Any of ya niggas on them or tried them?
Did they help or nah?
I'm surprised there ain't that much talk about them here
Been thinking of visiting a psychatrist but dunno if it's worth it
Any of ya niggas on them or tried them?
Did they help or nah?
I'm surprised there ain't that much talk about them here
Been thinking of visiting a psychatrist but dunno if it's worth it
I'm on California Rocket Fuel (mirtazapine and venlafaxine) and it doesn't do shit except for making me more aggressive and suicidal.
There's quite a lot of them around and a big part of it is trial and error. Get yourself a good doctor and not some lazy cunt who'll prescribe you random garbage because they can't be bothered to have you try different ones.
Ive been diagnosed with clinical depression when i was 14, and started taking anti-depressant. Gotta tell user, it aint that easy as it may seem, if you really wanna work out your problems and depreasion those pills aint going to be enough, youre gonna have to put some real work with a proffesinal therapist along side the pills
>Get yourself a good doctor and not some lazy cunt
I'll try man, I'm asking people close to me for suggestions
Not be a dick but feeling more agressive means you're at least feeling something. I forgot how that's like
Sorry about the suicidal bit.
When are you changing your prescription?
>proffesinal therapist
Wouldn't mind doing that (not that there's much to talk about, I'm pretty shallow I think)
Too expensive though
How you doing now?
Was on escapitaloram or whatever the fuck that name is. I stopped it without lowering the dose usage since I just quit my appointment two months ago. It does make me numb as in emltoons and feelings at first, plus it gives me a hard time to bust a one out. Then, I don't feel as much as it should be, like I ain't sad/depressed neither happy at all.
They don't anything besides kill your libido.
Fucking god damn phoneposting sucks ass.
>Then, I don't feel as much as it should be, like I ain't sad/depressed neither happy at all.
That's how I already am most of the time though
I read that a lot but ain't like I'm getting any anyway
What meds were u on?
tried sertraline, paroxetine and luvox.
none of them worked, but a simple caffeine pill made me feel more happier, energetic and motivated than any of those drugs.
i wonder (((why)))
I am on milnacipran and I can finally function at my job!
Not strong enough to keep the apartment clean and have a stable relationship, but enough to work and shower regularly.
For how long were u on them?
You didn't even have side effects?
This smells like a shitpost desu
You mean putting clothes on, leaving the house and hopping on the shower ain't a drag anymore?
Fuck man, that's great!
Finally some good feedback
How long have u been at it bro?
Lexapro then Effexor. It makes fapping feel like I'm forcing myself upon myself.
>how long were you on them
luvox 1 month due to the side effects, paroxetine for 3-4 months and sertraline for a few years.
the side effects were the most common ones, lack of apetite, little to no libido, aggressiveness, got even more depressed, that sort of thing.
the caffeine pills though, i've been taking for almost 4 years and i don't think i'll ever going to stop.
problem is, you can easily get addicted on it. once i took 1050mg of pure caffeine and i honestly thought i was going to die that day. my heartbeats was almost reaching 200.
nowadays i take 210mg of caffeine a day and 420mg when i want to be even more motivated.
feels good
That's hillarious but sad
Good luck user, hope you fix your shit
I've found sertraline extremely helpful for me.
Unfortunately I've had to steadily increase the dose, every 12 months or so it starts to lose potency and I either go off it for a few months - and spend that time suicidal and apathetic about everything or I bump up the dose. I'm at the max safe dose now so if I become tolerant again then I might have to look into changing to a different agent.
I'm lucky in that I responded to sertraline - the first agent I tried, I know a lot of people need to try a few.
As far as side-effects
>Sexual sides - still get just as hard just as easily but have difficulty reaching orgasm. Have to pound her like a jackhammer if I want to cum.
>Splitting headaches if I stop too suddenly.
>Akithisia - an extremely uncomfortable internal restlessness and muscle tension if I increase the dose too swiftly.
>Increased appetite - but I've actually lost weight because I have the energy to hit the gym again.
These are all just my experiences but SSRIs have without a doubt saved my life. The benefits have been worth the sideeffects many times over.
Also gotta talk up the benefits of diet, sleep and exercise. I know I couldn't have initiated any change in these areas withoout meds giving me the actual hope and motivation to get started but if you think popping a pill without intending to change your life as well will do anything then you're mistaken.
Well that's fucking weird
What did the caffeine change exactly?
makes me happier, motivated, and gives energy as a plus.
the effects lasts only 4-5 hours. but it's still better than the anti-depressants i used to take.
Those side effects don't sound too bad
And yeah of course, I don't expect to take "good luck" pills.
Mind giving a few details on how u were doing before the pills? Just curious
How did you even end up taking them?
before u take meds
are u
-eating well?
-sleeping well?
-have healthy hobbies?
sounds normie but desu if you don't fix these, no amount of antidepressants will make u feel better
I eat fine
I fuck up my sleep a lot being a neet and all but do go through phases of fixing it. It's fine now
I've tried swimming, kick boxing, hitting the gym etc. It lasts for 2 months, then I lose all motivation and ditch it. Everything becomes pointless and a drag/tedious again
I don't wanna risk killing my dick and wasting a bunch of money (while poor) just cause I felt sad once
since the anti-depressants weren't working, i tried to find new 'alternatives' on the internet. i read an article about caffeine pills, went to a gymstore and bought it. nothing special rly
Funny how random shit like that works for some people.
