If you don't like Latinas, you are probably a homosexual that faps to tranny porn

If you don't like Latinas, you are probably a homosexual that faps to tranny porn

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hey Nick kys already

I only jack off to 2D porn of girls with vaginas.

Does anyone have more pics of this latina goddess??

her name is Sheila Ortega, there are full porn videos of her

Fapping to trannies is not gay

latinas have the most edible asses

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that looks like an indian

You must be outyo gottam mind fucking wipipo i swear

I do both, sometimes both at once, even.

I like latinas and I fap to tranny porn.
How you gonna explain that, fag?

I am attracted to attractive latinas
But so many of them are fat
The same applies to every race
Fat = ugly
That is an attractive ass

you're a bisexual duh retard

Brownskin mudpeople all kind of look the same desu

most white chicks look the same desu

I like latinas and I'm a built straight guy that faps to tranny porn on occasion

The only kind of woman I find unattractive are niggers, but out of the rest I rate latinas the lowest. I dont rate indian/paki women tho since I havent seen enough to make a proper judgement, but they seem to be worse.

I like latinas for their looks but everything else about them is unbearable. Slutty, psycho and have too many kids

Based user, Miami latinas are the hottest.

latinas are great man, you need to see more
You're stuck in 1992

>tfw eurocuck and no crazy latinas in area

Im a spic. I see latinas every day. Just not attracted to dark skin in general.

latinas aren't the dark unless they're the afro-latina kind.

nigga i work with latinas all day at my job and my complaints still fit them to a T