots today still buy it, proven by the state of Jow Forums and OP. Capitalism has been the greatest achievement in human history, it's corrupt to the core right now but it's also a mendable system. Any system that sells itself as authoritarian is never good because one day you'll find they come for you or what you believe in. There will always be a scapegoat, there will always be another enemy.

Sorry buddy, but I'm an irish/native American/hispanic/black/Slavic gentleman. I am the perfect amerimut!

A similar thing happened to me but instead of Nazis It was some Chinamen at a pingpong gym. I also got my life together but instead of becoming a fucking retarded I'm really good at pingpong.

Heil Hitler! 14/88 keep it up.

>who cares about the well being of society?

Capitalism is a wonderful system for small or medium sized countries, but when you have a nation as large as the United States that's been capitalist for almost 250 years, the decay becomes more and more noticeable over time. Take for example, the shrinking middle class, and the wars fought to preserve the cash flow. The system is run by greed. Is National Socialism any better? Hell, probably not. But there will come a day when capitalism in America isn't mendable, and it'll collapse, or get overthrown. As soon as that happens, it'll be an extremist government that takes over. I'd rather it be the extremist force that gets shit done, albeit brutally, rather than the extremist force that forces collectivism to little effect.

The environment aspect also comes to mind but that's neither here nor there

What is the purpose of the well being of society if millions upon millions don't get to experience it. Personal freedom and liberty should be above all else. You'll be considered a member of society until you're no longer useful or you're the next scapegoat. And how do you decide who benefits? Who gets to experience the benefits of a free and just society?

Sometimes we think we are redpilled while we are not. Most of Nazi literature is conspiracy theory bs. No shame in reading it, but it is not more useful than "Diary of a Whimpy Kid".

People don't support environmentalism when it comes down to it. Look at the riots in France recently, people were 100% for being more environmentally friendly but now they're protesting a fuel tax. People legitimately don't believe in anything once they have to start paying for it. National Socialism is a literal retard ideology along with communism. I feel social capitalism is a great system but it's very bloated and costly. Like you said capitalism works very well with small and medium sized countries, I truly believe that's the direction we're going. More direct representation of smaller communities with multilateral trade and movement deals which means the breakup of larger countries into way smaller and more manageable chunks.

>Contacting natzi party
That's a big nope for me, it's one thing to understand how things are, it's a whole other to tell everyone.
You do know that the fbi keeps teams on those people right?
You're probably on a watch list now.
I wouldn't be surprised if David Duke is an informant.

I can see why you'd think that, and admittedly, a lot of it is conspiracy theories. At the same time though, there's a lot of understandable sentiment that I don't think many will truly be able to understand. I think a lot of Nazi ideology (race ideology aside) is based around the classical era and the disdain for modernism.

What about playing vidya & doing drugs? Ever think of doing that instead of being a nazi?

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lol homie

I hope your girlfriend turns out to be FBI undercover agent asigned to your local chapter.

user most of it is literary based on paranoia. And criticism of modern culture and capitalist consumerist society is absolutely not unique to fascism. Also Jow Forums are straight up paranoid retards user.

Why did you post this on Jow Forums and not Jow Forums where its meant to be?

Ok nazishill

Sounds fucking dope dude. Tell him to hook you up with a cute chinese girl.

Look man, I'm only a bit older then you and I was almost sucked in as well, but those fuckers are just as shady and Jewish as any other political party. They sucker you in with promises and easy fixes to life's problems, but the reality is its just another Jewish trick. I am not saying love Jews or blacks, but Nazi LARP doesn't actually accomplish anything nor do they have any real policy solutions, they just sperg out. If they were in power tomorrow they wouldn't have a clue. Plus Germany kinda tried to wipe out a ton of European nations during the war, including my own ethnicity.

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Environmentalism is sadly just one of those things that is very costly nowadays. People need to be coerced into it if we're to preserve the planet. I'm certain that with enough careful planning and a few reforms capitalism can and will live, but how long will disgruntled groups like Antifa lay in wait for that rebirth, assuming they'll wait at all? They've already declared their goal of a communist coup, and it may come sooner than we would like to think. At the end of the day, I'd prefer capitalism live. I know National Socialism is flawed, just as any other system is, and I know there isn't a large enough following to stage a successful coup, so it's in the best interest of both parties if capitalism is strengthened and communism (and communist groups, for that matter) is/are crushed. It (capitalism) is an objectively good system, just very vulnerable.

