Attached: 8001.jpg (1300x873, 102K)
Andrew Kelly
Other urls found in this thread:
Dylan Lopez
Zachary Russell
Samuel Morris
A country takes after its leader after all.
Dylan Thompson
Brody Williams
Michael Wood
How much weight would those fatties lose if walmart suddenly stopped letting them use the scooters
John Butler
Brandon Hill
Oh, I forgot to say in the Op but because of the complaints about the lack of diversity in FPH threads, I'm dumping equally low quality, but haven't been seen in a while pics.
Connor Price
Isaac Garcia
Joseph Adams
Joshua Torres
Alexander Lee
Juan Martin
Chase Bennett
Lincoln Wood
Juan Hill
Jace Walker
aside from being fat they also have terrible faces
Aaron Watson
Adam Sanchez
>small fats
every time
Oliver Myers
She's got terrible posture, too
Evan Gomez
Christian Cooper
The scooters at walmart are mostly for people with lower body injuries or the elderly. Most fat as fatasses have their own personal scooters.
Jackson Ortiz
how do they get the scooters out of the car? i've seen vans that are converted to get an electric wheelchair in and out, but never a scooter.
Brody Edwards
the onesI see have a back mount
almost like a bike rack, but attached to the bumper to hold the extra weight
Camden Allen
jesus christ that is the worst cleavage Ive ever seen
Henry Jenkins
David Price
>complain about people judging bodies
>judges other peoples bodies
Henry Baker
feat of engineering, those things probably weigh close to 300 lbs
Angel Johnson
Noah Barnes
you can still ban personal ones from being used in your store
Aiden Scott
yeah but stores put up signs saying no pets except sevice animals and next thing you know insufferable cunts are getting they're yappy mutts registered as anxiety helper dogs and getting by the rules
Bentley Green
Christian Wilson
why is this allowed? what would that guy even do if he caught someone stealing?
Adam Morgan
Fall on the thief
Christopher Taylor
b a s e d
Matthew Richardson
>cisgendered tortoisekin singlet gainer demiplatonic
Come on, they're just making up words at this point
Carson Bailey
>dem tits
I'm confused
Jack Baker
Parker Ramirez
>banana peel in bottom middle picture
fuck i laughed
Jaxon Taylor
Austin Gutierrez
everything about this picture is so lazy. all three have their hair styled in the easiest way, paper plates, the table cloth hasn't been ironed, food directly on the table instead of serving yourself, eating in the living room, fucking sticker still on the cup meaning it hasn't been washed.
Matthew Scott
They have terrible faces because they're fat.
Carter Rivera
Is this even possible?
Owen Cox
Joshua Johnson
fuck all these fatties, I would wife the fuck outta her with that height and them thighs
Angel Carter
No you can't, at least not in the United States. The American Disabilities Act requires that you make suitable accommodation for people. For the same reason that you can't ban service animals, you also can't ban mobility scooters.
Lucas Morgan
Fucking Kazakh/Siberian girls man
Andrew Smith
Greatest nation in the world eh
Adrian Moore
>I would wife the fuck outta her
using a noun as a verb, you have to go back
Matthew Miller
> XS-3XL
> still cant shop there
Maybe the problem is you at that point
Leo Richardson
> we need body positivity
> fuck this girl for being positive about her body
Adam Hall
This one rustled my jims
Joshua Howard
>evidence fat makes you retarded
Brandon Cooper
Adrian Ward
> actually giving a shit about diction and grammer on a korean rice harvesting image board
I pity you
Jeremiah Hernandez
Absolutely based
Evan Richardson
Feeders are truly the worst people.
Carter Garcia
If you want to get sued. Lots of elderly people of normal sized use them because your knees will go out if you run a lot when you're younger. Hell, I know retired paratroopers who started using those scooters in their early 50s. Some people just have bad genetics on their joints.
Nolan Morris
they really must be retarded though, i understand if you just don't care so you get fat. but so many of them seem to have a come to jesus moment when they finally realise that eating more = fat. and then they blame it on lack of education?
Cooper Cruz
oreos are vegan, many snack foods end up being vegan because it's easier to do everything in vegetable oil. and it's a bigger market because jews/muzzies/veggies can eat their shit.
Austin Price
Interesting, why is it at the age 51? Enough time to change the habits?
Levi Campbell
it's not diction and grammar, it's using shitty reddit memes. wow. much lack of understanding. doing a concern. very dumb!
Adam Bell
Lol cucked
Hunter Lopez
Christ I haven't seen one of these in at least two years.
John Taylor
That's not a reddit meme you fucking aspie.
Ayden Price
Ah too bad for them, healthy men aren't attracted to them!
Xavier Anderson
What is this girl trying to prove? That she isn't as in shape or as good looking as a model?
Angel Foster
black children tend to be lighter when they're younger, same as how a lot of white kids have blonde hair, blue eyes when they're young.
also assuming those things are american, almost no black people in america have "pure" genetics, so it's common for random European/Hispanic features to pop up
Christian Flores
are you retarded? i made the comparison photos in paint.
Joshua Young
I guess that clothes really look good when the person wearing them has something worth accentuating.
I think the fat woman would look best with a plastic bag over her head
Eli Edwards
'Bootin' with the burger goblin. I know it's pretty generic fat, but I'm on my phone so I only have a ton to work with.
Kevin Robinson
this time with professional models
Eli Cooper
Jose Diaz
>not using wife as a verb
I think you need to go back newfriend
Christian Ramirez
Joshua Ramirez
i bet you think paying bills on time is adulting
Jackson Davis
Daniel Morris
I'm debt free actually
Nolan Mitchell
I'm really fucking mad.
John Rodriguez
Fucking gross, eye bleach when you need it
Aiden Reyes
That's why it's so successful
Jace Rivera
Based as fuck
Gavin Ramirez
I love knowing he posts here.
Of all the faggots that are faggots, I wish he would trip.
Camden Gonzalez
Look at the mural on the wall behind her in the bikini pic
Parker Davis
>"plus sized" women
>"over weight" men
When will it end?
Kevin Martin
>ywn match him on based levels and number of beautiful white children produced
Anthony Smith
jesus fucking CHRIST
Grayson Lopez
Much love, god bless
Brandon Torres
Then you:
>still live your parents
>are a stay at home [title]
>underage b&
And should kill yourself.
Bills =/= Debt
You fucking child.
Robert Kelly
hopefully never because women are more emotion driven/image orientated. i don't understand why you would want women to be clinical and fact driven like men, that's some fagget talk. like you really want women to stop being feminine? the whole fat thing aside, it's absolutely gay to try to hold women to the same standards as men.
Samuel Powell
So she's a schizophrenic landwhale? She should just kill herself
Gabriel Roberts
>that troll
I get it, but you're not right.
Aiden Baker
>fat women
Blake Jenkins
>old white women past their prime
>insecure as fuck
nothing to see here
Grayson Stewart
Jace Parker
That picture, fucking kek
Jackson Lewis
saw this in the last thread and noticed that they photoshopped out whatever was holding her foot up in the upper left pic. tried the pose on my own, and while awkward, totally doable for a normal person, but she obviously had a chair or something there to hold her up
Juan Harris
jesus, they're fucking hideous