Friday Night

Welcome to the weekend robots, watcha

Like you have anything better to do on a Friday night.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe some of that new csgo game mode later
Sigh - Heir to Despair
Peanut Butter sandwich crackers
Knockoff red bull
Lonely, but content enough

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Overwatch and Red Dead 2

Pat the Bunny, Andrew Jackson Jihad, Jeff Rosenstock, Modest Mouse, some others.

Haven't decided yet. Probably just get some mcdonalds.

Just water. I don't feel like drinking this weekend.

I don't know. It's my weekend. I have today and tomorrow off. So that's nice.
I have some Christmas shopping to do, got a package to mail. Gotta get on that.
Been really missing my ex and our son lately. Well, I always miss our son. His mom has just been on my mind nonstop. She has a boyfriend now.
My son, he just feels so far away.

>My son, he just feels so far away.
talk to him

Can't decide between Hitman 2 or just firing up Civ5, it's always good for a bit of fun. Might even watch something instead, can't decide what to do.
Anime OSTs
Roasted salted peanuts.
Drinking some bourbon called Buffalo Trace.
Like a mix of happiness with some loneliness or something.

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Welcome to the weekend robots, watcha
onion ring
pabst because i am poor
very suicidal

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Have a Nice Life - Deathconsciousness
Some pizza and fast food
Some shitty vodka
Depressed, as usual

How It Feels To Be Something On
Nothing, might make some toast in a bit
Bored and lazy

>tfw being a sad cunt about not having a job or any money


>27yo fag in college
>befriend hot 19yo
>chat with her after class often
>always making sexual references about how she fucks frat guys and all how she has no gag reflex
>not sure if wants to fuck or just a carefree thot
>most likely the latter
>still want to fuck her badly
>know I don't compare to the young chads that she sucks off and gets fucked down by

she looked so beautiful today m8s. physically painful to know we will never fuck. cool chick though. should i text her that she looked pretty today guys?

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how is it being so much older and in college, i ask cause im gonna be 24 and a junior next year at a real school, as opposed to a community college

the wind

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it's ok. I'm mostly focused on my career goals and just finishing these last two years ASAP. it can be a little intimidating to encounter people 6-7 years younger than me who are smarter and better put together.

but also you meet a lot of immature kids too. the best and worst part is constantly seeing hot chicks on campus. and I am sociable enough to befriend some of them but I end up falling for them and it just feels awkward esp. because i have GF

Rising Storm 2 and maybe some War of Rights
Gost, Carpenter Brut, Perturbator, Rage Against The Machine, Gojira, Plini, CCR, Night Lovell
Smoked sausage with cabbage and rice
Monster Assault, grape Powerade, Mt. Dew, water
Reall fucking tired since I only got 4 hours of sleep today. Also kinda bummed I have to work later tonight, but whatever, at least I'm getting paid.

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Broke. I just had a potato and some canned beans for dinner because I can't afford anything else right now. I'm probably just gonna jerk off and go to sleep.

How did I get here?

Probably some Forza and Skyrim
Yung Lean right now but I'll probably move on to something else eventually
Haven't decided if I want to drink again tonight
A bit nervous but not so bad

Have a good one boys.

nothing since lunch
lonely and empty.

I got two hours of sleep last night (this morning) so I'm going the fuck to sleep.

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Are you fasting or just depressed

I can't play games anymore because they're so addicting. They make me unable to care about or enjoy anything else and I don't take care of myself. It's made me so depressed it fucking hurts over Smash.

One of my friends moved to Texas, another cucked himself hy purposefully having a kid with a fat black bitch who already cheated on him and legally isn't allowed to work due to stabbing someone, and my best friend is going to trucking school next week for a few weeks.. Then once he starts that, I'll barely ever get to see him.

God, I'm so fucking bored and lonely..


>can't play games because i like them
Dipshit that's exactly what you should be doing then.

was going to start a new bravely default game and got 10 mins into it
utz salt n vinegar chips
raging bitch ipa

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wit dis dick
obscured by clouds

Based and redpiIled

He probably means
>i cant play games anymore because my parents took my pc/console away because they think its too addictive

Not at all. Can't tell you how many times I've bought consoles and they took control of my life and then I sold everything on eBay or drove out to a dumpster in the middle of the night.

