Tfw dad said he would rather see me die than transition

>tfw dad said he would rather see me die than transition

how can he be so cruel
It's my life not his

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Just like every parent, he made you for his enjoyment not yours. He wanted to play God and mold life as he wished. You broken his illusions about his power, what do expect?

>tfw your son is faggot
>mfw your bloodline ends because your son is faggot
>mfw your son will never have children so you wont be a grandpa

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What's looking like a manly girl gonna do for you?

Accept that you're a man and have kids. Stop being such a faggot

don't feel bad user at least you have a good father who loves you

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Were you born inverted?

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>It's my life not his
Yeah but he is sure disgusted by you which is a natural reaction to degeneracy like this. You can't force people to accept and like you. That is just arrogant and controlling behavior.

What did you think was gonna happen? You know those stories of retard lgbt people 'coming out' and being accepted as if it's no big deal only actually happen in extremely leftist households. That shit happens so rarely it might as well not happen at all. You should have prepared for this before cucking your life into oblivion.

Try reading this before you transition by the way.

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>dad gives his son legitimately good advice
>boo hoo how can he be so cruel
just become one of the 40% already

Transitioning is a meme it won't fix your fucked up life.
Not saying your dad has the right to dictate your life but if you are just gonna throw it away making bad decisions like this then I wonder why he's disappointed.

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>tfw people still care about son's sexuality
>tfw people still hate gays and the like in 2018
>tfw Normies are still as braindead as Jow Forums incels

This is all true user

I'm getting really annoyed with him, and am kind of tempted to just ghost him

I have a brother
I have no interest in having kids, I want a bf

I had no intention to come out to my dad, I'm not an attention whore
He found my pills

>Transitioning is a meme it won't fix your fucked up life
What if it already has
I have a bf now and feel happy for the first time in a long time

You are falling for a meme that came about due to a culture war. People are going to look back on this phenomenon with great disgust in the not so distant future.

He hoped for grandchildren.
You're nit just chopping off your tummystick but taking an axe to your family tree/lineage.

Not having children is a form of suicide.
Your father is right and you should only do gay stuff if you hate your family.

Like me ;)

>forces their agenda to people
>wants to be special everywhere
>forcing their kids to be gay / trannies
Why do people hate gays now?

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Gays are fine but OP needs to admit that's what this is and stop trying to one-up other gays by taking drugs.

>You're nit just chopping off your tummystick but taking an axe to your family tree/lineage.
Why is this something that I'm supposed to give a fuck about again?

Also like I said, I have a brother

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Jow Forums was always unironically liberal but Jow Forums traps are mostly homosexuals making a grotesque spectacle of the female body as opposed to simply crossdressing. If you're opposed to it it's "just a prank" or "let people do whatever they want jeez"

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more like what's looking like a man dressing as a woman gonna do to him
also why become a bitch being a man is great.
Op, hope you stream your sui.

>Be dad
>see kids grow up to be capable men
>brother chad is good at sports and user is working with his computer all the time
>Is this what success looks like?
>mfw user ask me if I sponsor his "transition"
>"I rather see you die"
>lmao he runs upstairs crying
>tell wife about user
>atleast we still have brother chad
>maybe chopping some logs will make him straight again
>user is not in his room but his pc on
>mfw gayporn and nudes from a random guy supposed to be his bf
user why cant you be normal like brother chad?

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You were born with a peepee, small or big it doesn't matter, you are male to your very core and trying to force another shell on yourself will not change anything. If you break yourself physically, you'll break on every other way because they are connected.

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fucking faggot, you deserve every type of cruelty you get. mentally-ill gender-dysphoria cuck

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I have no interest in suicide and these comments are really rude

I get its all fun and games or whatever but you really shouldn't encourage people to suicide like that

Fucking faggot. You know he will beat your faggot ass to death once he sees you.noice

You know my dad has seen me before right

But user you will never children, so everything you do now in life is worthless because it cant be passed on. Nobody will love you when you are 40

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Sounds like the future of the average robot.

when you transition you should be prepared that you will be abandoned by your parents and your friends, that's the bitter pill to swallow. you should try to find people who accept you for who you are

good luck with your transition!

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>you really shouldn't encourage people to suicide like that
lmao where do you think you are?

that doesn't sound neither as a good father nor as a proper non-posessive love

well I suppose transition is a sort of death. When we moved to the country back in my teen years the old me completely died and reformed into the sad, bitter and hostile person I am today. I pissed my parents off when I burned all "my" child hood pictures. I don't care that person is gone forever he died alone a long time ago.

In your case I would transition out of spite. The old you will be gone and that means any attachments to the people who spawned you can be severed forever should you choose to.

>In your case I would transition out of spite. The old you will be gone and that means any attachments to the people who spawned you can be severed forever should you choose to.

