draw your own life
Draw your own life
Yeah that's an original drawing for sure.
here is a top view of the place I spend the majority of my time in
originistic commentation recommended.
this just about sums it all up
i'm not very good at drawing but this is an accurate representation
this somewhat
Do you have hemorrhoids OP? It's cool i got em too
>Me at everyone in existence ever
Also yes I am actually that pale kek sunlights for NERDS
since this is a draw your life and not a draw yourself thread I'm taking form this that you're a bit of a cunt
if you're wondering what's under the window, it's a barbell.
Yeah my life isnt to nice desu
Kinda hate everyone at this point
So yes everyone gets a nice fuck you :)))
I haven't felt the energy to do at least something for several years, I already forgot what a good sleep is, I'm just waiting for death by this point.
I tried really hard on this. I hope you all like it
>tripfag attention whore
Like clockwork
I know it's a dead thread by now, but I figured it'd be easier for me to draw by hand than in paint. Obviously, the image quality is shit.
If I gave a fuck to sketch myself, it would be this. Except no dog in the room, and laying in a BIG bed in my underpants, under the blankets.
I give up at double-deuces
Me 16 hours per day during the oncoming vacation.
shave that faggy beard
I think it looks good on faceless Nottim Portent
I look even worse without it, mate
YOu look hot, atleast in the drawing. Worry less, try to smile more, try to smile at people you find attractive and you will for sure find someone who loves you. If all fails, you can go for dating apps
>telling a guy he's cute
That's pretty gay desu
>telling a robot to go date
That's pretty retarded desu