Son of landlord has threatened me for leaving lights on

Just escaped being neet and now I'm getting threats from this normie snap show.

I knew he was entering my room without my permission and asked him to stop. He refused and sent me pic related.

I got Jow Forums and I'm bigger than him, but I don't know how to fight.

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Other urls found in this thread:

tell the police

Stop leaving the light on then.

>trespassing to turn your lights off
and when they try to evict you, sue for breach of your leasing agreement, warn him to not enter too

>but I don't know how to fight
>Studied Egyptian Belly Dancer at Vancouver Island University
Yeah don't worry, OP neither does he

Put up a camera so you can get evidence of him illegally entering your room.

He sounds like a total puss tbqh. If he ever does anything the retard sent you proof right there.

See people like this need to be hit in the head with a fucking hammer. Simple. People who think they can dominate and stand over people.

Is that message enough to tell the police? And what would they do?

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Dude looks and types like a complete douchebag. Tough guy over the internet usually means total pussy when it actually gets down to action. In the past I had this problem and I responded with violence. Was satisfying in the short term and id be lying if I didnt say I still look back happily on literally stomping him in the face, but ultimately caused me a whole lot of trouble and threw my life way out of balance from the condquences.

The smart choice is to de-escalate the situation, but dont let this faggot try to threaten and intimidate you

I gave my notice, but I've got three more weeks.

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Ask him to explain what he means, just keep asking semi vague questions to reveal his threats or messages, take it to a court, file for a restraining order asap. Judges almost always file in favor of a restraining order because if they don't grant one and something happens they can be held liable. So you don't need a ton of evidence.

if I roll dubs you have to send him the what the fuck did you just say about me pasta

I don't want the consequences of winning a fight. I don't want a criminal record.

I also don't want to back down on something that should be my right as a renter.

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Why doesnt your retard landlord just charge for electricity instead of including it in the rent and then micromanaging your lights? You should ask him this because i'm genuinely curious

get as much evidence as possible and report it to the police

>Ask him to explain what he means, just keep asking semi vague questions to reveal his threats or messages

Example? I'm a brainlet.

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Just simple shit, like "What exactly are you going to do if I don't?"

He said "This game your playing will cost us both i promise you." ask him "what will the cost be?". Also ask him "what are you going to do that I need that we could do without?"

Honestly you should be posting this shit on reddit legal advice
>inb4 reddit fag
I was a cyborg long before I casually looked through reddit.

"What I can legally promise is 1) all tenant-landlord legislation guarantees me the right to live within reasonable peace and 2) our lease doesn't compel me to turn off the lights. Although I would happily consider the change of habits, promising me a cost to which I haven't consented on the basis I don't get strong-armed into sitting down on your terms, contrary to reasonable peace, I am rejecting being compelled by you. Please note that this correspondence will be forwarded to the tenant board and I will file a police report not out of an attempt to get you charged, but preemptively because you are vague in your intentions, and that all future correspondence from you will be subject to similar scrutiny."

There. Enjoy, dumbass. Thank me.

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I wrote and I didn't even realize he had entered your room illegally, or i would've written my piece even more emphatically and unforgivingly.

Just throw somewhere in there that you'll start placing surveillance in your room.

>Egyptian belly dancer
OP if you fail to beat his ass I'll be the first one to laugh at your miserable ass

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>Tell your landlord you think someone is breaking into your place
>Set up a camera and show him the footage
>Let him come up with the realization that it's his son on his own
If he's any kind of decent person he'll probably resolve the issue with his son on his own

Is it illegal for him to enter my room if he works for the landlord.

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she looks like Niki from nerd city on the right photo
also yeah it's probably illegal but what do I know.

More than likely yes. I don't know your laws but I know that in many States in burgerland a landlord just give a 24 hour minimal notice before letting himself into your house.

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Yes - there has to be cause and/or notice, and even if there's notice, it can't be often enough to infringe upon reasonable peace. Now thank me.

Most likely. My apartment doesn't allow anyone working for the building to come into my place without notice or it's a violation of my lease.

By entering my room without permission and refusing to stop, you are violating my right as a tenant to reasonable peace.

