Warning to 2Dfags

The clock is ticking. One day very soon you will wake up and start craving real intimacy that only a 3D girl can provide.
>b...but r/theredpill says all women are whores!
MGTOWs, MRAs and PUAs are the most pathetic and bitter men on the planet and they are unable to feel love for any woman. They are nothing like you and everyone hates them.
The vast majority of women are pure angels that just want to fall in love with a normal guy, make him happy and grow old with him.
>b...but no 3D woman will ever love me!
Their standards are much lower than you think. Basically just have a job and don't be too overweight and they'll fall for you in a heartbeat if you show some interest in them.
Watching anime and posting about the cute girls is fine but stop with this unironic 2D waifu nonsense. You deserve better and soon enough you'll tire of it anyway and crave the real thing.

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This but I want a twink bf instead

>3dpd "women" who are incapable of empathy
>not superior 3dqt non-homo homo bros who can drink beer and spoon

>The vast majority of women are pure angels that just want to fall in love with a normal guy, make him happy and grow old with him.

This level of delusion.

Pretty much true but most women are not angels lol
Youre a sick pleasure driven degenerate who will never experiance true love

i do feel bad for you virgins desu. im 24 lost my virginity at 16 with my crush at a wild house party.

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You have no idea how much it hurts me to read posts like this. It's gotten especially bad over the past couple of months. I want to scream at the top of my lungs and throw myself through a brick wall.

>The vast majority of women are pure angels that just want to fall in love with a normal guy, make him happy and grow old with him.
Ok now that was too obvious. 4/10 apply yourself

take a shower, buy some dress shirts, shave, haircut, clean yourself, and go on a date nigger.

yeah dude, just look better and while you're at it get in contact with chick, it's that easy, bust bee urself.

I hate you motivation fags so much. You know shit about the person you're talking to and still you give the most washed up useless advice, which doesn't work on people like that. You fucking imbeciles just leave this board.

I know, made me laugh.

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Seriously, I really do pity all of you. What a sad life you must lead.
Stop browsing Jow Forums and go out and interact with a woman. You have no idea how wrong you are about them.

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better than encouraging someone to continue being a self loathing fag.

I have a gf and about half my friends are female. I observed this. You just don't see it because you don't get a deeper connection with women. They are all pretty on the outside but the closer you get the uglier they will be on the inside. Fuck off, you delusional loser, larping as someone successful.

like women aint even that big a thing anymore after youve been laid a couple times. desu they get kind of annoying, my gf is annoying ASF always leaving shit out of the fridge and it goes bad. then i get angry and we have anger sex. shes still annoying though.

Generally I abhor redpill comics but this time pic related is fitting as fuck.

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Holy mother of yikes. This level of SEETHING is embarrassing.
I am trying to HELP you.

you're not helping anyone. you're just making yourself feel virtuous. get off this board if you want to help people. it's christmas time, give some homeless people money.

i dont need your help negroid. i have a gf

man, fuck typing this post, I have a headache
But basically yeah, you're right I guess, but holding onto a dakimakura for awhile can't hurt

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Absolutely this. Fuck you "helping" fag

here, just for (you) ya self righteous faggot.
now stop pretending to be better than anyone else on this dumpster.

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ok i have a job and am not too overweight
what now?

how do I get a date

and what is the role of having a job in this? Am I supposed to tell them what my job is on the first date?

only if they ask, girls like to talk about themselves, ask questions. you should get a job though. unless youre like in HS or college maybe.

Fucking roastie get the fuck off my board.

The vast majority of women are not angels
generalizing their standards is exactly what the incel fags do
hypocritical lol
also "just having a job and not being overweight" doesn't cut it in a relationship you have to have something particularly unique or interesting about you to interest the average roasty
hence why most wagies are single and unhappy

either bluepilled or spineless cuck

I do have a job

you didn't answer my question about how to get a date. I'm not in college anymore where there's a bunch of women my age everywhere

OP this thread is pointless, the fags on here are already too hopeless and delusional for 3D grills. To get a girl you have to be at least 40% non faggot, and most of the people on this board are 100% faggot and hopeless. Telling most of these fags not to be fags, is like telling a chipmunk not to be a chipmunk. It's futile.

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>basically just have a job

Not gonna happen in my condition so no womyn either.

use a dating website, go to a bar, tinder, it all depneds on if you want a serious relationship or not. there is no definitive instructions on how to get the date you just gotta grow some balls and talk to a girl and not be afraid of rejection. yeah it hurts, so does stubbing your toe, you just deal with it. also. dont be one of those dudes that set their standards way too high, build up some confidence before you hit up 10/10s

80% of women are happy to be traded around 20% of men

There is no exaggeration in the chad meme, women will literally beg chad for dick, literally everything else is a game to get as much out of men while providing as little as possible

There is the societal impression that "men pursue women", when the literal reality is that all women actively pursue top meme chads for casual sex just as much as men are attempting to find partners

Women truly understand that society would literally stop working if the men that are on the meme of thinking they can somehow impress women if they are automatically invisible realized whats actually going on with distrubition in a 100% unchecked societally encouraged hypergamy casual sex market

Some genuinely revel in it and come here to gloat that their lateral male counterparts literally face the logistical fact they will be alone forever, while it is genuinely difficult for a female to go without sex for a month in her 20s

that is untrue man, women dont pursue, funny, women actually compete with one another to see how many guys they can get texting each other. yall incels just like making excuses for being to retarded to get laid. like its fucking easy.

Ha, that's good one, OP. And for anyone who sincerely believes this shit, open your eyes and don't waste your time on modern women

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>The vast majority of women are pure angels that just want to fall in love with a normal guy, make him happy and grow old with him.
Then I guess most women I've ever met were part of the "minority" then.

I don't need MGTOWs to tell me that our soicety along with women is fucked up and that there is no way to change it. All I need is to have the common knowledge that most women today lose their virginity below the age of 20 and that over half of couples end up divorcing.

Most women may be "pure angels" at their hearts but that doesn't change the fact that they are corrupted by modern morals, culture and beliefs and there is no way to go back.

I genuinely wish I could find a 3D girl to be my gf and then a wife but almost all of them don't even want to imagine following moral rules because that would mean the possibility of being rejected by the modern world. And most women prefer being like the majority.

All I can do is trying to stop carving after both 2D and 3D women, as they both bring only suffering.

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>Their standards are much lower than you think. Basically just have a job and don't be too overweight and they'll fall for you in a heartbeat if you show some interest in them.

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