Playing vidya makes me really irritated when I'm away from it, I cravemy next chance to play all day, can't sit down and watch anything or attempt to read anything, and all non-vidya music starts to annoy me. I also start making tons of impulsive purchases.

But it's the only thing I did growing up and is all I know. It's the only thing I know about.

Finished a good play of Super Metroid earlier today
The Cure - MTV Unplugged concert
Some salami
Tea, and Pepsi Max
Exhausted, depressed, numb, what's the opposite of horny?

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Witcher 3 in a bit
Had milk
Kinda meh

>playing super metroid
>in current year 2018 AD
very based

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>Ywn listen to deathconsciousness for the second time and fall in love with it again

Brawlhalla and some WoT mostly
Avenged Sevenfold
Gonna order Papa Johns later

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Heh you made me crack a smile
cheers, user
It's one of the greats

What kind of pizza are you gonna get

Hmmm good question... probably
"The Meats" with Pepperoni, sausage, beef, bacon and Canadian bacon.

Hey baby you sure do love meat don't you, how bout you order the r9k special with the cute delivery boy option

random anime ost
Sick. Have a cold right now

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>random anime ost
Post it homo.

>Setup PS2 with 1.5TB HDD
>Wii hooked up to PVM to play retro games at 240p
>PS4 Pro and Switch hooked up to 4K TV
>Switch hacked with games loaded up
>Gaming PC with VR
>Just spend my entire week off smoking marijuana and masturbating to loli hentai

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Just Cause 3

Nothing right now

Trader Joe's Mandarin Orange chicken


Lonely as usual. Pretty comfy at computer with blankets and food. Couldn't be comfier.

>not knowing its the weekend anymore

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unist and melty blood
j-pop mostly aimer
just finished eating some candy, cookies, chips and pasta
water :(
like shit, i wasted $6 on a purchase and can't return it becuase lost receipt and accidentally used my room mates pasta

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Glad Jow Forums is having these again even if it is filled with normalfags these days it's still not as bad as /v/
Stellaris, not the biggest fan of the expansion but maybe I'll come around
have some autistic lets plays on in the background for noise
may go get some mcdonalds or canes in a bit
pretty meh, been getting over the flu, nearly better now but the meds they gave me haven't mix well with my stomach

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>feeling like shit over $6
I mean even if you're stuck with frenchbread poverty fighters surely $6 can't be THAT big of a deal.

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Imagine being this person and still having the gall to call yourself depressed

to lazy to get new batteries for shitty fucking controller
just sitting here listening to the ringing in my ears
feel like to much of a piece of shit to eat right now
same idea

LOL are you fucking mad nigger? Just because I have a bunch of electronic toys doesn't mean I'm a normie or happy. Fucking nigger. Fucking zoomer. YIKES

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TERA, free to play, pretty good IMO
listening to some 70s rock
just had some sushi from the store that opened up
Mixed Berry smoothie (homemade)
pretty good, happy for the first time in a while

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Smash ultimate omg its so hype
nothing really
i wanna play smash with someone holy shizzle

LISA: the Painful
Shinigami, Darkthrone, Lil Tracy
Blue Licorice

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Haven't played vidya in a couple months. Need to find my first job to be able to afford to make a new rig.
Had pizza. Never will again.
Had some milk. Need to go to the store, probably will later.

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Nothing, I'll fire up lichess and solve some puzzles if I feel up for it
Eh, listening to King Crimson a lot these days, also the new Earl Sweatshirt album, the new Anderson Paak, some Brahms organ shit, and Johhny Greenwood soundtracks.
gonna get some maruchan ramen
Drank a first Red's wicked apple, gonna go grab a second one at midnight or so when I sober up enough to drive
I'm falling into alcoholism and I feel powerless to stop it. I'm 23 and drink every weekend. This past week, I drank every day.

Smash (ness main)
Smash music
water and tea
comfortable, going to smoke some weed later tonight

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just went to college at 28, 29 in second year nobody knows how old I am, lots of older people kicking around

what smash are you smashing my dude?

ultimate for the time being, but I usually play melee

Switch is hackable? I am incredibly out of the loop, this is good news though. Also good taste, lolis are great.

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If you don't already have a switch you'll have to buy one used. New switches are not hackable anymore.

