How on Earth are people maintaining even a quantum of happiness?
I find it unfathomable.
>:) hahahaha le unexpected twist xDDD
Once you heard 1000 jokes, the 1001st joke is not going to be very funny. Most jokes are derivative and predictable. John Cleese of Monty Python confirms this. His life evolved around comedy and now every joke is old and stale to him. Nevertheless most people seem to laugh at the most inane stories.
>will give you purpose
95% of jobs in 1st world countries are pointless bullshit jobs. I worked as a software programmer, helped get 2 startups off the ground. It wasn't fulfilling at all. Most software is either dumbing down the population, sucks the life out of users with dopamine treadmills (games, news, ...) or replaces jobs, which are supposedly required for a fulfilling life.
>pass on le values to your kids :)
>We must procreate because.
Overpopulation is the humanity's #1 problem. Every species, that faced a population explosion like humans did in the last 200 years, ended badly. Somehow most people seem to think infinite growth is possible on a finite planet with finite space and resources. They seem to be prisoners of oxytocin, the "love" hormone that's especially strong in mothers. Yes, a child will keep you occupied and managing to raise it well is an accomplishment, however it does not solve anything at all. You're just passing along the problem to a new generation, creating new suffering.
Is it just me? I was told I wasn't stupid by some. After all, I managed to obtain a degree in. Probably not very smart, but not stupid either by society's standards. Still, I feel dumb, because....
Ever encountered wild animals, like a deer? It doesn't seem to suffer from existential questions, and doesn't appear to be less happy without Facebook, the latest mass-produced movies, or a car.
Human consciousness seems like a disease that holds us hostage, and humans are suffering from Stockholm syndrome.