This faggot kills cats now

this faggot kills cats now
god truly has infinite mercy

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Not just cats.


Feral kittens, which Chris snatched away from their mother.

Because Chris lives up to all of the stereotypes of the mentally handicapped and thinks kittens are just cute fluffy toys for him to play with.

When will sweet Barb be free from this pain to drift upon the endless river into the comfy sleep? I eagerly await the post-Barb era.

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Did another cat die?

When Barb dies, it's over for chris. He's gonna fucking go nuclear

Someone needs to give this fucker a serious beatdown
Smack the fucker right into a coma type of shit

the worst fucking part is that he even demanded money to "cure them",refusing at first to bring them to a vet and wanting money to buy meds instead.he tried to scam people with sick kittens

I wouldn't want to beat Chris up.

Not because I like the guy, because I don't, but because he's really really gross. I don't want to be anywhere near him, let alone touch him.

beating Chris up would be like beating a kitten up. You could definitely do it, but it would be worthless to do as you would be beating up something that doesnt understand why its being punted in the head. It would be too easy as Chris beats itself up when left alone.

Truly this the saga of Chrischan is a show we do not deserve, but we have been witness to.

I wonder if he's capable of killing himself or someone else

When chris became a tranny he went from being a lolcow to just being sad. I remember I stumbled across a literal porn video of him riding a dildo and I couldn't even laugh, just felt sad. Somebody needs to just old yeller him already.

I feel like the post barb saga wont be as good as people think. Chris can drive he is less of an autist than people give him credit for, he can drive atleast. My best guess is he gets put in some group home with other tards because he cant take care of himself. Somewhere they can make sure he wont hurt himself and somewhere to find him a job.

someone already mercy kill the fella, this is no way to live.

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Tell me about the sonichus, George.

Does he still called the gaping abscess from his failed taint piercing his boi pucci?

This, just put him out of his misery and make it stop
>tfw Chris is now literally whoring himself out
Never thought it would end up like this.

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Did he end up in the hospital because of this or am I imagining that? I remember he posted a picture once where it looked really badly infected and he just got mad when people told him to go to the hospital

I honestly don't know. That was the last I heard too.

I compare Chris to Lenny from Of Mice and Men. The only thing is Lenny is more sympathetic. As bad as it sounds, I think it's best if someone takes him out to pasture and ends it not because I hate him. I don't hate Chris. I believe it only gets worse for him and he cannot comprehend anything other than what he had been use to. After Barb passes, his life will be even more of a hellish punishment.

There was a time when Chris believed in God and was religious. There is no God for him. Chris has been cursed since Bob got Barb pregnant. Old people really shouldn't be having kids. Truth be told, Chris needs to finally go to Cwcville. He has no chance to progress for the better. Death is more compassionate for him than this. His health is bad and it is leading him down a miserable path. Do you think that of he gets cancer, he will be able to comprehend every thing? Normal people afflicted have a hard time doing it. Clearly any shot at a decent life has been obliterated by his parents and Chris himself. He has barely any quality in his life. I think it's better this way.

If the house fire from almost 5 years ago or his "clit piercing" has taught us one thing, it's that Chris is fully capable of falling victim to himself. He just got really lucky that time, sadly it costed the lives of a few animals. Luck isn't forever.

With friends surrounded
The dawn mist glowing
The water flowing
The endless river
Forever and ever

You would have to use a bat or something, and stand back far enough that you wouldn't be breathing in the dry cum and shit particles attached to his filthy clothing.

Isn't this guy schizo or something? Does anyone have the full story on this guy?

hes like a lvl 90 necromancer with the ability to curse people via youtube and has a neat webcomic

ahaha sums it up.

I always felt bad for Bob, his death was as sad as his life

He still has bad hygiene even though he's the type of guy to use hand sanitizer after shaking hands with others.

I think he might snap desu
Its still his mother than he loves and has coddled him his whole life, without her he might just have some kind of break down

>I stumbled across a literal porn video of him riding a dildo

Jesus fucking Christ is this true. If so bost the link or webm

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Probably is, iv seen the pictures Chris posted of his vagina
It was just that part of flesh between your genitals and butthole that Chris had cut open

post the all star masturbation video

No I didn't remember what he was doing in it exactly, this sounds like what I'm thinking of but I don't know where to find it.
i found the one i was talking about, not really what you were looking for though

If what you're saying is true, would any of you miss Chris if I killed him?


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this just seems like a chrischan hatefest witch hunt

wish people would fuck off and stop following this dude. Although it's his own fault for autistically continuing to upload every detail of his life

It blows my mind that barb has held on this long, she barely even looks alive. I don't know what pact Chris made with the autism gods to artificially extend her life but she has to die soon.

he kidnapped some stray kittens and demanded money to cure them,refusing to bring them to a vet or accept medications,and when he did accept the medications it turned out that he had the money to buy them in the first place,basically scamming people with sick kittens.he needs to be linched autism or no autism

my fucking sides is this real life??

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Why do I subject myself to this. It makes me feel worse than watching gore videos pop

so they died due to him being too retarded and gay to make them better?

