Would you date a mentally unstable girl who was completely obsessed with and in love with you?

would you date a mentally unstable girl who was completely obsessed with and in love with you?

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How unstable, what would she do when unstable? It's one thing to be obsessed with me and in love with me, but another if she decides to kill me or commit suicide with me.

>would you date an x girl


absolutely, no question

She'll only kill you and then herself if you cheat on her or attempt to break up with her.

I was engaged to one. Robots should be warned that girls who are obsessive love bombers at the start are also prone to cheating, abruptly changing their feelings towards you, and ultimately ghosting you.

thats pretty saucy actually, you aren't convincing me not to date one

yeah, but not someone who cuts. i already have done that. it would be weird to date someone else who does.
like, you bleed once a month, that shits unnecessary anyway

On one hand. It'd feel nice to be loved and wanted by somebody since I basically thrive on words of affirmation. But on the second hand, I got a lot of female friends and I'd rather not be forced into a position of isolation or lose them because of the mentally unstable girl. I'd probably pass on it, I don't think it's worth it in the long run.

No, but if she was hot, I would have sex with her.

Sounds good. For someone like me who don't really feel love, I'd like to have someone who'd stay loyal like that. I'll treat her nice and it'll be a good life.

Based and BPDpilled.

No I would marry her
I would not cheat or break up.

>girls who are obsessive love bombers at the start are also prone to cheating, abruptly changing their feelings towards you, and ultimately ghosting you.
>Based and BPDpilled.
My brothers, these Anons don't know the struggle but they will.

>a mentally unstable girl who was completely obsessed with and in love with you?

That would be my complete obsession more than hers desu. If she is a qt, I wouldn just date that I would never let her go.

Yeah I'm pretty sure a normal girl will eventually leave me since I'm that much of an uninteresting person so a crazy girl obsest with me is litterly my dream

anyone on this board who wouldn't get with a yandere is a fucking idiot

So she's totally devoted and she'll never leave me? That sounds amazing. I'll be obsessed with her right back and we can lose our minds together.

yeah i'm an idiot for not wanting to be harmed or killed

buddy if you don't want a cute girl to hurt you then i don't know if you can call yourself straight

Only if she lets me fix her

ive done this. the thing is, women are obsessed primarily with gaining men's approval. the second she gets it she gets over you. so yeah, you can date a crazy thot. but the second you care about her is the second she stops being attracted to you

>ywn be strangled by your ideal gf
Feels sad man.

Well i'll never get a girlfriend so yes i would.

I'm the one who was engaged to a Borderliner, and she was perfectly in love for the first nine months despite the feelings obviously being reciprocated. After that, though, was a lot of coldness and broken promises. She only returned to her old girly, affectionate self whenever she got scared of me abandoning her.

Ywn eat your yandere gf's blood chocolate cake.

Yes but with some restrictions. We will only be fwb's, and I am free to fuck other girls if I so wish. She'd be allowed to watch if she wants to.

You know, I actually think a girl who would bee unusually loyal would be quite nice, if she really liked me all the time, rather than just talking to get validation.
I'd probably wuss out in reality though. For the better.

I'm a KHV.

Fuck no. My sister is mentally unstable and people like that essentially devour the soul of everyone around them, ruining everything in their wake.

not all types of mentally unstable are the same user. you don't have to date your sister

I don't know even if I"m an incel I sort of enjoy peace and quiet. I'd probably get with her just to try it out, and if things were just not going good between us I would disappear

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>would you date a mentally unstable girl who was completely obsessed with and in love with you?
>assuming this isn't exactly what I want
When are we getting married?

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Exactly. Women want attention; it's their form of validation, as sex is for men. Once she feels she has your undivided attention and knows you love everything about her, she inevitably gets bored. This is where the Other Guy comes in, god help you.

No because love relationships are a giant meme
They only work in fiction where people somehow never get tired of being with the same person their whole lives

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No, I don't need a second mother in my life

>I got a lot of female friends

Worshipful partner that simply wants you to be happy >>>> Obsessive partner that makes their control over you their source of happiness.

Dating crazy is bad for your health.

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