Why are women uncomfortable being around you?
Why are women uncomfortable being around you?
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They can tell im autistic, so it makes me automatically 100% invisible to women
they aren't, but they dont overly enjoy it either, im uncomfortable being around them
Why are they such rude little assholes? Were holes always such douchebags, even in the pre-feminist world?
my face is scarier than the war
theres always been chads and theres always been robots
So what? There's always been rich and poor people too, it doesn't change the fact that the artificially sustained disparity between the two hasn't been as extreme as it currently is in over a couple hundred years.
I'm serious as fuck.It's the only face I know how to make when I'm close to a woman.I probably look like a rapist.
I'm too fucking tall (seven foot one) I'm fat, ugly with bad acne scars and I'm extremely awkward because of my anxiety. I fuck up even the most mundane conversation
Do you have no sense of irony? The way you talk is absolutely disgusting.
When women speak to me, there's immediately a massive buildup of social tension that destroys any chance of an actual conversation
>used to be fat kid and constantly bullied
>got Jow Forums over several years
>despite that, still feel fat and overly conscious of thyself
>just want to be a cute anime girl and be someones catgirl servant
>tfw people constantly remark on how built you are, get tons of compliments and make you feel insanely uncomfortable and like wanting to die
Because I'm weird and my face looks like i'm angry everytime. But usually they don't feel uncomfortable around me, they laugh at me
>tfw ywn have a girl look at you like this
Why live?
>the fact that the artificially sustained disparity between the two hasn't been as extreme as it currently is in over a couple hundred years.
HAHAHAHAHA, user you are a retard. When you manage to travel back in time I'd like to see you shit talk the royalty in the middle ages or demand more than 10 cent per day pay in the industrial revolution era. The divide between the haves and have-nots is at an all time low, at least in most modernized countries. Be glad that no one is ACTIVELY hunting and trying to kill you. Fucking privileged cock gobbler
>The divide between the haves and have-nots is at an all time low
Sauce noseberg.
I am ugly on the inside and outside and people can easily tell.
But I'm doing them a favour by just staying away myself, saves them the trouble.
I don't remember seeing (you) providing a source for (you)r claims.
Not just women, men, too.
The sauce is that idiots like you can spout all the bullshit they want without being arrested or hanged. Your entire internet history is accessible to the ISP and LE but you are still able to post without having someone knocking at your door for government critical speech. When you go out and "protest" the police might use a water thrower instead of simply gunning you down.
The sauceless user cries out as he hits you
which is a shame, people here want nothing more than to be executed by their governments
>The sauce is that idiots like you can spout all the bullshit they want without being arrested or hanged
Because the powers that be are aware that popular opinion is generally worthless and that, because of the Streissand effect, it's better to just let the worthless proles impotently rant and rave on their Tibetan pottery forum. The only reason the state lets you maintain the illusion of having rights is because it knows that they are MEANINGLESS. I bet you believe in the efficacy of voting too, or that being able to use debt-money to purchase and consume products is representative of freedom, you fuckin simp lmfao.
Read some fucking history, brainlet. Wars and revolutions have been fought and a lot of blood has flown for "meaningless" things like freedom of press, freedom of speech, right to vote, right to not have your daughter be raped by the local ruler whenever he wants, right to move, right to decide for yourself what you want to do in life etc.
That which you think of as "meaningless" was earned hard by your ancestors through a lot of pain and death.
I think getting Jow Forums may have fucked up my life even more than it was honestly, Because now I can't not know that the people complimenting me and talking to me literally only give a shit about how I look. it's like peering through the looking glass and seeing this weird alternate reality. I unironically wish I didn't get Jow Forums because at least when I was ugly and fat I didn't have objective undeniable proof about what was going on.
Implying I care what a literal hole has to think.
I never talk. I'm always around, but never talk
Cause they're all secretly madly in love with me, duh.
women loathe me and think i'm creepy and annoying and weird lol
good thing i fucking hate them too, more than they could ever imagine
>Throughout history, people have enjoyed killing other people over stupid shit like vague, meaningless abstractions such as "rights", "freedom", "equality", etc. that almost never improved their lives tangibly and actually more often than not made things infinitely worse for them in the long term.
>In other news...
that's complete horse shit. the wealth gap today makes medieval europe look like a fucking communist paradise.
Tsubomi is such a cunt, Erika is a pure maiden though.
I'm fat and ugly, but worse than that I'm just boring.
They're not, lol.
I got this calm and stoic aura around me so I look calm and confident, while inside I'm shattered, afraid, anxious, sad and depressed.
