The only solution is to just shun all human culture and focus on your career. Make money not for consumerist purposes, but to secure your freedom as a sovereign individual. With enough money you can just go buy a house and live your life there peacefully, and if people in the community start hating you you can move somewhere else, it's the ultimate life plan.
Once I have enough money to retire and take regular vacations I will be set even if I have no chance of ever getting friends or a girlfriend
Fuck femoids, I have them because they have rejected and abused me my whole life. So I'm going to just go become a hermit and monk mode the rest of my life away, taking an oath of silence. The oath isn't necessary though, I already follow it without trying.
>Making good money while rejecting "human culture".
You're an underage b& who's never had a job, aren't you? There are no one-man companies, bro. You need to have good relationships with people, meaning you have to interact with others and do things with them prescribed by "human culture". Otherwise they won't pull you out of the darkness.
William Parker
>You're an underage b& who's never had a job, aren't you? There are no one-man companies, bro. You need to have good relationships with people, meaning you have to interact with others and do things with them prescribed by "human culture". Otherwise they won't pull you out of the darkness. Ummmm no sweaty I go to work then come home. I only talk to my co-workers about technical design details of systems we make.
Henry Roberts
everything about your post just reeks of uncontrolled autism. just say you're going to work at pizza hut and live in a shed for the rest of your life and move on.
Thomas Reyes
I have a net worth of a quarter million dollars and a 6 figure job but ok
Noah Fisher
If you had either of those you wouldn't be on here with us autists so this is definitely fake and gay
Ryder Perry
>Otherwise they won't pull you out of the darkness. Who wants that?
I guess by "pull you out of the darkness", I mean make you an indispensable part of the company.
I work at a small startup, and there's a big difference in how we get treated by the CEO based on whether they consider us an indispensable part of the team or not. If you're dispensable, like me, work is far more stressful.
The boss is more likely to get angry and give you shit for some mistake that they would laugh about if someone indispensable made it. They'll never apologize. They'll never notice if they blamed you for something that actually wasn't your fault. When there's exciting news, when there are promotions, they'll just leave you right where you are, in the dark.
The only way to get out of this is to be someone they enjoy being around, someone who contributes positively to the team culture, and that, of course, requires doing "human culture" things.
If you sincerely wish to be a monk must do things that go against what is most easy or convenient for you. You are right in the sense that society is evil but to rebound in the other direction is like choosing to freeze to death rather than be incinerated.
Evan Baker
I am so glad to be a NEET reading that shit. Neither sounds like something I want to get up for in the morning, more like a life I would get depressed over no matter what side of the coin I get.
Easton Hall
Could this possibly be the most based OP of all time?
Alexander Kelly
just buy pussy guys we are pass intimacy on an emotional level
I have been a wage slave since I was 18 seven years ago on similar companies. Sadly most bosses don;t care how competent you are, they will rather promote, help or approve vacations to people they hang out with and are nice to be with. I'm awkward but social and have seen a few robots implode after a few weeks. Normies can be really mean. If you are a robot, try to be friendly and communicative since the first day or it will be hell.
Andrew Sullivan
As bad as it sounds (and is), being neet in my experience is much much worse. When I was neet, by month 7 I was having full blown panic attacks. I felt like I had died and had been reborn into some kind of hell. Even though I never reached the point of being suicidal, I started to understand why people commit suicide.
As shitty as my job is, it saved me from that, and I am glad.
if you complain about your shitty job just get some better skills/education you brainlet
only one holding you back is your tiny brain
Joseph Nelson
Did it for 8 years and I enjoy it, always have time to do what I like. Having to go into a office full of normie cunts and their pack mentality is bound to make me suicidal, so ymmv.
Ian Wilson
has anyone here ever gone from hikkineet to decent job where you don't have to worry too much about bills and shit? how does someone with no skills, social ability, college, and no experience get to a decent job?
Brayden Johnson
Lmao. Someone's jelly. I also have a 6 figure salary and net worth of 1/3 million dollars and plan on doing exactly what OP said. It's not a far fetched concept, there's a small group of people trying to achieve FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early).
Jaxon Harris
>The only solution is to just shun all human culture and focus on your career. If you think that's the solution, you've completely misunderstood the problem.
Connor Davis
I agree with you 100%.
>try to be friendly and communicative since the first day or it will be hell.
This is so true. Once you're in that pit, there's almost nothing you can do to get out. In my case, I gotta get in shape, buff, really good at my job, and find a cure for my acne. Only then will they be willing to reconsider how I fit in with them socially. For now, our social order and hierarchy has been firmly established.