Thursday night /aus/ thread - i have completely given up edition

thursday night /aus/ thread - i have completely given up edition
drinking goon and playing rising storm vietnam tonight
what are you cunts up to?

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Same thing we do every night pinky

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Brain you nigger
You're going to fucking do it one day I swear to christ

I was playing Fallout New Vegas and I was planning on joining the NCR but I have a sudden urge to join Mr. House. I've created a save just before the two so I can come back but I'm still not sure.

I might just start up The Witcher 3 again.

I hope you are doing an unarmed run

G times

cry over no qt bf? ;---;, not again pls

fuck off degenerate tranny faggot

I wanna fuck a dude raw in the ass lads.


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Kinda. I'm doing melee.

whats everyones favourite flavor of shapes?
for me it's gotta be barbecue

I hate perth. Why is there nothing to do here. Why is there no one interesting here. Why was I cursed to live in this fucking cesspit

Chicken crimpy is patrician

Pizza, then chicken crimpy. Barbecue is lowest tier, down there with ham and cheese.

can't be any worse than brisbane
i'll trade places with ya mate
hell atleast your footy team is doing well


sup faggots inner-west nsw here, is there any part of our country that isnt a shit hole?

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Smokin the ol billy and playing some Vermintide 2. Enjoy your RS sesh, I might hop on later myself.

The green ones,

5045 here

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Weed tomorrow boys get hype

Buttholes have poop, you a scatman or what?


victoria's right: no niggs, low crime but japs everywhere if your in Melbourne

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>japs everywhere
use to live in victoria looks like im going back

more chinks than japs

5351 Here, how's it going friend?

My landlord mowed my opium seedlings so pretty lame

>no niggs

excuse me

>no niggs
you can't be serious

Sorry to hear that 5045, your postcode has a good scuba shop.

Do not go outside let align scuba or touch disgusting ocean water with dead animals and sewage so I will never know

I'm in the same city, you just need better friends.

Sorry to hear that, I am always looking for scuba friends.

Why is everyone in Australia a weed smoking normie?

>scuba friends
I dont swing that way

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Dnms unlocked weed for robots

just got tangleroot on osrs lads

gz im slaving wintertodt atm, hope i get phoenix

on autism bux and have more money and time than i know what to do with
so why do i hate my life so much and can't find joy in anything anymore?

I'll fuck u up the ass at Mount gravatt

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Got a party tomorrow, probably going to get drunk for thrid time, hopefully i can score, i better get some fucking (you)s

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>australian on r9k is a sex having party attending normie
checks out, this is the most robotic people get in this country
i fucking hate it here i want to leave. people like you should be thankful every day it's hard to get a gun here

>being a virgin in 2018