Briefly. Wolfenstein was actually pretty cool.

now that'd be a plot twist

>what's the point of working hard if I don't have to give it all away to brown people who want me dead

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okay you have a point there with Jow Forums, I've actually come to fucking hate that board these days.

>People need to be coerced into it if we're to preserve the planet
The justified outrage comes from the fact that Macron slashed taxes for his Rothschild financiers while raising taxes on the working poor and continuing the policy of letting in many more migrants from the former empire into France, who almost exclusively leech on the state and become a blight on France. Doesn't help that those Migrants are almost exclusively Sunni Muslim in a atheistic/nominally Catholic country.

BASED OP! I to, was a low life scum, but now I read, exercise, and go outside. Good for you for picking yourself up instead of going deeper into the hole of degeneracy!

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>trust me goy, it's not as crack up to be as you think it is. they don't even have any real policy. It's just all about racism & hating jews. just look! they tried to wipe out all the usery in europe that is killing the west!

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>proud member of the National Socialist Movement

They look like your typical neo nazi skinhead subhumans, nothing to be proud about.

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Alright man, full disclosure, I don't actually have a problem with non-Aryans/non-whites, and I'm honestly skeptical on the whole political side of it. I'm honestly just in this because it's something I've never been a part of. Being some fuckin half-Serb kid in rural Maine with nothing to do gets real boring, real fast. In reality this is most definitely just a transitional stage for me I'll inevitably look back on ashamedly.

I'm not updated fully on the France situation so it's best I not touch this with a ten foot pole.

>>Now 19, proud member of the National Socialist Movement

I remember doing some pretty dumb shit when I was 19 too.

Yeah like I said in i'll likely regret it when I'm older

>now that I'm 20, I know communism is the better choice & nothing can change my mind.

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Lonely user who has had no sense of belonging throughout his life finds group with a strong familial bond who staunchly defend each other and as such begins to feel allured by it as an outsider looking in. After noticing the ideology has slightly similar beliefs to his, he uses it as a means to join so that he can finally feel like he belongs somewhere, thus adopting all parts of the ideology in fear that he may be rejected from the group and be lonely again.

user proceeds to staunchly defend these beliefs as he feels passion for something for the first time in a long while, and does so to also prove to others in the group that he's one of them and belongs to them, reinforcing his feelings of belonging that he is feeling for the first time in a long time. He also does this for praise, as others in the group may praise him.

He comes to Jow Forums in an attempt to "convert" others and "make them see" for praise also, by recruiting new members he is seen as useful. This helps with his self esteem further as again, for the first time he feels useful and like he's making a difference - changing the world even. He targets Jow Forums as they were like him. Depressed, lonely, low self esteem, purposeless and therefore sees them as easy converts. But he also sees himself as saving them.

He does it selfishly, so that he can find others like him, and find more of that sense of belonging, to finally find friends and does so by finding things in common with others. Ultimately, Naziism at this point isn't an ideology, but bunch of people who feel left out trying to find bonds and a sense of purpose in a world that they feel, rejects them. And they do so by embracing beliefs that they have been ashamed of in the past, as the ultimate sign of rebellion against the world.

This is quite fucking literary what Nazis did user. They sought people down on their luck to spread propaganda to.

>third position
You people are so fucking dumb it hurts.

>You people are so fucking dumb it hurts.
The projection never ends with the left. All long lived prosperous nations throughout human history have used this model. This is because it is the natural state of humanity to look out for ones best interests while helping those in your community so your nation thrives, & keeping at bay those who want to take away what you as a nation have built for yourselves.

>but if everyone on the planet did it as one

The reality is no one is interested in doing that, & erasing their culture & history just for some pie in the sky liberal fantasy.

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Though this may seem beneficial, finally finding that sense of belonging and purpose and really feeling like you're changing the world, it isn't. Through adopting any sort of political ideology as an identity, not just Nazism, and getting heavily invested into it, you lose individuality. Individuality is lost through the person essentially revolving their entire personality around their adopted ideology. They do this as an identifier for others that are similar to them so they can be brought into the group and gain that sense of belonging, they do this in fear that they may be rejected from the group, as "proof" that they're all in and believe in every piece of doctrine, and they do it to feel passionate, so that for once in their life they can feel passionate about SOMETHING, anything. They see others with interests and how they turn that into their identity and they see themselves with no real interests, any interests they have they lose passion for in like a month.

