Jow Forums Secret Santa 2018 #37

Previous thread>How does it work?
People will post their Amazon wishlist link according to the instructions in the next post down, thanks to you all. People who enter the thread may post their liist at will, and it is your decision to gift who you want.
>Does my address get shown?
Your city and state, and shipping name. Refer to the instruction image below. Shipping name can be anything you want.
>How will I know if something has been bought for me then?
Items disappear off your list after being purchased. You can also go to your list, press Filter and Sort, then select Purchased.
>Will the information of the gifter be shown to the recipient?
No, all of your information will be protected. The recipient will not see any info.
>How can I post my Wishlist without being blocked by the filter?
Press the Share Envelope and copy the permalink. If that doesn't work, remove the dot from your link.
>Why should I gift something? I'm not gonna get anything in return!
This is a different take on a Secret Santa, where anyone can gift or get from anyone. If you're feeling generous, please do consider giving back to others.
>Last year people bought stuff for others and then cancelled them to epic fucking troll us!
And they did that the previous year, and the year before that too. It happens when you have Amazon wishlists, it's disappointing to lose out on a gift, but the item will just go back on your list like they never screwed with you at all.
Remember to have a good time, a lot of us don't have much else going for us in the year, so this event can be fun if you follow the guidelines and tips. Remember to post images of whatever you get so we can make new compilations, big thanks to all participants this year, have a good christmas.

Attached: 37.gif (342x355, 952K)

Other urls found in this thread:

DO NOT "INVITE" PEOPLE TO YOUR LIST, use "send list to others" instead


>heh, you fuckin idiots...last year i got an epic haul by making fake addresses and got tons of gifts for doin it this time again too :))))

>look at all these things you guys bought my baby, that i totally didn't buy off my own wishlist and post pics with to fuck the thread up!

>god damnit this shit again??? clogging up the top threads of r9k, how else am i gonna see 10 trap threads?????



>Do not reply to anons claiming to have ##$ for any anons replying to their reply.

>Do not engage with Rich Fags

>Grinchers want attention, do not give them attention thanks

>keep the thread comfy

>do not have Nintendo Switches on your list

>If you claim to have bought something, post proof in the thread

>Trip codes are welcome and even encouraged in this thread

>Do not respond fall for, "Hi, just off to work, I'll look when I get back but here is my list NOW" or "I don't have money rn, but I get paid this Friday, this is my link NOW btw" thanks you guys oregano

>Don't reply to bait in general thank you

Thanks, guys, have a good christmas all!

Attached: r9kinstructionsbetter.png (944x1320, 435K)

Also I totally accidentally made a thread before this that linked back to #35. rabb it was working like a piece of hot shit yesterday, maybe it'll work today?

but my thread was first
fuk you sandrel

Attached: 1543608171369.jpg (403x392, 20K)

Drawfag reporting in.
no offense but you had no info in your OP

/co/ fag your book has been delivered

Attached: Screenshot_20181206-085304.jpg (1080x476, 33K)

19 days left
Merry Christmas, how's everyone doing?

Hope you robuts are having
a good day. Stay cozy and jolly.

Attached: WNjgnVZp_400x400.jpg (240x240, 11K)

>pic related is me because uni
Please by me 76

Attached: 1544036278641.gif (404x347, 1003K)

shit, you guys wanted to see some of my other work, have a comfy winter pic.

I'll do requests today aswell.


Attached: winter evening.jpg (980x700, 215K)

Going to work on the next few collages and then post them alongside the previous ones.

so cold....
still excited for Christmas though

Attached: DSCF0034.jpg (1280x960, 323K)

>tfw you will never live cozy with the grim reaper

More user. I need of of your work.

try to stay warm and enjoy

I feel the same way sometimes. Normal life is boring.
as you wish, people tend to like this one.

Attached: Turtule Neck Swaeter.jpg (624x697, 118K)

Reminds me of some Horror Manga.

posting my list as always.
tomorrow I find out if I had something coming or I was rused.
fucking excited senpaitachi
I love all your personal work, user. amazing atmosphere. thank you for posting, hope you keep it up and someone buys you shit poor neet here so can't do much about it myself

Attached: 56354536.jpg (985x704, 254K)

you are a female
prove me wrong protip you cannot now please post contact
how can i prevent my item goes to purchased list?

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Very Junji Ito. Fucking amazing.

Attached: 1382998406522.jpg (445x414, 37K)

just imagine being this desperate
what a time to be alive

I'm huge fan of Junji Ito and Gustave Dore, they've inspired me over the years.
I fucking wish, tits would get me so far.
like before he's one of my biggest inspirations.

Attached: gorgon.jpg (905x685, 89K)

Happy 6th day of December everyone. How is your morning?

Attached: e787yvit73601.jpg (849x1200, 1.26M)

Poorfag just wants some weebshit and new headphones for Christmas. Thank you very much if anyone is generous enough.

Attached: 90Xh5Yo.gif (329x359, 906K)

Looks like her brains are coming out like sausages kek.

Amazon is making fun of you.

For some reason it seems like my list shows everything as purchased even though it hasn't been. I'm not grinching, so this is weird, unless it does this for everyone or something.

Anything is appreciated, but ignore the expensive stuff. I will find a way to get that myself eventually. Happy holidays!

I got grinched and fixed my list, so it is good now. Trolls are lame and waste their time.

Attached: beer.gif (180x180, 984K)

keep going user, your art is giving me a reason to post.

Well, here's a newer one.

Attached: plauge bringers.jpg (880x703, 110K)
First year being a poor UNI guy. I spent two years doing community so this is the first year I don't have money to buy other people gifts.

