I deserve a girl friend

>I'm white(subnordid)
>I'm young(er than 25)
>I'm physically fit
>I'm not a manlet(over 6'0" / 183cm)
>I'm not a dicklet(peepee is 7x5in / 18x13cm)
>I'm a moral person
>I conduct myself honourably
>I adhere to a strict code of chivalry
>I have a favourable personality
>I am handsome
>I can protect my wife and offspring from predators
>I can provide resources and coverture for my wife and children
>I am good with children and would make a good father
>I can cook
>I'm a strong swimmer
>I take cold showers and can swim outside during winter
>I've taken the vargpill
>I like to read
>I have good taste in anime

I deserve a gf

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Other urls found in this thread:


op a fagget

>I like to read
What do you read?

t.nice guy

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>What do you read?
Fantasy novels.
I don't know why it matters, but I am subscribed to pewdiepie.

>I deser-


Nice try you incel commie fuck, go suck your fathers dick.

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>fantasy novels
Oof, you were so close OP.

Listen here, faggot. Fantasy novels are the PINNACLE of literature.

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Varg is a toxic idiot who advocates waiting for le economic collapse to start his fantasy viking larp society instead of doing anything meaningful for the society. He also have "everyone is a cuck except for me" mindset. Drop this shit user.

>Varg is a toxic
Stopped reading, go back there.

Attached: VARG415.gif (420x360, 1.67M)

>>I deserve a girl friend
found the incel fag

yes you do OP, i like this positivity.

Me too OP, but you're 20cm and 1inch ahead of me. I haven't swam in icy water, but I camp in snow. How often you swim like that?

Not often. I usually do it just to make sure I still can.

what temp is the water at? I'd try if I didn't live in a desert. also just to clarify I meant 8cm under you

Idk, I don't measure it. If it's cold enough to snow but not cold enough to be frozen.

>I have good taste in anime
stop right there weab

Attached: 1483485925736.png (399x322, 42K)

Give examples of your taste in anime

Violet Evergarden
Koi Kaze
Sora no woto

>pretty fit (325lbs squat, 405lbs deadlift)
>dicklet (5 inches)
>18 years old
Still got a girlfriend TOP KEK

Yeah, but I can get a gf. Can you stop being an oompa loompa spic?

Okay then get one and stop complaining

Not horrible but definitely not good, you've got a lot of pussy shit in there.

You have shit taste in anime. It's okay, so does every other normalfag on Jow Forums

>good taste

Best girl in her series.

Stop making this fucking thread you turboautist.

>normalfag bully who dindu nuffin
>Best girl

>I deserve
ahahahahahaha oh no no no no

>I post anime girls on anonymous forums
You deserve to be an incel

you are a weeb you deserve a waifu

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-06-02-23-25-568_org.videolan.vlc.png (1280x720, 759K)

Ueno is prime anime gurl, you degenerate scum

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Please don't use buzzwords if you don't know their meaning.

>being beyond 12
>still thinking you need to deserve something to get it

>being beyond 7(the age of reason)
>still thinking people don't deserve things

Okay I will date you but I am a mutt :^)

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Define "mutt". Like an Anglo? A Eurasian?

Like goblina de American! Half anglo half native American. No hapa waifu for you!

That's a pity, more for you than me though.

what do you mean don't you have any waifus?

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What do you mean? I don't mind being have native, the natives are kawaii and cool. I am like a wolf, but not in a furry way! Maybe this is why you don't have a gf, eh user? You are rude.

Rudeness can only occur between people of equal standing or by someone of lower standing than another. Treatment of the peasantry by their betters doesn't matter, it's like disciplining a misbehaving dog.

i've seen this OP post here before

I've had two, but so what? I'm a playa is all

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That isn't possible. Jow Forums uses the robot and there are no re-posts on this board.

Lol nothing of this matters if your personality is shit which I suppose considering how arrogant you are.

Stop thinking you deserve anything, cunt.

>any amount of self confidence is arrogance
Guess how I know you went to a public school.
>Stop thinking you deserve anything, cunt.
Go to Church, child.

I am worthy of a qt goth /fa/ anime elitist gf, they just aren't aware of my existence yet

Confidence is not the same as saying he deserves it

>you can't deserve anything and recognize that fact without being arrogant
Congratulations, you're retarded!

No you're not. Otherwise you wouldn't be here, faggot.

How would they know you exist when you have no life and you are keep copy pasting this paragraph on almost every thread idiot

That isn't me. How new are you?