So what if he kills cats? Do you know how many chickens, pigs and cows sre being killed right now?

No, actually.
One died because he was holding them for ransom to get money for video games and collectibles.
The other was given away while the last one is in his possession.

It may die as well at this point.

>whats the difference between common household pets and livestock
do you by any chance eat dogs too you degenerate

>Does anyone have the full story on this guy?
He has a fucking wiki site cataloging every detail about his life.

anyone have more of these cursed chris-chan videos? please share

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>more tranny e-celeb worshipping
Fuck off newfags, I've never heard of this faggot in my life


The ride never ends

How much you wanna bet when barb dies,Chris won't alert authorities and instead just leave the body to rot in her room.

How come he still looks like a man with longer hair and women's clothes if he's trans? There's no way you could mistake him for a woman.

Livestock can be pets too you fucking savage

no,livestock is livestock
if you want a shitty pig as a pet its your problem not mine,you dont eat cats and dogs,you eat pigs and cows

Cows and pigs are more intelligent than dogs and cats you just don't give a fuck because thats how you were raised. Its hard to admit that you're wrong. I'm not expecting you to change. But you're objectively a scum bag.

>He's gonna fucking go nuclear

Lmao. Yes THAT is gonna send Chris-tina over the edge. He's perfectly stable an normal now

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You can have a pig as a pet. My friend knew this couple with a pet pig. They let the pig sleep in their bed and they would walk the pig around the neighborhood on a leash. Years back I've seen someone walking a pig around on a leash.

This is a lolcow that is a public menace. No one worships them.

>Does anyone have the full story on this guy?

Fuck off, you're the newfag

you could have a fucking rock as a pet for all i care,cats are household pets and not livestock

faIIing for this bait, you are the newfag

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That was vile, user. Please don't share it again. Thanks!

>I was just pretending to be retarded!
Fuck off newfag

my trips beat your dubs, you're the newfag

Good. Chris has been absolutely boring since he turned trans.

Maybe the post-Barb era will coax him back to his Christian roots so he can be pure again

Cmon now son

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Lol cows are fucking retarded you dumbass. Pigs a based tho.

How could things go so wrong? Look at this picture and then look at what he's grown into. What in the fuck.

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He was born with severe autism by parents too old and traditional to comprehend the type of kid they were "raising". On top of that, he most likely developed some kind of god complex after winning the sonic competition. And to add it all up, the internet took heavy notice in him and he noticed back, only enforcing his autistic narcissism to it's peak.

That's probably the day his life took the downward spiral it did.

Dead cat saga will lead to dead mother saga, at least we can all be excited for that

Shut up you fucking stupid faggot you dont know shit

His dad was born the same year my grandpa was born, 1927.

gonna be some fun weekend at bernie's action

Yeah that user is right. Fuck you you dumb piece of shit cows are cute. I hope you get mauled by a pit bull for your insolence

There is one of him masturbating with his fake vagina (literally a hole he cut into himself)

You aren't trans if you just put a wig on, though.

Post it please user I need to see that mess

don't post it for christ's sake

Don't have the video on my new phone if I find it online I'll send you the link

>Killing off man-made invasive species that destroy local ecosystems and carry a brain-eating parasite is a bad thing.
In Australia, it's legal. Cats are invasive vermin and should be treated as such.

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>Don't have the video on my new phone
>he used to have it on his old one
You're fucking disgusting, what's your problem. I don't even want to know the reasons, even if it was for, say, laughing about it, it's still gross to have it to begin with, let alone consuming space on your phone for that.

>Chris can drive
Didn't he hit some guy with his car?

I had the link to it on my old phones history from when I had seen it and spewed my lunch I recently switched to a Android phone so my safari history isn't here

Based australians

i hope you're telling the truth because i'm very angry at you rn

I wouldn't have enough storage on my phone even if I wanted to keep it on there since it was a 16gb 6s that had about 300mb of free space on any given day

I think that video is not Chris.
If you mean the one where the person cums and you can see the semen pouring out then that's not him.
The wound Chris had couldn't possibly do that in the first place.

>Chris has been absolutely boring since he turned trans
You must now be paying attention. A fuckton of crazy shit has happened.

I'd go for it just for the bragging rights

Chris chan is proof that eugenics isn't wrong

Looks like someone needs to have a word with Lenny

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If you have to tell people you're better than Chris, you aren't.
Infinitechan cow is a better place for this, anyway.

Its not even his final form. Sit down and shut up noob.

Honestly what would the fallout be like if someone had the balls to up and murder him? Like, imagine what would happen if some deranged kiwifarms poster or something just kills him one day and never gets caught. Abrupt like a fuckin car crash.

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Yeah thats the video everyone told me it was Chris do you know who that actually is cause that video gives me nightmares

>tfw you realize how much you and christine have in common

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I'm out of the loop. Someone explain what's going on with Chrischan?

>tfw know it's wrong to be voyeuristic but am actually curious to see how the journey ends
She seems to be becoming more of a normalfag, maybe things are going to be alright.

I have no idea, to be honest.
I'm not even sure where it came from. I think it was an user.

Didn't he hate fags just some years ago?
How did it end up like this?