How do I achieve Adeptus Custodes mode?

How do I achieve Adeptus Custodes mode?

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Fail at your one job and then spend 10,000 years in BDSM gear.

>tfw you go to the bathroom for 10,000 years and the custodes are still on the same exercise

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It's all about the fingering

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It would be just easier to do Starting Psyker and give yourself for the Emps gains.

Is this achievable natty?

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Is favor from the dark gods considered natty?

stop worshiping chaos

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>He hasn't taken the Tyranid pill
Literally the best macronutrient profile ever

>Lifting for Nurgle, the god of DISEASE

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Protect Terra x F x F x F

Achievable Natty? Is the favor of Khorne not natty?

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>warp magic

>being an impericuck


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>A hive world with a ruined ecology where the superstitious masses huddle in filth.
>A breeding ground of corrupt, inefficient bureaucracy bloated by greed and arrogance.
>Worth protecting
The only reason the Custodes is "protecting" this planet is because the Emperor is on it. Remember, the Custodes ONLY protects the Emperor. If a million babies must die to save the Emperor's toenail, you will the Custodes personally choke a million babies.

How much do I have to lift to be considered a Mary Sue?

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Imperial steroids

Who's the superior beings custodes or tje pillarmen?

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In the fluff, it's stated that a Custodes is to a space marine what a space marine is to a guardsman
Interpret that as you will

The in game stats as well.
Guardsman and other peak human soldiers
3 Strength, 3 Toughness, 1 Health (more if a character)

Space Marine, biologically engineered killing machine with decades of not centuries of experience
4 Strength, 4 Toughness, 2 Health (if Primaris, at least, otherwise 1)

Custodes, GENETICALLY modified super bodyguards
5 Strength, 5 Toughness, 3 Health

Why is there so much crossover with Jow Forums and /tg/?

sensible chuckle

all of it


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>Be at least 6'7", altho proper custodes are like 7'2" minimum
>have a healthy, gold-brown tan
>aquila and skull tats EVERYWHERE
>make mad gainz
>get down to borderline unhealthy bfp
>roid the fuck out to GO EVEN FURTHER BEYOND
>inject so much test your balls fall off, your life belongs to the emperor now so you won't be needing those anyways
>wear shiny gold armor that constantly injects you with test so you don't grow boobs
>tape ar15 to spear, run string from trigger to your hand
>learn to shoot this thing
>become immortal
>join local KKK chapter

Based and David Dukepilled

Nigga ain't no blessing of any chaos god natty.

Do what he does.

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ultimate bloatlord

>I'll show you who's the boss of this Palace

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>each one was stronger than a primarch
>there were 10 thousand of them

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Imagine the smelle.

I love how all of you roidheads can instantly switch to 40k when prompted

>slaanesh sfw.jog
Haha, no.

At least insult with something original

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Yeah because it's sick