Why do you think you even deserve a girIfriend?

Why do you think you even deserve a girIfriend?

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Cause I'm intelligent, fit and look fine.

The question is almost on the mark but has the sexes switched around. What does any woman bring to a relationship that a guy can't get form a prostitute or a male friend?

Why are you entitled to tell people what they deserve?

I don't deserve one. I must die alone.

I'm a superior human being, A will Conquer and destroy, I deserve a woman because i am literally fucking god. Death will be upon you soon thotty

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TV told me it's what happened when you grew up

Because Ive got a dick and they have pussies. Whats the problem?

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Who says that I want one you fuck.

>a male friend
a vagina
>a prostitute
Theoretically exclusivity and thus lack of disease, but that's become a tenuous proposition these days

brih asuka is my waifu not yours.
also i dont think i deserve or need a girlfriend i don't care about a girlfriend, i don't care about women, i don't care about humans, i don't care about anything not exclusively juicy 2d animu goodness. IN YOUR FACE BLAM

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How can you call asuka your waifu when you don't even have a shrine?

Im not materialistic enough to have posesions irl and she respects me in that regard more than she does shrinefags ree

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I don't think a girlfriend is something deserved. They want to be with you or they don't. You aren't "deserving" of it.

>undeserving criminal scum have gf's
>me an upstanding citizen/gentleman somehow doesn't

It's not even something that ever person deserve, it's just something natural that happens to every person except for us. That's some bullshit

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>treating waifu as material object
you'll never make it

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l don't deserve anything.

>getting the opposite message from my post
ree you are trolin at this point fuaark

Fuck off. A girlfriend is part of the expected rewards for working for society.

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>fgt talks about shrine
>tell im not materialistic to have shrine
>fgt says i treat waifu as material object
You projecting ass sonofabitch I'll kill you dead through this screen aarg

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My SHRINE is a portal to my beloved waifu, she is not material, she is metaphysical, yet she is present. You're a brainlet who fell for the communism meme and thinks shrines are tools to possess one's waifu, but they are to bless the waifu. You have nerve I'll give you that

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Why do people think it's a matter of 'deserving'? I know that I have problems which I need to overcome to have a fulfilling relationship with a girl, namely my lack of confidence and my tendency to say things I shouldn't. That doesn't mean that I can't get depressed over my current state of affairs or that I think I 'deserve' something. The reality is that you either have something or you don't. Deserving something is a nonsensical concept.

Because Im nice

>the absolute state of asukafags

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Being a reifag is bad enough, any state is horrid

aight user we came on bad terms with each other. But you know what, let's lay down our arms and set our differences aside and talk in a civilized manner.
Suppose we allegory this into religion you would be the orthodox who needs a physical church building to worship god better and I'm the Sola Fide kind of person who is free of this mortal coils every chain and can access my god through faith alone. In the end orthodox and protestant people both believe in the same god.
Shrinefags like you and based gods like me could get along if it weren't for elitism
Let's agree we have a common enemy here in the form of and fight alongside eachother.

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I believe it is proper to observe a three-dimensional reference structure of the waifu to further cement her presence in the metaphysical world, which is intertwined with our psyche. But your allegory has shed light onto our kinship, that reifags are pathetic motherfucking motherfuckers

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Because everyone (even me) deserves happiness

I don't deserve anything. I'm not offering women much am I? I'm not going to treat them like a fucking slutty princess or whatever their daddy issues ask for. I'm not going to be as attractive or as tall as they want. I'm not going to be as strong or earning as much money as they'd want.

At this point I'd rather just have a clone of myself to console and give hugs to.


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Because I deserve to be happy, god damn it. I am a hard-working, honorable, loyal man.

>a male friend OR a prostitute

He can get the vagina from the prostitute. And exclusivity in what way? She's a virgin? If not, how is it exclusive if she'll give it up for multiple men?

Don't forget eat watermelons

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Romantic love, companionship, someone who dedicates her life to taking care of you, someone to start a family with.
If you want just a buddy you fuck, by all means, friends and prostitute are a good way to not deal with a girlfriend.

>how is it exclusive if she'll give it up for multiple men?
It's exclusively for you as long as you are together.
You can test for STDs and whatever before having sex, then if she's loyal you're not going to get anything.
People in LTR have lower chances of getting STDs than people who sleep around.

>I'm white(subnordid)
>I'm young(er than 25)
>I'm physically fit
>I'm not a manlet(over 6'0" / 183cm)
>I'm not a dicklet(peepee is 7x5in / 18x13cm)
>I'm a moral person
>I conduct myself honourably
>I adhere to a strict code of chivalry
>I have a favourable personality
>I am handsome
>I can protect my wife and offspring from predators
>I can provide resources and coverture for my wife and children
>I am good with children and would make a good father
>I can cook
>I'm a strong swimmer
>I take cold showers and can swim outside during winter
>I've taken the vargpill
>I like to read
>I have good taste in anime and manga

I deserve a gf

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Women don't want to do that these days, not if you're ugly anyway.

Then it's a different problem.
Not that there's nothing you want, but that there's something you want and can't have.

You again stop posting this everywhere

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This question is a fucking trap I literally spent my whole life asking it and that's the reason I do not have a GF. If you are a young robot who feels like they do not deserve love remember that quadriplegics can get GFs.

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What happened to agatha anyway

Because I would never replace her, especially not for some e-thot.