
Lifting won't save you pathetic manlets.

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>tfw 5'11"
>tfw have an uncle that's seven goddam feet tall
>another uncle that's 6'+
>tfw blame it on poor nutrition growing up
It hurts.

The shorter guy is Jeff Nippard, and that hottie ref is his long-time gf. Negative anons get BTFO'd. We're all gonna make it, regardless of height.

>tfw work with older manlet
>tfw boss walks in on me asking manlet if he can reach something
>manlet calls me an asshole
>boss can't stop laughing at the manlet
>"let's get him a step stool that he can bring everywhere"

Reminder that the manlet meme doesn't affect you outside of Jow Forums

That gook got BLACKED later

>shes clearly leaning towards the alpha and happy to receive his seed later

haha god i want to hold her hand haha

stephanie buttermore switches between looking hispanic and asian

WHat is she?

I'm 6'1. Cool right? My dad is 5'9 and my uncles are all over 6'6. My mother is5'8 and my uncles on her side are all over 6'3. I remember meeting my great uncle who was 6'8 and picked my 100kg dad up like he was a child.
I think I could have been taller, maybe: I think my dad was the runt of his brothers and he was also out of work for three years between me being 3-6 when we were still in South Africa. I have a 6'5 armspan and am fairly certain that's the height I should have been.

Surprised by nippards willingness to have her thot up all his videos and thumbnails

Manlets should just go shotamode.
I love it when a tiny man looks like a child.
I'm bisexual, by the way.

>tfw 7'4"
>be the tallest one so far in the family tree and the only one so far to reach the 7' mark since my grandfather
>play a lot of basketball with fellow chads
>they're still all like children compared to me, and the tallest one out of all of them is 6'7"
Life is a paradise.


Nigger if I was over 7’ I’d be in the fucking NBA. What the fuck are you doing with your life.

>sorry I don't miss dunks
>or dicks

its free views why wouldnt he do it

I am sure she wants some dabbing manchild. The state of lanklets and their cope, lmfao

This. The only thing you should have been doing with that height. Instead you'll forever be an underachieving ultra lanky freak.

Compensating on an imageboard insulting manlets isn't gonna change that

If you're not in the NBA at 7'4" you're just a fucking freak. Girls won't mire you at that height, there's a limit.

I already have an adorable 4'4" wife who looks like a child.