So in a desperate attempt to cling onto what is the first time they've felt like they belong, that they've felt accepted, and that they've felt passionate about something, they BECOME all about that ideology and transform their personality around it so that it can never be lost and so that they can never become the person they used to be - it's the ultimate rejection of their past "loser" (even though they still are) selves.

pretty much hit the nail on the head there

but one caveat

I never felt like the world rejected me. I knew I was a fat, depressed, alcoholic fuck. I rejected the world. It just took the influence from another lonely soul to set me on the way to self improvement, under a guise of improving for the party that I had put myself under, only to realize I had, in a very placebo kind of way, never needed Nazism in the first place.

based and red pilled, in the end ideology is a trap to lose oneself in.

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so hey, more nazi recruiters on Jow Forums
aren't ads against the rules?
got a lot of people with that shitpost; sad
eat a dick, OP

get absolutely scammed nigga

But like I said earlier, they lose their individuality by doing that. They become part of the masses and become sheep. This makes them easily influenced and manipulated by higher ups in various organisations dedicated to their selected ideology. Rather than research various beliefs and ideas and forming their own belief system and ideology as dictated by their own personality like an individual does, they allow the group to dictate their beliefs and ideas - what is right and wrong, what is good and bad, and they do this rather easily at this point, because they fear that if they do not,

Funnily enough, they become like the normies that they detest so much. Following the crowd, doing things to impress, rejecting those that they deem as "strange" and "abnormal" (in nazis case this would be say, a black person). Oh and that rejection thing is a BIG one in terms of them feeling good. Being able to be the one to reject over the rejected for the first time in their life. Its catharsis for them for High School.

It's also a smoke screen. It's essentially just a filter for how fucked they are inside. I kinda attribute it similar to alcohol. They can put on a front and finally feel normal for once. But like alcohol its a temporary measure that doesn't fix things, it's just fooling yourself into feeling okay for a few moments. And like alcohol if you rely on it too much, it fucks you up.

All these people are, are sad, lonely, rejected anons who have fooled themselves into thinking they've finally made it because they're allowing themselves to be strung along by a group who for the first time in their lives are being welcomed into something, and praised for something, and not being shamed for something. Until they step back into the outside world and out the bubble, where they're still the same person that they were before, because rather than fix themselves they've stuck a bandaid on and found someone who will finally go "There there, it's okay" to them, as they slowly fall apart. That way, they won't have to look at themselves and accept their issues and be critical of themselves and how much they've fucked up. They can just turn to their group, their escapism, where they feel like they're making a difference, and be praised and accepted and told it's okay and told that they're loved and told that they're right and its not THEM who are fucked up, it's society who is fucked up. Everyone else is wrong, not them. But all that does, is ignore the problem.

Thats why so many alt-righters and nazis are young these days. Young, lonely people who felt lost and rejected and passionate about nothing. And thats also why so many end up leaving when they get older, because they realise its all on them and not society, and they get their act together. Ultimately they don't need that group and sense of belonging anymore. They don't need to believe they've fixed their lives and have "redpilled" themselves as they HAVE fixed their lives. But they wasted so much time ignoring that shit, that its a shame.

From - Someone who got involved in this kind of stuff and decided to actually fix his life rather than pretend it was fixed.

Kikes are really pushing hard for people to throw away their identities.

But it's ok buys, the trannies on here are all for it, so it can't be that bad, right?

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guide me user

kike samefagging to his own comments. no wonder this is the case.

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Volunteer or something instead them. With animals or something. Makes you feel good about yourself, makes you feel like you're making a difference because you actually are, and become a part of a less shitty community.

>19 year old gets told to stop being a lazy fuck and lose weight and read a book for once
>follows instructions and finally gets a gf now that he isn't a mouthbreathing sack of shit
so you aren't even sure of it then. Whats the point of the fucking thread you mongrel?

>become a part of a less shitty community.

It all starts here. Unkike yourselves.

