What if a cute girl was deeply in love and obsessed with you, so she destroyed both of your legs and blinded you...

what if a cute girl was deeply in love and obsessed with you, so she destroyed both of your legs and blinded you, so she could look after you and have you depend on only her for the rest of your life?

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If she blinded me I would never forgive her. If it was just the legs then I could maybe forgive her eventually if she took care of me.

If she sucked that dick right, ain't no problem.

As much as I want a gf I'd rather have sight than a gf

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blinded? no thanks, but if she was just direct in what she wanted I'd willingly let her look after me and depend on only her for the rest of my life

I dont think she would love me anymore.

Since I have dependent personality disorder she wouldn't have to hobble or blind me to get what she wants

may aswell just kill me, being blind is even more pointless than the current existence

she could make me deaf but not blind

That would destroy my 6 figures income so no.

i'm already handicapped so would she break them back to working condition?

>she destroyed both of your legs and blinded you
The rest of both our lives would be spend together so she got her wish.
It would just be a pretty short rest, since she was stupid enough to leave my hands working and I am not on the forgiving side.
Silly girl, she could have gotten her wish without breathing her last as soon as I have her neck in range.

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What kind of Misery level shit is this

it's just something I've been fantasizing about recently. I even had a dream about this situation last night.

>fembot looking for any way to keep a man loyal besides loyalty

OP please do not make shitty threads with the box art from my Yandere Onahole kthxbye

Misery was an okay book but an even better movie tbqh.

I would just hold my breath until I die. I once blacked out from it so surely I can kill myself with it, maybe cut my throat or something

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Once you pass out you start breathing normally again retard

you aren't really giving me a lot of options, OP
I guess I'll just do nothing and hope I can enjoy life somehow
a lot of people are blind, I'm sure they get entertained somehow

I'd rather she would make me depended on her by spoiling me endlessly.

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That's when cutting veins come handy

like she would let you be around knifes, you'd be in one of those crazy people cushion rooms

Bet on that I'm not creative enough to kill myself there, bitch, I have been thinking about ways to kill myself for over a decade

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>I have been thinking about ways to kill myself for over a decade
And the first thing you say here is holding your breath?

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why won't you love her? she's cute
I wish something like this will happen to me

Yeah, I'm retarded and tried to write the stupidest thing I could think of, also it was in a film ( Indiana Johns, I guess) that had a scene with this
If someone loves or likes me, there must be a big problem with her mental capabilities

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>there must be a big problem with her mental capabilities
well duh, it's been made clear when she blinds and breaks your legs

The condition goes to non-yandere too

As someone who uses a blindfold and white cane on neighborhood walks (I like human echolocation), I'd take more issue with losing use of my legs than going blind.

As much as I love yanderes, I would not want to be blind

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Fuck that shit, i would rather be dead.
As a vidya-loving programmer i cant do shit without eyes.
The same goes for my hands

Meh, sure.
I'd kill her.

>tfw no lamen gf (2D)

I recognise that face anywhere.

I'd enter a rage as soon as she'd cause damage to my eye.

What's the point of blinding me if I'm already unable to escape? Might as well be a hobgoblin demon gutterwench if she's blinding me, it's not like I can tell.

As for if someone blinded me, that'd make me suicidal, since a ton of my pleasure comes from sight. I wouldn't be able to enjoy life ever again

I had the same thought on that, user.

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Same here, if I'm blinded or crippled, some bitch is dying

It's not love if you hurt the other person physically or mentally.

Dumb bitch let me keep my hands. That's a fatal mistake.

You ppl are overreacting imagine how good the sex will feel with your heightened blind senses.

>deeply in love with you
>hurts you

Did your parents abuse you, user?

>tfw your already legally blind
But the destroying my legs part, maybe if we're able to live financially comfortably

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I mean I'm pretty helpless even with my eyes and legs.

I need a protective mommy gf so bad ;_;, I fail at everything that is homemaking.