Sure thing lord vader give him the first step to suicide

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I'm sorry for all the rudeposts, OP. Gender dysphoria is a bitch and if you genuinely have it then transitioning is the best thing you can do. Best of luck.
Wouldn't know about chopping off your peepee though, heard it's quite gruesome

He should deserve the years back he spent raising you. He wants you to be his son, not some bearded dickless freak in a dress

You'll look back in a few years and thank him with your whole heart for saving your life.

The majority of those who transition regret it and then either kill themselves or live their whole lives depressed

That's a blatant lie though

So they're just like Jow Forums users?

this. i can't imagine someone just accepting their kid being a fucking degenerate.

why would a man want to see his own child that he loves and cares for be consumed by a mental illness rather than treat it? he is trying everything he can for you to get help you fucking faggot. listen to him.
t. someone with body dysmorphic disorder that isnt a bogdanoff nigga because media doesnt say my illness isnt an illness and i get therapy instead of surgery

You're a retard who feel for the gay/trans meme.
People always have a choice you might like homosexual sex, but in the end all sex is is friction on the peepee.

I can understand why your dad might be emotional about this but it was wrong for him to say he would rather have you dead
He should try again for a son now that he has a daughter

Not OP, and I definitely don't want to transition

but are you not the one who fell for the breeding meme?

You are 100% correct user, sex is nothing more than friction against your peepee and prostate

Why not spend it with boys I like to spend time with instead of insufferable bitches

I fucking hate this planet why would I want to bring more bitches into this planet

Because your life is forfeit either way, might as well sacrifice it at the foot of your children who love you.

I have no idea what you mean by that user

no it's not. look it up simpleton.

kind of cute how Jow Forums always tries to persuade trannies to keep their penis. most of them are non-op anyway, they usually know the risks better than you too

if he destroyed the op's stash it won't really stop her but depending on the age it could deter transition enough to make her less passable and more miserable, most likely either the op is old enough to avoid it or her puberty already ended

>no it's not. look it up simpleton.

educate yourself how bdd differs from gd

Making your happiness dependant on wether or not you have a SO is failure just waiting to happen. You aren't taking care of the underlying issues

educate yourself on how you are brainwashed and it is the same exact shit but one was roped into the gay umbrella
you do not want to look the way you do, your brain sees it as wrong and it makes you unable to function and have the constant desire to fix it, and you need therapy to overcome it rather than getting the cosmetic procedures you think you need
exact same shit
ask a tranny if they were raped and 9/10 times they will say yes, it is a mental illness that needs treatment rather than enabling.

it's because your dad loves you. Transitioning is literally worse than death. It's unnatural. God never intended that for you, so your father too doesn't want to see it happen.

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>Making your happiness dependant on wether or not you have a SO is failure just waiting to happen. You aren't taking care of the underlying issues
What are those
I'm going to therapy also

My therapist says I'm doing good
I'm eating a lot more than before and am not unhealthy and skinny anymore

I just wanna point out that whether I medically transition or not I'm still a twink faggot and my dad isn't happy about this

The line between where I am now and what I want to be is quite thin

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Everyone has to die, but you get to choose what you're dying for.
Everyone life is full of sacrifice, it's best to choose what you're sacrificing for rather than it be chosen for you.

Man up and stop being a little faggot? Eat more meat, work out, jerk off to straight porn, maybe do sport with your dad?

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I agree with your father.

really try to educate yourself, not only about the difference between gd and bdd, but also about the history of attempts to treat gd and homosexuality

There's a difference between becoming a femboy and being a Tumblrtard SJW who dyes his hair neon-rainbow colors

You deserve HRT, that's the type of hell you'll enter by your choice, and the one you'll deserve for being a faggot

>Why can't you be like your Chad brother?
If he was anywhere near a chad he wouldn't even be here on the first place

Tell your dad it was le funny joke (the transition) and that you're a straight male who loves banging women and maybe just maybe your dad will reconsider his dislike in you

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My dad still loves me and always will no matter what

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Don't be a tranny faggot then. Hit the weights and stop masturbating.

nice empty leftist argument of LOOgITUP!!! and not actually providing any opinion of substance because you know you dont have one
stop corrupting people you animal

>My dad still loves me and always will no matter what
>he would rather see me die
choose one

He was really made when he said that to me

He's going to apologize to me and buy me smash ultimate and we'll play it together and everything is gonna go back to normal except I'll be a girl

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IDK what these robot incels are talking about "degeneracy" and "OP being a literal faggot"(for real this time), we are all gonna die virgin except for OP

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you didn't bother to provide anything either except muh bdd, your bdd is cured with fucking ssri, do you think nobody ever tried to treat gd with antidepressants and psychotherapy? that stuff is like candies, i think half of the trannies took ssri for their depression, ad somwhat remove depression and leave you with gd

>implying losing anal or wound virginity is better than simply being a full virgin