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You can improve yourself and feel like you're apart of the community without having to join a Nazi club, OP. You just got baited hard by a bunch of ideologues. Either that or you're spewing bullshit.

self actualization nigga

I could screenshot my (You's) to show we're not the same person. Look. I know you just read my shit and saw yourself in it, so now you're panicking because shits unravelling before you and you don't like that. Its shitty when the structures you put in place fall. But self reflection IS a good and helpful thing, even though at first its really difficult. What you're going through right now is your first self reflection through reading that post, hence the response that you did - a generic attempt to reinforce those structures in place, and throwing buzzwords around. Just because you look at yourself and feel shitty doesn't mean you're a shitty person.

It's like making a dish, and you burned a little part of it. Is the whole dish ruined? No. Can you never make that dish again? No. Now you know what to do better next time. Thats self reflection.

Just remember everything difficult seems impossible at first.

Also spamming memes and images is very pointless. I'm not suddenly gonna change my stance out of nowhere because you had a funny image now, am I? Like what did you expect I'd do from posting that? Completely reject everything I just typed? It was like a fucking essay, man.

And if I'm not gonna, how is anyone else going to? So ultimately, whats the point of posting the stuff you do the way you do? It's kinda screaming into the void.

>dude lol save your culture
>lul just ignore that bit where we kill all non-whites once we take over the world
>look at the kikes samefagging the thread
>just ignore the bit where we samefagged the thread

like pottery.

You could have just told me to read a book and go workout. Nothing you did was unique to being a nazi and now theres another Jow Forums thread in the catalog because you're a dumbass.

This reeks of you made a Nazi friend who really helped you out and helped you improve yourself and now you're scared of losing him in case you go back to how you used to be, OP.

I think you're taking the site (and yourself) a little too seriously.

For the most part yeah lol

>now you're panicking because shits unravelling before you
>throwing buzzwords around

Tired of getting holocated? Wait, that was fake too.. Those rage filled walls of text speak volumes. Just not in the way you think.

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I'm a fucking Serb you idiot, thats what ethnicity I was referring to.
Grandpa a Chetnik as well?

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>you're taking it too serious when you tell us to fuckoff
>we're reacting appropriately when we tell anyone else to fuckoff
You see how this goes? Why shouldn't I take the site seriously? Why is it overreacting because I'm complaining that you put trash in the catalog? ideology is serious business and its even more serious when you're telling people to unironically sign up to groups that'll get you put on a watchlist/fuck up your social status/get you hurt. Jow Forums isn't necessarily serious business but that doesn't mean people should just be freely shitting up everything and inciting flame wars for funsies

Its because he's afraid as he saw himself in my post, and because he's scared in case OP "loses" his affiliation with nazis because he sees it as a personal loss. It IS a collective after all.

You gotta remember this is a scary time, post election time too. 2016 was the height of it all, and as each year passes, election fever dies down and people are getting over it. Things are going back to the way they were and normies are getting less interested in politics again. "The us and them" divide closes in and they can't accept that as that era was the first time they felt like they belonged and they felt passionate about something.

They're scared of going back to how they were in 2014 and 2015, that they'll go back to that and feel like that again, so any sort of "loss" to them is devastating. They have to reject any sort of confrontation about their behaviour and cracks in their smoke screen as "kikes" and other buzzwords, because if they don't then their fantasy bubble crumbles and they become that loser who sits on the computer all day again.

I mean, they still are, but right now they believe they're a loser who sits on the computer all day who is making a difference, someone who can "truly" see the world unlike everyone else. It makes them feel unique and special. Which is ironic because they're losing their individuality as they do so.

Don't worry, the majority kind of snap out of it. At some point they realise that the world won't change and they're not making a difference, so there's no use sitting around and waiting for something that inevitably won't happen. Then they realise they've either not been self improving, or the little self improvement that they have, they don't need to be a Nazi in order for it to so. Then they step out of their fantasy bubble and accept life for what it is.

It's a pretty good feeling, actually.

The only redpill that you guys need is this: Life is difficult and unfair but shouting at it wont make a difference.

Well do you feel like you need guidance? Is it a self control issue? I mean at the end of the day, you ended up doing those things to improve yourself so it shows that you CAN do it.

That he was, served three years in the war. Great guy he was

And the way you're posting also speaks volumes. Life's scary, I know. And nobody likes to feel ashamed that they've fucked it up.

Serbian jew. got it.