So I look and sound healthy, but I'm anything but.
would anyone like a friend that can teach you how to be less autistic around women? i can answer even the most specific questions you have
>The divide between the haves and have-nots is at an all time low,
That's wrong though. It's greater than ever in the general sense. Of course people like Julius Caesar and Musa I of Mali were unphatomably rich, even by today's standard, however that doesn't change the fact that most of the wealth in the world and in the USA is being funnel toward the top.
Reminder if you make something like $75k a year you are part of the global 1%.
"unfathomably" no "unphantombly" obviously'
if anything its the contrary, I'm so shy and meek that they find easy to being around me, but they don't consider me a sexual being at all. I even get reffered with female pronouns when around girls (and no, I'm not a tranny).
that fucking sucks user, like really bad. it might be time to an hero
I have survived until now so might as well endure it a little bit more
godspeed user!
Fat ugly dude that they assume is creepy and smelly
They are right but they dont have to be so rude about it
all the femoids love me
I'm trans
Disgust and repulsion aren't usually learned, it's usually instinctual
That means there's something about you that disgusts them at a primal level. It's not their fault, it's biology mixed with your own failure
I thought women were nice to trannies
how do you make any changes for the better, then?
They are until the trannies try to fuck them or start talking about deeper issues
Nope, they actually hate us for trying to imitate them.
Also have a dick under my skirt creeps them the fuck out, even if I don't mention anything of the sort at all.
Sorry to hear that, I thought women were less judgmental when it came to those things
Nope, they suck your dick (metaphorically, of course) just because you're trans; it's all for "tolerance points" though.
At the end of the day a man in a dress in creepy as fuck and they don't wanna be near them at all (unless to show "tolerance").
Most trannies are creeps that get off on pretending to be a woman
I can understand why they're freaked out
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
Fuck I feet the same. I originally started to lift in order to move my skinny ass up from my chair because sitting all day would do you no good. After some months I started to see my first gains, and began lifting more seriously. I wanted to build a better "me". It also helped me because I was a bit depressed at that time (losing people close to me).
It has been 2 years now. My body is clearly in a better shape. I also feel better but deep inside, it's like my old skinny self is gone forever, I lost a part of me that I was used to for years.
I don't know how to describe it. It feels like I've put on a mask. It's really a weird feeling
They were uncomfortable around me because I was always incredibly intimidated, nervous, and tense.
That man was scared no-one would like him.
But. Nobody else knew that. All they saw was someone who was quiet and looked mildly pissed off all the time.
Furthermore, It's absolutely alien to some women-- why a guy might be scared of someone 100 pounds less and 5 inches shorter. I was absolutely terrified. And closed off, and unapproachable, and tense-- always.
It wasn't just women. I made men uncomfortable too.
>tfw deep radio voice
>tfw girls like being around me because of voice even though I acy autistic
Feels good. Even if you are a manlet you can still make it if you develop a deep voice
>Look like school shooter
>Look like meth head
>Look like a a walking corpse
>Blank icy stare
>looking at cute girl across the classroom
>eyes meet
>start looking at various things around the room like I just happened to look at her
Is this autism
It goes both ways, I'm socially awkward and autistic therefore feel E X T R E M E L Y uncomfortable around girls, and im ugly and edgy so they feel uncomfortable around me
The same reasons guys are uncomfortable around me
hahahahaha, people aren't equal and never have been. There is nothing artificial about it.
fucking yes please, please respond
>can't smile
>stare into nothingness for minutes at a time
>look like a school shooter
You dumblefucks need to stop living in your head and let yourselves just be. The biggest problem is that you are using your frontal lobe far too much when you need to just act instinctively and let your unconsious go. That is the biggest epiphany I had when I actually started dating girls. Just let your lizard brain do it's thing and stop thinking. Just do.
yes! do you have any questions here or would you like to talk in private? i love being a wingwoman
>school shooter
You're female?
>Implying brown people don't shoot up their schools
They don't though. It's a marked statistic.
Idk if they are I don't interact with any lmao
have you gone?
yes isn't that obvious from everything i've wrote
i'm here
Women don't feel threatened by me because I like men and I used to be a woman (or still am a woman if you don't support trans people
sorry my pc froze, I've never had a girl actually want to talk to me before
So I have a massive crush who I've known for 5-6 years but she doesnt really like me and I'm way too awkward and ugly for her to consider me and on the bus she always talks about how she has a massive crush who i have no chance against, I see her everyday but normally just keep my eyes down and when she does speak to me i always fuck up massively like make really weird comments and/or responses to what she says and the fact that i truly LOVE her but I know we'll never have a friendship let alone serious relationship makes me so depressed, and my friends and her openly flirt in front of me
wat do?
