>give me the most plausible reason for hating lolicon,or I'll take your soul
Give me the most plausible reason for hating lolicon,or I'll take your soul
You're sexualising children.
> (OP)
>You're sexualising children.
Didn't take long
Fpbp, no souls are going to be taken today.
The argument for Lolicon seems pretty simple to me: No victim, no crime. Living breathing human beings need protection, constructs of the mind do not. If I imagine in my brain right now a fictional character named Sarah, does she exist? Does she have legal rights? I now imagine myself shooting Sarah, am I a murderer now? As I type this, I am physically drawing a picture of Sarah and a picture of myself shooting her. Has the transmission of my thoughts to paper made me a murderer? Is there a crime if I imagine and depict myself raping Sarah? Does the concept of "rape" result in a more emotional response, such that it must be a crime for me to think these thoughts? I do not believe anyone can reasonably say as much, thus I do not believe it is just or moral to send men with guns to kidnap or kill a man for sitting in his basement looking at lines of ink on paper or pixels on his monitor.
The most common response is "Loli is a gateway drug! Lolicons will eventually become rapists as a result of consuming loli media!" to which I ask this: How do we punish people for crimes they *might* commit? How do we objectively determine that an individual is a latent criminal? Do we measure their Crime Coefficient like in Psycho-Pass? Do we take the existence of genitals on a male as proof of him being a latent rapist like SJWs on tumblr? If someone talks about firearm rights, is he not more likely to own and carry a firearm, and since he carries a firearm is he not more likely to commit a crime with a firearm than someone who does not carry a firearm? Should we not ban guns to prevent these future crimes? What about people who consume porn with simulated rape or incest, are they guilty of crimes? Are the actors in these adult films criminals? This sounds like prosecution of thought crimes to me, and such a practice can only lead to abuse, even if the original intention is thought of as just.
People born with pedophillia dont have a say in it just like how faggots dont have a say in how they're born. What normalfaggots dont understand is that pedophillia is not illegle molesting children is.
Fun Fact: FBI knows about every single closet pedophile who watches CP or has pizza but dont do anything/care about it since the money spent in incarciration is not worth the effort.
no reason, now take me pls, i waited for too long
>this made up fictional drawing I created with a utensil is a child
I like tall girls desu
Loli shit is morally corrupt, given that Loli art depicts children in compromising situations, unfit for children. The degenerate fantasies of Internet lowlifes are not justified by the fact that it is fiction. Just because you hate Jewish people with a burning passion on the inside, but do not act upon that hate, does not mean you're not anti-Semitic.
>Morally corrupt
I put forward it is neutral, and could go either way in terms of morals. You could be a twisted lolicon that likes rape, and you can be a virtuous lolicon that only likes marital sex.
we have to stay strong against pedofags
>imagining myself robbing a bank now makes me a robber
flawless logic there user
>>give me the most plausible reason for hating lolicon,or I'll take your soul
By being a fucking faggot like OP!
He's not wrong if all he is saying is "X is a Pedophile", but if he goes "X is a rapist" then there is a problem with his logic.
Wrong. It is inherently morally corrupt, considering the nature of the scene unfolding in most artwork. Children are children, depictions of children still resonate in your mind as children, and still represent children in the artistic landscape. You are a pedophile if you consume that art medium
It isn't a child, which is why you're not arrested as a child molester for drawing it.
But this depiction of a child in a sexualised way means you associate sexual thoughts and children. Which is unhealthy.
>You are a pedophile if you consume that art medium
Okay. Pedophilia is not a crime, just like hating Jews and fantasizing about killing people aren't crimes.
Why did you imagine yourself robbing a Bank? Why is your life so empty that you must default to these delusions of grandeur to entertain yourself and get through the day? You spoil yourself with empty fantasies, some worse than others, that don't get you anywhere in life other than to develop this deep-seated desire to see that fantasy unfold
>He thinks he knows how minds work when nobody really does
Ok retard.
The victim is the person consuming the media.
No one has said that if you watch loli you should be put in jail, I believe. I do think you're have pedo tendencies and wouldn't want you around my children.
Like I wouldn't want a man who gets off to the thought of murdering and cutting women in pieces to hang out with my little sister.
Pedophilia is a taboo that we as humans acknowledge around the globe. It is an evil thing to entertain, to have a desire to ruin the innocent. That is why we have age of consent laws, some lower than others, where I suspect there are more pedophiles in Parliament or government. I can tell you're a pedo. I don't know you desu, but if I did, I'd beat you to death with a hammer.
>why you're not arrested
Only if you're lucky enough to live in america the land of freedom
You have freedom of association, or at least should.
You cannot associate with children without their parents approval, no.
Yes and and shitposting here is doing wonders for you isn't it user? But dont mind me Im just some guy who fantasizes about robbing banks
>I'd beat you with a hammer
I think you should hang for this thought crime. You're obviously a latent-murderer and it's only a matter of time until your thoughts turn to action in the world.
Did I say otherwise? Are you retarded? Who are you talking to?
Loli is for fat otaku and is inferior to shota
shota is for gross faggots
Pedophilia is degenerate.
Normalizing the sexualization of children
>What do you mean it's not ok to look at Childrens breasts it happens in anime all the time
Oh my sweet lord, he's retarded!
>doesn't know what a child is
>can't differentiate reality from fiction
>overcompensating militant "anti-pedo"
How to spot brain damaged closeted pedos and hebes that have taken feminist propaganda too far.
I'm friends with a pedo from Russia they refer to the flat plains as breasts / boobs
@namazso I'm looking at you, you disgusting freak