>implying it is worse

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>Implying no sex is better than sex (that he gets pleasure from)

Except yes actually

>implying being a degenerate is better than not being one
stop with this mentally ill propaganda

ssris do not treat BDD goofball, it stays with you and you need to learn to cope with it just like GD. like you said, it just takes away the depression element. why are you lying to yourself?

user from fuckup to fuckup. This will never happen. He might say "You are my son and I will love you what ever happens" but its not ture. The time you will spend with him will be awkward, you will see the disapointment in his eyes everytime and you will only hear is fake laugh. It will never be the same. There might even come a time where your father will cry because you are such a disapointment. You will also never be a girl what ever you do. People will call you a girl out of politness but they will laugh at you when you turn you back to them. You will be monster and not a girl

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Listen to your fucking dad, he's right, don't disappoint him like I did and then came to regret

>Listen to your fucking dad, he's right, don't disappoint him like I did and then came to regret
What happen

>tfw this is exactly what happened to me
>can tell dad has given up hope
>he also drinks a lot more than he used to

>We review available pharmacotherapy research, with a focus on serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs, or SRIs), which are currently considered the medication of choice for BDD. Many patients have substantial improvement in core BDD symptoms, psychosocial functioning, quality of life, suicidality, and other aspects of BDD when treated with appropriate pharmacotherapy that targets BDD symptoms.

pls don't answer unless you post me a link on the drugs that can treat gd in a similar way, i don't want your words anymore, i need your proofs. also don't even try posting stuff about pimozide, it works only on those who have schizophrenia or something with some gender related delusion (and it is said in the articles that mention it), does shit to gd, some user on /lgbt/ reported the other day that she was treated with a high dose of pimozide for an unrelated reason, slept literally 20 hours per day for like more than a year and it didn't do shit to her gd

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>being drugged up to shit and hand-held for ones own progress
>representative of actual progress
I suppose taking God's place in one's mind and being what one envisions as a "supreme being" is very much lost in most of the population?

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>People will call you a girl out of politness but they will laugh at you when you turn you back to them. You will be monster and not a girl

Yeah but this doesn't happen to all the other passing transgirls though

It's really not that hard to pass if you are young

I'm not saying I'm gonna be some 10/10 hottie, but I could pass pretty reasonably

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>be pretty for 10 years
>then become this

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it doesn't work like that, if you stay on the pills you will look like a woman for your whole life
yes it's a tranny, marie-pierre pruvot

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Ah yes, just be rich and famous with an intensive skin-care routine, an exact diet and all the surgery you can afford. Piece of cake. Anyone can do it, right?

>let me give you this one in a million example, because that's surely the way it'll go for me
Have fun, dude.

lmao at your life Zac

>lmao at your life Zac
My name is not zac

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nobody prevents you from the extensive skincare routine which needs rather dedication than money, especially nowadays when skincare products got much better than they used to be, but that's not really relevant, it allows you to look better but it is not a means to stop masculinization

ok, now you post me a tranny who looked as a girl when she was young and then suddenly began to look as a man when she got older, both those pics - young and looking as a girl and old and looking as a man, go ahead, you said there are millions of them

user, he is a femboy not a Nazi

post pics you faggot


>i want a bf
>i have a bf
Decide yourself, you faggot.

Sorry for not being clear

I like guys AND I have a bf

What I meant by that first line is that breeding just is not a concern of mine

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This thread makes me very sad. I wish there was some way I could help you overcome what's wrong with your defective brain, OP. You really gotta try to fix yourself. You broken faggot. It's easy like just fuck a girl you faggot

>You really gotta try to fix yourself. You broken faggot. It's easy like just fuck a girl you faggot

I've had sex with girls before and letting guys fuck me is 100x more fun

Only you r9k incels are the kinds of losers who think having sex with girls will cure all your problems

Also I'm trying to fix my problems that's why I go to therapy

> OP transitions
> Isnt happy still
> Fucking dies
> Father kills himself

> OP transitions
> Doesnt feel like shit
> father still kills himself

Dont do anything stupid OP if it's what you really want then do it. Don't let anyone say what you should do, and dont do it out of spite if you are not sure.

Please think long and well about this decision, this situation sucks but there is no reason to do anything rash.

Wish you all the best, and as always fuck off you faggot.

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Based dad. Imagine being intimate with and becoming one with the love of your life, your wife, and the fruit of that pure and wholesome love is an abomination that gives itself to other men? That shit makes my spirit hurt.

What went wrong? How'd you end up this way? I seriously want to know.

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This must be a grim feel for a father. Imagine your child becoming indoctrinated by some internet bullshit that you don't understand. A thousand thoughts must be running through his mind. He probably blames himself first and foremost.

Citation needed there jimbo

He still has another son who is prob not a failure so I would say he supports him and not faggie over there