You're a fucking retard. Move on idiot. Who the fuck has a crush?
I'm not arguing that everyone is equal. I'm arguing that the majority of people are indistinguishably average, but, as in the case of financial capital as described in and , subjective sexual capital has, through the influence of state policies and media conditioning, become dangerously hypergamous via overaccumulation in the hands of females and 8/10+ men.
stfu just because you've accepted defeat
i mean if it really sounds as hopeless as you make it sound with there really being absolutely no chance you two can be a couple then just accept nothing will happen. vent about her all you need to like you're doing right now, it'll help in the short term. liking someone who is into someone else sounds like torture, user. don't do this to yourself. but if you mean you actually want to do something about it have you told your friends you like her? it sounds like you haven't if they flirt with her. maybe your friends can help you move in among her circle. but considering everything else it might just make things worse for you. you might be even more humiliated.
You do realize that this is the norm though right? If you look at rna, the males who bred did so at a rate of something like 17:1. Meaning that the village chief was fucking ALL of the women.
I live with my gf. I have not had a crush since I was 15.
i have told my friends but none of them get it because it comes easy for them but they have no idea how torturous it is for me, they think well if they can talk to 10 girls at once, flirt go on dates 24/7 anyone should be able to but for me its near enough impossible and i love being with her but its like self-harm because i want to talk to her and be with her but it makes me feel more and more depressed, Also it's not just a crush, i love everything about her, her personality, she's beautiful, she's beautiful inside and out but it hurts just being sidelined and cast away all the time if you where her. wwyd and if you were me wwyd?
your trophy is in the mail faggot
You should probably listen to me and grow some balls and brains.
I mean, they might think I'll self-combust at anytime otherwise
id listen to you if you had something to say, all you did was rub it in my face that you have a successful relationship, good for you honestly but i really dont care
and its not like you gave me any actual advice was it
Dude, you're such a huge pussy and you need to stop it.
how exactly?
because I like a girl? wow such pussy amirite?
Kenny, is that you? Damn
Yup, that boys sure fucked. She'll tire of him and he'll have zero experience in the game so when she's gone..its over for him.
I see it happen all the time. Fucked some guys GF that they'd been together since 13 recently. Haha, that relationships ending in a murder suicide - at least he beats her.
Read your own posts. Reflect on them. They reek of boipucci. You needed to make a move on this girl 6 years ago. You have needed some self respect to have made a move on this girl even longer than that. How are you this delusional?
Give up on this girl. Establish some value by getting a job and getting adult skills. Maybe some equity or a degree. And take care of yourself because exercise is basic adult hygiene. Do resistance training and cardio. Learn to dress properly as it is also a basic adult skill. If you have no value you have no value to girls.
Idk bro, maybe read The Hero with a Thousand Faces or Man and His Symbols.
top kek
The deer in the headlights look is the worst, especially when you're stuck with her for an hour plus.
i dress well, work out, im pretty Jow Forums actually, im just short and ugly, been to school, studying in college, and 'hey bro just make a move' its not that easy for me who's autistic and socially awkward and i have alot to lose if i embarass myself because i still see her every day
Then get better at socializing. Get a job selling things. Worked for me. It forces you to get used to approaching strangers, reading them, and responding. Most people are easy enough to read a general understanding of who they are because clothing is an outward reflection of personality. That plus posture, age, race, gender, and you have a general understanding of how to talk to them.
surprisingly enough i do have a small time job selling, but it doesnt require as much social interaction as you'd think and i don't often sell to girls, just circumstance
and how does one simply get better at socializing?
I sold clothes at banana republic for 2 years during school. Plenty of girls to sell to. Plus at stores like that you can bang your coworkers. It's honestly better at a department store because it's larger though. I've heard that fucking waitresses as a waiter is incredibly easy too for the same reasons. You may want to check out being a waiter while you're in school.
One thing I would note is that socializing in college is harder than outside of it at least with the crowd of hipsters I hung out with. They were just incredibly insular and were all high school nerds themselves so the insecurity levels were astronomical.
Underrated comment, don't mind if I steal
i might try that actually thanks, you're right everyone in college fits almost perfectly into a box and if you don't, well you might just end up here
i wear a pink bright shirt that says rapist in big bold letters.
Dude, they were the worst. I went to plenty of their parties and the music-hipsters would just clique up and not mingle outside of their little groups. Also, there is a statistically abnormal amount of scoliosis among the college hipster chicks. I imagine it was because they always cross their arms and slouch.