You can't find her, so stop searching. Just get a "practice gf" and keep her forever, learning to be happy with the suboptimal instead of trying to find the happiness outside of yourself.
You can't find her, so stop searching. Just get a "practice gf" and keep her forever...
You don't have to settle. We all think if we don't aim for our 10/10 we will be unfulfilled, but that's not true at all.
That graph is actually pretty redpilled. You can't find out where's the blue, the green or the yellow circles in your life if you don't go out there and try. Sometimes we keep looking in the wrong places.
>implying women willing to bf you isn't an empty set
Yeah the graph is extremely inaccurate.
that green circle is way too big, bud
every time i find a gf with my interests who wants to fuck she also ends up being as insane as i am, so that sucks
I'm a huge piece of shit that keeps treating women badly because they don't conform to some sad, distorted image that I have in my head. I don't want to feel this way.
put all of the green circle in the blue circle and make it tiny
next time do it right faggot
I made a less delusional version, OP.
ive got the fastest hand in the west bucko
Fourth and revised version
Kill yourself pedocuck
t. amerilard who can't have sex with women until the age of 21 when they're already 5 years past their prime and have stretchmarks, saggy boobs, dark eye bags, wrinkles and chlamydia
best venn diagram
final most accurate version with added details
>tfw just want a "practice" friend but no one is willing to be actual friends with a female if she can't be a gf
Why do you rule out the possibility of becoming the gf?
i'm not willing to leave the house to see anyone
That doesn't rule out the possibility of being a gf. That aside, I'm fine with being friends, but only if we have something in common, otherwise conversation dies in a day. What hobbies do you have?
i like anime and things like art and animation. i used to have tons of hobbies but recently i can't focus on anything other than my mental health. it gets in the way of functioning. i'm okay with talking to people i have nothing in common with, i'd just like to get to know someone.
Mkay, do you have a throwaway mail?
sure user. [email protected]
we can talk about whatever you want
I think you gave out the wrong version of it, you need to give out the one with all the numbers and + and shit, else it becomes public. Just make a cockmail or something.
Everyone can view that email now lol
Trips well used
i like how 80% of all women in the universe are underage in this one