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>leaving lights on
do you realize how little electricity a lightbulb uses? a standard 60W light bulb use .06% of a kilowhatthour if left on for an hour, which the average cost of a killwhatt hour is around 20cents depending on the state and if its during peak hours. so a 60W lightbulb is 1.2cents per hour to run or just over a quarter if left on 24hours straight. LED bulbs being 17W will get you closer to 8cents per 24h

ultimatly the average power bill is around 60% heating and air, 20% water-heater/refrigerator, and the remain 20% is a mixture of electronics, appliances, the cost of maintaining the connection, and lighting. on a powerbill of $100 probably $2 would be lighting

the point of this is to explain that two grown men are going to get into a fight over what is probably under $10's worth of electrical energy because they are both retarded

this is r9k after all do you expect us to do math and shit.

>decent person

excuse me

You should call the cops desu mate

Shit I just noticed he's at a music festival in his pic. He definitely has been arrested will MDMA/LSD. Call the cops for sure they know who he is

Your rent includes electric? I'm a landlord and I've never heard of anything like this.

Ask since it's going to cost him if it's really something worth getting worked up over and feign concern for what's going on with him implying he's being irrational and projecting his frustrations and worries with other things in his life.

Is this ok?

60W lightbulb is 1.2cents per hour to run or just over a quarter if left on 24hours straight. LED bulbs being 17W are closer to 8cents per 24h.

What I can legally promise is 1) all tenant-landlord legislation guarantees me the right to live within reasonable peace, privacy and 2) our lease doesn't compel me to turn off the lights. Although I would happily consider the change of habits, promising me a cost to which I haven't consented on the basis I don't get strong-armed into sitting down on your terms, contrary to reasonable peace, I am rejecting being compelled by you. Please note that this correspondence will be forwarded to the tenant board and I will file a police report not out of an attempt to get you charged, but preemptively because you are vague in your intentions, and that all future correspondence from you will be subject to similar scrutiny.

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sounds like he's renting out part of the house where they didnt bother to put in a second meter

It's a room

Well the first and most obvious response is "Is that a threat?"

After that I would look up some VERY basic fighting and practice. Drop that stupid faggot. He looks like a spoiled shit douche bag. The classic "here's me with a hat and hoodie on while I'm at some sort of music festival" picture.

I would fuck that faggot up. That being said it's entirely unnecessary and the weesely and slightly condescending attitude he's giving you in these shitty text messages leads me to believe he's a spoiled pussy who thinks he's rough. As this guy said he probably doesn't know how to fight.

If you have a fuck load of money you could talk to a lawyer and put together a law suit but seeing as I sincerely doubt you have thousands of dollars to spare you would probably be playing on his turf.

So I would say the best course of action would be to tell him to NOT enter your house ever again and go tell his daddy that he's threatening you and illegally entering your home. Work with his father, not this stupid normie faggot.

>one single room
holy crap thats almost nothing. yes the math is correct, if you google " kilowhatt hour cost you will see what it actually is. and remember a KWH is the cost of 1000watts being used for an hour. so 60watts being used for an hour would be .06kwh

i want to say the cheapest is around 8c per KWH, while the most expensive is hawaii aroud 45c per KWH. keep in mind during "peak pricing" that cost can double or tripple rates (during really hot/cold times or early morning/afternoon when they need to supply more to meet demand)

people often think lights and fans "run up the powerbill" because they are visible but they really are so cheap you wouldnt notice it on a bill if you left them on permanently

He's going to do something you need OP, sounds like a helpful well adjusted man. I don't see the problem OP and if your scared, just shoot him in the face.

I'm a sensitive guy, I hate conflict. I don't want to get hit. I'm worried he'll freakout when I send the message.

Ive shot him in the face in my imagination. I'm in British Columbia, not Florida tho.

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Ask him what he means and that he needs to elaborate, though trying to be subtle probably won't be necessary seeing as the guy seems like kind of a douche.

You could just ask him if he's making some sort of threat. If you really want to rustle his jimmies let him know that it's hard to understand because he's acting like a weasel.

Are you mining bitcoin or something?

Send it anyway. Oregano.

I live on Vancouver Island in nanaimo specifically. I know this dumbass and need your permission to siphon his work truck. although it doesn't matter I will given the chance


He doesn't have a work truck.

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I'd hate to live in your world

oh shit this is going to get interesting.
Can you describe this guy? Why is he a dumbass?

Let's be friends?



I pay for my own electricity, I thought this was standard. I pay for my water as well.

Maybe you have a legit reason, like wanting to avoid burglary?

he drove a 1986 Datsun pickup last time I saw him on dispatch. won't give out last name for OPs sake but he spent some time at Cold Star, got laid off I'm assuming. does he still work there? staying at my second place rn so I'm in his area this week

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More importantly OP: dump your fap folder

He's a "recovered" drug addict. He spends his time going to meetings and chasing women.

