How do I achieve Adeptus Custodes mode?
How do I achieve Adeptus Custodes mode?
Fail at your one job and then spend 10,000 years in BDSM gear.
>tfw you go to the bathroom for 10,000 years and the custodes are still on the same exercise
It's all about the fingering
It would be just easier to do Starting Psyker and give yourself for the Emps gains.
Is this achievable natty?
Is favor from the dark gods considered natty?
stop worshiping chaos
>He hasn't taken the Tyranid pill
Literally the best macronutrient profile ever
>Lifting for Nurgle, the god of DISEASE
Protect Terra x F x F x F
Achievable Natty? Is the favor of Khorne not natty?
>warp magic
>being an impericuck
>A hive world with a ruined ecology where the superstitious masses huddle in filth.
>A breeding ground of corrupt, inefficient bureaucracy bloated by greed and arrogance.
>Worth protecting
The only reason the Custodes is "protecting" this planet is because the Emperor is on it. Remember, the Custodes ONLY protects the Emperor. If a million babies must die to save the Emperor's toenail, you will the Custodes personally choke a million babies.
How much do I have to lift to be considered a Mary Sue?
Imperial steroids
Who's the superior beings custodes or tje pillarmen?
In the fluff, it's stated that a Custodes is to a space marine what a space marine is to a guardsman
Interpret that as you will
The in game stats as well.
Guardsman and other peak human soldiers
3 Strength, 3 Toughness, 1 Health (more if a character)
Space Marine, biologically engineered killing machine with decades of not centuries of experience
4 Strength, 4 Toughness, 2 Health (if Primaris, at least, otherwise 1)
Custodes, GENETICALLY modified super bodyguards
5 Strength, 5 Toughness, 3 Health
Why is there so much crossover with Jow Forums and /tg/?
sensible chuckle
all of it
>Be at least 6'7", altho proper custodes are like 7'2" minimum
>have a healthy, gold-brown tan
>aquila and skull tats EVERYWHERE
>make mad gainz
>get down to borderline unhealthy bfp
>roid the fuck out to GO EVEN FURTHER BEYOND
>inject so much test your balls fall off, your life belongs to the emperor now so you won't be needing those anyways
>wear shiny gold armor that constantly injects you with test so you don't grow boobs
>tape ar15 to spear, run string from trigger to your hand
>learn to shoot this thing
>become immortal
>join local KKK chapter
Based and David Dukepilled
Nigga ain't no blessing of any chaos god natty.
Do what he does.
ultimate bloatlord
>I'll show you who's the boss of this Palace
>each one was stronger than a primarch
>there were 10 thousand of them
Imagine the smelle.
I love how all of you roidheads can instantly switch to 40k when prompted
>slaanesh sfw.jog
Haha, no.
At least insult with something original
Yeah because it's sick