Attached: woah.png (1034x288, 65K)

Nice artwork user. I am the person who told you to show a lot of your art. Looks good.

That's pretty fucking metal. I always liked shit like that.

I have not anti-Grinched this list.

Attached: 1477522024796.jpg (600x467, 39K)

no problem guys. Also to the second user, I have alot of occult art, have a Cthulhu.

Attached: cuthulu.jpg (669x700, 66K)

reminds me of those old paintings of Jesus preaching to people etc.

please consider drawing demon girls and baphomet girls being blowed anally

funny you should mention that. That image was kind of a re-do of this one. Directly inspired by baptismal art.
I have baphomets

Attached: The Blind Flock.jpg (854x898, 200K)

Here's our gift compilations for the year so far, 6 days into december!

Attached: r9kgifts9.jpg (1023x767, 320K)

and the other newest one, 10

Attached: r9kgifts10.jpg (1023x767, 274K)

Fuckin shid

Attached: image-2015-04-30-15-08-41.jpg (640x480, 180K)

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

user, I love your work.

It's like a bastardization of Jesus and the disciples.

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>tfw i made you a folder

Attached: 5253464.png (892x167, 68K)

Drawfag, you have any anime?

exactly what I was going for.
checked, I'm flattered.
Some, I usually do sch in drawthreads but heres a toho.

Attached: Sanae Kochiya.jpg (841x698, 84K)

Dumping some pics I prob shouldn't be sharing, if I'm gonna ask for shit I figure I should give something in return

Attached: received_1286919328035922.jpg (1920x1440, 131K)

bruh, your making my dick hard.

already seen this ass on

Attached: 1543344991345.jpg (254x450, 12K)

What tablet do you use or is that traditional?

it's fine please don't, these threads have been having trouble lately because they reach image limit like 200 posts before bump

Hey ron enjoy the watch!

>spooky touhou

Do Some LWA like that. I love your style and Sucy would look fantastic like that.

Attached: 70dd953ab207734c758607cfb5bf82b3d1adabef.png (799x1077, 845K)

can i have a gf please?

please post her naked body
get in line pleb

holy shit that list link though. how many tries did that take you?

Attached: 1544019046320.png (998x994, 1.35M)

Not the same grill.
Here's her shit revolver.

Attached: theanus.jpg (1600x1200, 149K)

XP-PEN 22 pro. I mostly use the pencil tool on autodesk sketchbook to mimic traditional methods.
I was actually thinking about LWA a while ago but got busy.
I can do more nudes lol

It just gave me that. I guess the fates knew it had to be.

>shit revolver

People are posting random shit anyway, might as well get my fellas off if it's gonna reach the limit regardless.

Attached: received_1252373648157157.jpg (640x1136, 39K)

keep posting art nigger.

then do more nudes you kind user I want to see a baphomet girl or demon girl getting PLOWED IN THE ASSHOLE

Could you fuck off? Your list is empty anyway

>tfw no multiple image uploading
alright, brb then

Attached: girls.jpg (1065x700, 172K)

I got grinched so it's all listed as purchased, so you gotta change the view setting.

these are really nice thanks for posting them for us

I really like this one desu desu

Here ya go.
no prob guys.

Attached: baphomet chan gets boned.jpg (931x700, 86K)

Oh my.
>original post

Attached: blush.png (640x1136, 114K)

Man, you should do a hentai manga.

>mfw seeing goat girl getting fucked

Attached: 212.jpg (426x341, 33K)

>no dick
Isn't baphomet a trap?

Only if your a giant faggot.

youre a fast working god jesus we love you

>thicc thighs
>those tits
>long black hair
Good shit.

>Shipping name can be anything you want.
No it can't, what are you talking about? Obviously it will get returned with a random name.

>if I'm gonna ask for shit I figure I should give something in return
yes you should give and by that im not talking about shitty ass pics

I used "user Anon" and got my package

Thanks for the fap.
>getty spaghetti

I doubt this is possible anywhere outside of the US and if you're not in a house where only you have that specific address. There's no way that a package without a real name is getting through customs anywhere.

more r34 of her pls user. Someone gift this glorious faggot.

looks like someone hit the list

If the user who bought me this is here I just wanna say thanks and that I got it!

Attached: Old Breed.jpg (720x960, 97K)

G'day Robots. Hope you're all comfy, cozy, and taking good care of yourselves.

Maybe a Femanon for xmas, but a book and fishie tank too look at fishies would be nice too.

Attached: Aj_2POSl.jpg-large.jpg (768x768, 38K)

I was actually doing another after I got some shit done, here ya go..

Attached: baphomet chan gets boned2.jpg (951x652, 90K)

That's it, I've found the best user on the face of the earth.

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Pan strainer dude, they tried to deliver your parcel but I guess you weren't in?
Regardless, they'll try again tomorrow.

Attached: delivery attempted.png (1586x462, 222K)

>no happy trail
>no nipple hair
>no leg hair
>no pit hair
>no arm hair

You are the real deal user. Thank you for your r34.

>wanting a hairy woman
how does it feel to be so wrong?

>wanting a bigfoot gf
t. secretly a faggot

Attached: 1411672390933.jpg (640x480, 32K)

Had a nice day today, caught some sun, maybe that's why I've been down in the dumps recently. There was a limping kitty in the vacant lot next to my place, went upstairs and brought it some salami slices.

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can you do GIFs?
>original comment

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post your list
fuck man thats some great stuff you should have an account somewhere
I'm literally poor, sorry I cant get you anons something owo

As opposed to being figuratively poor?

If this is drawn can you have her bound
thansk for looking anons

Attached: cozy-christmas.jpg (600x399, 319K)