Are girls who have dated Asian men in the past as bad as girls who have dated blacks? Would you still date one?
Are girls who have dated Asian men in the past as bad as girls who have dated blacks? Would you still date one?
I want an Asian bf but I'm not white :(
No because my gf was a virgin when I met her and I would never trade down like that
>No because my gf was a virgin when I met her
How do you know?
She bled and was sore afterwards. The first time wasn't very good sex but now its the ultimate comfy
PSA: this is an aznidentity racebait thread. Ignore the incel asian OP.
I'm white and want an asian bf but I'm too stacy and they all hate me :(
>but I'm too stacy
I know im such a robot ugh :(((
whats worse? white coalburners or white gookfuckers?
>yet ANOTHER Nickolas L. Racebait thread in the catalog
Shut up brooke whore
how the FUCK do i get a brooke whore gf? i'm asian
i just nut and my testes hurt
who is meghan
The 'men' who post these pictures as part of their day job are the worst.
All men love Stacy. Attractiveness is what matters the most for men.
I'm not a Jow Forumstard or incel but I would venture a guess and say:
>they hate all non virgins
>they hate all women with previous relationships
But I think they would be less likely to gas a woman who fucked an Asian than a black because Asians do not inspire dread and self loathing the way blacks do in these people.
I know that my roommate insists that once you go yellow, with other races you won't mellow because "Asian dudes treat their girlfriends like Queens". Not sure how I feel about that, but every other white girl I know who tried them seemed disinterested in other men afterwards.
>tfw no toshiro bf
>tfw japanese is a super sexy language
Isn't Brooke dating a black guy?
same thing originallylyly
at least it's not as bad as dating an asian
>girls who have dated blacks
>knocked up and abandoned by babydaddy
>only looking for a source of money to leach off of
>girls who have dated Asian men
>either break up amicably or get married
The ones that are available to date aren't saddled with baggage
>promoting afwm couples and siscourage wmaf couples
>afwm = asian female & white male
>wmaf = white male & asian female
Am I retarded or is he?
>Asian dudes treat their gfs like Queens
This. God I wish I was good enough for an asian bf
>implying the girl wasn't dating the asian for his money
>>Asian dudes treat their gfs like Queens
You mean beating the shit out of them and cheating?
Defends if they're weebs or into k-pop. If so it's a red flag.
Yeah, if she was dating an asian you incels would have no chance.
To an extent, I would say "yes." They're not as bad as coalburners, but they exhibit similar traits.
One white girl I knew did it to get back at daddy. I have known 3 white girls who dated bug men, & they are all 6/10 landwhales
>asian guy
>dating landwhales
hard doubt
Anyone's good enough for an Asian bf, lmao. They treat them well cause they can't afford not to and also due to their low test. There's like 3 billion of those mofos, of course you can get an Asian bf.
Doubt all you want. The truth is all the white girls I knew with "yellow fever" were at most 6/10s. Now, out of the 3 girls, 1 actually remained attractive (of course I don't know if she's still with her bug boy).
Either way, I wouldn't touch a white woman who's had bug dick inside her.
>I wouldn't touch a white woman who's had bug dick inside her.
It's not like it counts as losing their virginity. Yellow dicks are too small for that.
Is this how they looked, perchance?
They're usually miserable after marriage. Especially once Stacy gets fat.
AMWF have a 59% higher divorce rate than WMWF
No bc Asian men are the mongoloid master race. Btfo wh*te cuckolds
never forget golden horde
Actually it does. They're race traitors. They should be treated as such.
Burn the rice, pay the price.
Yep. That's pretty much sums it up.
All girls are equally terrible and you are an inferior piece of shit. This is all you need to know Op
>would you date a girl that has dated another man?
steam the rice
miss out on things that are nice
The Golden Horde is the most plebian choice for Mongol Khanates. Remove yourself.