I'll keep it in mind, thanks
Only fags take pills
Clean your room
I'm currently on lexapro, Wellbutrin, and a low dose of adderall. The positives have been that the worst feelings of desperation and hopelessness are greatly diminished. But, the thoughts that cause them, the way I think about myself, and my circumstances have not changed. It feels strangely disconnecting. I think the same thoughts, and know I should feel worse, but don't. It's almost like an unexplainable apathy. My everyday emotions feel blunted, but not terrible. I am also able to believe that I am capable of accomplishing some things I previously dismissed.
There have been negatives as well. As I said, my emotions became less intense. Before I was on medication I was constantly fatigued and slept at weird times. This has not changed, and in fact the apathetic mindset I mentioned earlier has made it worse because I give into the feeling easily since I have less self-criticism to stop me. Sleeping has become the most overriding drive in my life.
There is a high chance it will fuck with your sexual function in some way. For me, it manifested as being unable to cum unless a lot of force over a longer period of time was used. Now, some may see this as a plus, but it's not fun not being able to cum with someone and it makes masturbating take more time. Some people are left with permanent issues even after stopping treatment, but there isn't little actual research into this topic, so it is mostly anecdotal.
I would look up yourself what could happen and weight the pros and cons. Be aware this is just my experience and it varies drastically between people. But, if you were like me, I felt like I was in a hopeless state and that if nothing changed I would kill myself. In that sense, it became clear that trying anything would be better than nothing, and it has felt better. I feel like there is a possibility for an escape to a better life, however slim.
I was outwardly successful
>Successful uni student in a prestigious degree who repped my uni in water polo and got invited to plenty of parties. Despite poor af upbringing made enough money from tutoring and scholarships to go overseas 2-3 times a year with my qt highschool gf.
Out of nowhere got hit with depression. Nothing changed in my life. Logically had no reason to feel shit but I did. All the time. Just constant low-level feeling of shitness. No motivation to do anything - this was a big symptom too. Intrusive thoughts of suicide near constantly - ''I should swerve my car into that there truck'' essentially became my baseline.
Gradually everything fell apart as a result - failed a year of my degree, lost my scholarships, stopped bothing with sport/fitness/any hobbies whatsoever. Was good enough at deflecting the few offers of help that came my way. Then people stopped caring.
Things only changed when I saw some shitty current affairs show talking about how 'oh how tragic and depressed someone must have been to think X and behave in Y way'. Realised these apparent redflags of profound depression in this figure described me spot on.
Went to a doc, got on meds, booked in to see a psychologist. Just the act of taking those couple of steps made me feel better in of itself. As the meds kicked in this started to steadily feel better. That was a few years ago.
Life's still a struggle - I've got to put a lot of effort ( feels like a huge amount of effort sometimes) into staying healthy but at least now that's possible. Not back to where I was before but I'm happy (most of the time) with how I'm doing now
>Talking shit on antidepressants
>While praising a guy who argues heavily FOR the use of medication
JBP unironically did provide some information that really helped me though - the importance of throwing yourself into meaningful struggle, minor chaos as a pathway toward self-destruction if uncorrected and so on.
Fuck that's a big drop
Did you ever manage to explain "why" this happened?
>My everyday emotions feel blunted, but not terrible.
People keep saying that about antidepressants but that's my thing already.
I just feel numb most of the time and have no motivation to do shit. I'm not sad or suicidal (though death does seem relaxing)
Alot better now, i had a shit doctor and a shit therapist and it made things alot worse, the doctor gave me zipralex, which made me feel alot more angry anf gain alot of weight.
Since then, i switched them both and was lucky to get the best person as a therapist, and a doctor who gave me some venlafexin, which actually helped me. Now im 19, tried to get off the pills but it went poorly, but still things are strating to look up.
Good luck user
Worked well in a desperate situation, getting off them is hard though and its debatable if they ruin your brain or not
Not exactly. Between the traumatic childhood and greater than 3/4 appearance of serious mental illness in my first and second degree relatives it was always pretty likely I'd develop something.
Why it manifested at that point in time though I've got no idea.
The psychiatric paradigm would be to think of it as endogenous or biological depression rather than reactive or situation depression.
I've been on trials of different ssri's, wellbutrin worked the best and gave me a nice boost of energy, effexor and paxil made me manic and irritable.
What are you on now?
Are you doing better?
Nothing right now, I've never been consistent about taking my meds so I just stopped taking them. I'm thinking of giving wellbutrin another go but I hate going to the doctor and I'm lazy.
How did wellbutrin affect u exactly?
I was on setraline and honestly it doesn't work as described.
I just fell dull which was nice. No more trying to kill myself or hurting me
Its been like 10 years at least but I remember taking it for a couple of months and losing weight, I didn't dramatically change in my outlook on life but I felt moderately better and found the energy to get through the day. My life was also really shitty at the time so anti-depressants had a hard time masking it.
anyone try lithium?