Nice argument dumb fucking cunt

I'm here because I never talked to people. I was approached my 5/10 anime shounenshitter churchgirl, but my sights are on my potential, I am worthy of a goth anime elitist qt, it is in my blood

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How can I argue if you have not presented an argument for me to argue against? You are just making baseless statements like the retard you are. I blame your parents.

I think this is the first time I've typed goth on r9k, but I should copy-paste more often so femgothbot qts are aware of their debt to my worthiness

OP is severely autistic and literally cannot stop posting the same thread every single day.

Why are you looking for gf on Jow Forums?

First thing you should learn as an adult is that you aren't worth anything but you need to earn your fucking shit.

I'm not, they're looking for me, like I said

user you are retarded

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Next you should learn that no girl acts like in your paedophile animes. They actually give a shit about personality.

It's like having enough chips to cashout for a prize, all I need to do is approach a goth girl qt and cash out and the transaction is done. There is nothing to prove, I am worthy

be my wolf gf pls (I'm not a furfag btw).

I can't describe how fucking retarded you are. They are not fucking objects. They won't give a shit about you if you have a fucking bad personality. Otherwise you wouldn't be a sad incel in his mothers basement.

>I am worthy

Why? What makes you worthy?

If you won't work on yourself rather than look in the fault in others, you can kill yourself now, it would be faster.Nothi

He isn't he is just a degenerate

You have no life and you expect girls to come after you idiot

But are you nice? If so, yes!

>Koi Kaze
My incestuous friend

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I'm tall enough, Jow Forums, /soc/ deems 7/10, slept alone on a mountain at 15degrees, supreme taste in anime, $13k in bank, 3.5gpa, not a faggot, "nice guy", "like switzerland", offered manager position, have orbiting degenerates from elementary who still msg me daily even after alot of shitting, etc etc. It's time to cashout

For the record, the goth poster is not OP. I don't like goth girls.

You can refer to me as OG.
>I don't like goth girls
That's a shame

So what's the next step of your brilliant master plan?

Is it "make the same thread on a Mongolian basket weaving board every day until a girlfriend suddenly manifests in my living room"? Because if it is, I don't think you've thought this cunning scheme all the way through.

>That's a shame

Indeed. Goth girls are so hot.

I've never made a thread, but that's an interesting idea. I should get some femanons to chime in on how to get the femgothanons to notice me

I don't like people pretending to be me. Maybe I should make a trip for using in the thread.

lol. I've always waited for a real opportunity to use the word, but he'll actually end up a cuck. I've seen it too many times already.

I ain't pretending shit you egohigh op motherfucker. The attentions on me right now alright??

My apologies. I thought you were the tremendous jackass who has been spamming this thread for the last few weeks.

>likes worst girl
you don't deserve shit, faggot

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The attention is clearly on you because you have been mistaken for me.

Lmao, based I deserve girlfriend poster exposing Normans.

Maybe you should stop making these threads, go outside and talk to people in real life.

OG here, but I was on a thread the other day with stacy femanon posting pics in her nightgown, she said she was hours away from me, I'm already so close lads

>haha just go outside and talk to people haha

>I can't even go outside, yet I want to make another person miserable by my presence
Fuck you

>>I can't even go outside
There it is. Just attribute false statements. It's easier to attack a straw man.

>i'm white(father was german)
>6kg overweight
>17x13cm dick
>I just open the car door and nothing much more than that
>I have an easygoing personality
>I am kind of handsome
>I can protect myself and others of threats
>I'm kind of resourceful in means of money, i have something in the likes of 400k+ dollars right now
>I am not good with children
>I can cook, learnt it from youtube
>I'm not much of a swimmer
>I hate cold showers and can't swim outside during winter
>I've taken the moneypil
>I like to read
>I don't care about anime at all
I'm pretty happy with my gf right now, but before her i was sure i was going to die alone and i accepted that. She likes me way more than i like her, but she's a great companion and a great lover, would make a great mother and i see no reason to leave her side.
Everyone is going to make it, OP.

Then get one. It ain't that hard if you know where to look.

>posting the slow motion version

Attached: varg punching.gif (420x360, 202K)

You dont have much girth
t. woman

No, but I have enough to pleasure a female and open her wide enough to impregnate her.

I'm Gary motherfucking Oak, you can't ignore my girth.

Guess I'm just a size queen

Just saying if I'm supposed to be a loyal housewife for life I want a big fucking dick that will take me a good while to get used to, just for safe measure
But guys like him only want virgins anyways and he'll be big to them

t. larp
is what you mean.

I prefer black boys, sorry sweety