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What has your encounter with him been?

manlet detected kick his ass original aks

Alex is a homo and likes OP. He ain't talking about the lights.

Damn, cold star? I guess his belly dancing didn't pan out like he had hoped.

Lol this guy is an even bigger douche bag than I thought. What was he addicted to? Cocaine? Presumably got daddy to pay for him to essentially have a vacation in a rehab facility? I would call him a weasel OP. Tell him to man up if he's going to threaten you and give you "what you need."

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Is LG G6 a good phone?

Huh. You actually recorded this. That's prudent.

My last landlord was an asshole like that. He lived in the second level of the house, totally different utilites though.

He had a drinking problem and would get really pissed off and stomp around if I came home late. One night I thought he was stomping around more than usual, but it turns out a stomach ulcer or something burst and he was wriggling around on the floor dying for a couple hours. Oops. Coulda saved you if you weren't such a prick. Got like 3 months of free rent then dipped out of state.

Maybe just wait it out, OP. document everything and kick his ass only if you have to and if he does something first. Things may just end up working itself out. Also, post the rest of the messages.

Yeah, it's really good. It's fast and you just tap the screen twice to turn it on.

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>letting some ugly wop push you around

Niiicee. I got a v30 though.

God just tell the police already you dumb pussy nigger

Dont leave your lights on

Then that lamp would be like 50-250 $ per year

Jesus this argument left me confused. So the breaker switches are in your room and he's coming in to turn off the breaker? I thought he was coming in to turn off the lights.

Why do men think they can solve everything with violence?

fighting can be a lot of fun. Me and my brothers used to beat each other up as kids.

Go to rehab faggot


This is why you live alone
what a fucking nutter

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it kinda works. though in this case its unnecessary. they can simply kick op out

>I thought he was coming in to turn off the lights.
You're a special kind of stupid. Not retarded, but you're definitely an idiot.

Violence is what solves problems. All the countries of today and the lifestyles people are able to lead, whether they're good or bad, are the direct result of violence

Does this situation really need to end in violence?

I gave notice when it was clear things weren't working.

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Because the only times violence does not work is when you need explosive devices to solve it.

Damned straight bruv. Can you explain for me?

Sounds like you were late on your rent and wasting utilities my dude. Some people might not take kindly to that

I thought the payment had gone through early.

I always made a point to pay the rent early and explained the situation to the landlord.

Turn the lights off you dumb piece of shit.
I had a tenant like you as well. Asshole would leave the lights on 24/7 even when he wasn't home.

Leave the lights on every single time you leave your room. You have a right to peaceful enjoyment of your rental space.

If someone ever threatened me like that, they would have to fight me the next time they see me.

I was turning the lights off, I'd forget now and then, that's what he is referring to.

He leaves lights on, leaves the kitchen a mess, won't take turns cleaning the floors. He left the Thanksgiving turkey rotting in the sink for two months. Accuses me of stealing food he forgot he ate. That's unstable.

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I don't understand, don't you pay your own electricity bill?
Why would he care if you left your lights on?
>Turn lights off
>Boot up crypto miner
Light's off bitch.

It's included in the rent

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Sir, I am not op but that is a classy piece of writing. Op should seriously consider using.

Are you do law for a living?

Slum lords of all people too. I'd pay to have his ass kicked instead of rent before moving out the last day before it was due.

OP landlord is some kind of junkie who needs the extra money for his wife's son

I figured it would be useful if he assaulted me.

It really gives a good overview of what has happened. I know I've done things unintentionally that are wrong, what's why I gave my notice.

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canadians lele

You canadians aren't used to struggling with the beaner race, I feel for you

He's greek. He has a bizarre way of taking.

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>that many grammatical errors in four messages
Murder is your only option

How are a meathead and an autist gonna solve a problem using words?

God Is love to beat this Manlet faggots ass to a bloody pulp, thatd be hella fun.

I havent gotten in a good fight in forever

Call the police on him, thatll fryem; hes not the kinda person to make smart decisions around ARMED officers if you know what I mean....

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You though telling him politely not to break into your room was funny too. In Texas he would have got himself killed.

Just beat his ass with a jack, he wont say shit due to shane like the faggot he is

I'm going to send him the message, but I don't think he can be reasoned with.

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