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I think it was more of a "fitting in" issue. I told myself I was working out and abstaining from drink to better myself for the cause and ideology but at the end of the day I realized it was for myself the whole time. And now I'm stuck in this weird group of people who'd want to beat me if they were even smart enough to notice I was Slavic, but nonetheless, have been a surrogate family to me.

From reading the thread it sounds like you're unsure

>nobody likes to feel ashamed that they've fucked it up
Strong words coming from a lying kike.

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This is actually a bit embarrassing. I had always had doubts but because of this shitpost tier greentext and its thread I'm realizing just how unsure I really am. It's probably more of a case that I'm not trying to convince her to be a Nazi and she's just hesitant, but more of she wants me to not be one because she sees I'm misguided.

Are they your only friends? Because I mean at least there's your qt gf to fall back on if shit falls apart.

At the same time they're not very good friends if we're talking about the fact they'd wanna beat you.

What do you tend to do with them, play vidya and shit?

>Nazism is the best thing that ever happened in my life
>As long as you aren't a dirty fucking nigger, spic, chink
user you are not a national socialist you are just a racist. People like you piss me of National Socialist is a movement which stands up for the people. Its a big group where everyone pulls each other. I bet you never listend to a single hitler speech.
"We do not say to the rich, please, give something to the poor. Instead we say German people, help yourself! Everyone must help, whether you are rich or poor. Everyone must have the belief that there's someone in a much
worse situation than I am, and this person I want to help as a comrade" - Hitler
National Socialism is about being a part of something and the unification of the people which also includes niggers, spics, chinks and so on since they are still part of the people. You are just a racist piece of shit who abuses this because the germans killed jews. I even bet you never did something for the people like enlisting, or being a fireworker

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Anyone else find it interesting he keeps going back to the same thing? It's like the ultimate defence mechanism for him. The Kike thing is also pretty interesting too because that way he doesn't have to listen to me anymore if he assumes I am one.

1. it's a joke lol
2. I've listened to Hitler speeches, Mussolini speeches, Mosley speeches, etc.
3. I'm a volunteer firefighter in my county lol

I have a few friends from back in high school and a few from work. I'm certain they don't know of my party affiliations and shit but it could be hard to keep it from them. The Nazis and I usually plan marches and go over speeches, discuss ideology and shit, rarely play vidya, they're boring as hell to hang out with but have been there for me. How long that can last though is yet to be seen.

Oh so it was mostly just a shitpost? I mean congrats still, you started shit. But Jow Forums always falls for the bait anyways so its not difficult.

I'd pick a gf over friends especially if its a gf I feel I could be myself with. It sounds like you're lucky to have her if you feel comfortable enough for you to share your beliefs with her AND she doesn't reject it. Think of how many others would have peaced out.

I know its a meme around here but at least you can be yourself around her.

kikes always kike out hard ITT. Same non argument everytime with zero proof to back them up. just 100% REEEE!

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Yeah mostly a shitpost. There was slight intention in the post to spark debates somewhat meaningful debates (mission accomplished)

I've actually been thinking about breaking it off from them for a while now. They've recently started talking about doing some not-so-agreeable things to people. Part of me was staying because the ideology fascinates me, but I don't think I can fully commit to fucking violence.

god op if youre gonna make a thread about your supposed ideology, then at least be more adamant about defending what you supposedly believe in you fucking faggot. what the fuck was the point of this thread if you were gonna cop out like the pussy you are? get the fuck out of here with this bullshit you nigger

debates typically end with leftists getting demolished. theres a reason reddit/tumblr/twitter all ban conservatives. should leftists ever decide to debate instead of blocking and reporting they would stop being leftists

Interesting OP. You'll be out by 21

Sorry for all the questions and shit but its pretty interesting to me. So when you discuss ideology is it like analysing books or speeches or movies and stuff? Or debates?

What are the marches about? You mentioned in your OP post like environmentalism and corporate banks and stuff.

>What was the point of this thread if you were gonna cop out
implying i knew i would upon making the thread
i wouldn't have made the thread if that were my intention at the beginning you actual mongoloid

What are you so angry about? What bothers you?

>My life fucking sucks
>Let me blame someone else
>Wtf I feel better now
>Blames nigger, spics, chinks, and jews.
Grow the fuck up niglet.

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real nazis dont want to take over the world or kill all non whites, retard

NSM is a joke bro, join a local WN group that are not attention whores and convert others underground. Dont do dox yourself son and get a career.