>i have everything i want in life but im still depressed because muh fee fees
You ara giant pussy. End yourself

>Everything he wants in life are video games
Want to know how I know that you know you're a zoomer, kid? CRINGE

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YOU have everything you want in life.
>b-but muh fee fees
Like i said, end yourself

omg really? do you wanna play a 1v1 in either one of those?

Spirit Caller



OJ and vodka


You realize how easily I could destroy you, right kid? This is Jow Forums, not Reddit. That kind of pansy ass bullshit might work there, but here? Here is a different story.
I used to be like you kid, arrogant, pompous, thought I knew what was up. You don't know shit, kid. You. Don't. Know. Shit.
Now get your candy ass bullshit out of here before your computer shuts itself down. You're messing with real hackers, kid, none of that hollywood shit you see in the movies.

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Imagine crying this much in one post. Did you cry while writing this faggot? I bet you did

nun, studying for finals

nun, gotta stay focused

old pizza

orange soda


sorry bud, I just got off. It is all about shit posting for the rest of the night

guitar to the Minecraft soundtrack
cheap whiskey
buzzed, soon to be drunk

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3rd strike
la cocina tortilla chips
cheap whisky and coke zero
good man

ah frick, i really wanted to play smash with someone

Try to find some new hobbies. Like music or exercise. Sounds dumb as hell but its better than sitting on your ass doing nothing.

Was playing world of tanks till I got to tilted then played mtg aren till I got tilted and now I am here shitposting
Listening to some vaporwave/futurefunk in the background pretty comfy and relaxing desu
ate a walmart pizza earlier I dont know how they make them so good for how cheap they are
drinking some cream soda but smoked two blunts earlier so we maximum over comfy
pretty good right now but I have my php final still to complete spent most of yesterday working on it for my teacher to shit all over it and now my program is how she wants it but it wont read my txt file. I am going to blow a gasket I am so tired of php such a shitty programming language.

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Whats your fave future funk song user?
Mine is fly with me by yung bae

>playin: Quake Champions
>jammin: Cephalotripsy and other slam shit
>eatin: classic potato chips
>drinkin:four locos
>feelin: depressed as always. got stood up tonight, wish I was surprised.

good god please be a serious post lmao

fly with me is pretty good right now I have two future funk songs tied for my favorite yung bae doo do doooo & night tempo dreamer

Rocket League (aka rebbit game)

Plat here with Grand Champ mechanics. Teammates keep holding me down. AMA. Hit me up for an RLCS run, always down for a fursuit party

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>tfw you wanna go back to the days of playing smash on your friends PS2
>staying up all night
>having fun
>ywn buy the game and actually play it instead of just being a filthy casual
>its too late now
>you'll never be good at it


fucking dumbass

my friend had a playstation and a gamecube, i got them mixed up for some reason
i haven't played it since, which was easily a long time ago, friendo. apologies for the mixup

You remind me of a friend I had at uni. He was a normie who did other things besides vidja; however, when he would visit at parties we would always play smash. He wasn't as good as me [spoirler]or anyone at all really[/spoirler], so I took him under my wing. He had potential playing smash. I sympathize with you though remembering that dude.

I haven't listened to either of those, I'll make sure to check them out. Aside from yung bae, which artist do you listen to?

mindlessly drifting in gta5 even though I want to stop and have a ton of other new games I bought but haven't even started

was watching some smash streams and asmr

chicken bacon alfredo pizza

kraken rum. It doesn't go well with pizza. It doesn't go well with anything. Also vaping weed

exhausted yet restless and obsessive. Vague impending sense of global doom. Stuck and going nowhere. Can't talk to the people I want to talk to. Need to stop drinking and do something

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MGTOW vids


Michelob Ultra


have to work at AM tomorrow, not too early but meh, working cucked jobs sucks bros. Just waiting for income tax to quit and move into anothers sales job

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my gaming playlist
ate some pizza earlier
i hate my roomates my parents are trying to get me to move back in with them because they know how much i hate it here

rocket league
Dogs - Pink Floyd
Nissin Souper Meal Chicken Flavor Soup
Arizona Green Tea

pic unrelated

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Xcom 2
Behemoth and ensiferum
Leftover pizza
Happy, started talking to a fabled d&d and wh40k playing, gamer, metalhead grill