post your pics, stats and rate others
>168 lbs as of this morning
>D/S/B: 425/335/295
Old one is soon expire.
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I'm not gay bro but you're hot. Whats your routine and how long have you been lifting?
lmao I'm Korean but nice try.
Thanks bro.
5 years lifting, only took diet seriously last 6 months. Routine is a modified bro split to emphasize back and arm work(my weak points) This can be modified for your own weak points:
Chest/tris, Back/bis, Legs/tris, Shoulders/bis, Back/arms
Asian Chad
Routine, diet, time lifting? Natty?
And do you know how much you weigh at like 15-20% bf?
cutting at ~1800 kcals 180p 150c 50f
yea at the start of my cut I was about 18% bf weighing in at 187-190ish..
Oh and yes, natty.
>14 months of consistent training
OP I feel your pain with these tiny wrists. High score on the abs.
Lmao wristlet gang. Still don't need straps for 295 bench tho!
You look pretty great for duration of training, props.
DL 405 squat 365 bench 265
8 months of weight training
Started at 155-160
OHP ~160
Squat 250
And I dumbbell chest press ~125
(he roids)
I don’t but keep up the cope.
no pump. good angle i guess. i started may 2018
8.5 looking good
5'9 155lbs
Ohp 150
Bp 230
Dl 370
S 275
Next time post a picture with your shirt off but you look like you probably need to cut down 10lbs
You unironically would get hit on by the gay equivalence of straight white to asian guys.
How many years have you been in the gym and show me your before pic bro
Do you retards think this actually works?
6’2, 185lbs
Maintaining currently
fucking slit eyed chink. gross
Why is that one guy roiding from day 1? Your gains look almost natural if it wasn't for the obvious delts and upper chest give away.
Bet you steal all the dumbells you DYEL fuck
Asian men and black men are at the bottom of the attractive list
Salty cos he's got a better physique and life that you'll ever have?
Pathetic incel
What about caucasian men, not talking about white europeans.
Holy shit a rare Chang Thunderdang appears
You look great dude,mirin
What's your routine like ?
Answered above,my bad
Mirin', whats your bf%?
Why do I still look like trash after 1.5 years of lifting? What is it that I'm doing wrong? I hit 1pl8 ohp and 2pl8 bench a long time ago.
185 cm 83 kg
No pump in the pic obviously
>You unironically would get hit on by the gay equivalence of straight white to asian guys.
am i the only one who had trouble comprehending this sentence lmao
my brain is seriously not working atm, i still have no clue wtf youre saying
>5 months in
I'm never gonna make it, bros
keep up the good work brother
i think you look great user
you definitely need to bulk but you don't look DYEL
Post version without hearts please
>1,96 / 6'4
>93 kg / 205 lbs
Reached lmao 3pl8 diddly last weekend
yea im pretty much fridge mode
OP here, yea I have no idea
lmao you're not wrong, too bad you're never gonna use the 100s and 110s.
cope more
I've been lifting for 4 years
before pics from like 6 months ago at 193 lb or so
145 OHP
200 BP
335 Squat
365 Deadlift
> flaccid dick pick
Chad move
fuckin hot, uncensor that shit
>Asian Chad
It's called a Chang.
Gay as fuck
Just look at the lank
I bet this is one of those edgy zoomers who post in manlet threads
Hey bois
1pl8 ohp
87.5kg bench
have you tried lifting weights
where's your eyelids? lmao
Goddamn your tdee is hot garbage. I maintain 153lbs at 2600
Literally sexiest motherfucker here
Make it a little darker next time
Maybe he's just in a big deficit
Yeah nah. One of those two numbers is off by a lot.
Seeing an Asian boy with muscles is a bit like seeing an Asian girl with bit tits.
A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.
Welcome, Chang.
I'm losing like 2 lb a week so my tdee is more like 2800
Thanks brruh
Oh hello tariel
jesus dude big mire
This is the physiche I am trying to achieve. Nice job, user.
Not afraid of losing mussle?
You’re right
6' or 183cm
210lbs or 95kg
Should i isolate obliques?
I'm so much stronger than you but I'm much smaller in comparison.
>105kg bench, 65kg ohp
Height/wieght? Its fuckin unbelivrable dude.whats your routine
are your hips balanced? Looks like your left side is rotated and elevated compared to your right. Look at your left trap and shoulder which is considerably lower than your right trap and shoulder. (looking at left pic)
/cbt/ chads, /fa/ + /sci/ fag here. Long time lurker, first time poster.
Been doing this Scooby routine for about 4 months now and have fixed my diet (which I'll post after this.)
I'm a recovering skelly who started with no muscle definition at all and about 129lbs/58.5kg (3rd percentile for my age/height/weight) and am now around 141lbs/63.9kg. (I'm also 5'10"/177.8 cm)
I'm seeing changes in my body, especially my chest which was completely flat before, and can see a bicep moving around in my arm if I bend my arm and rotate my wrist back and forth, which didn't happen before. I'm generally more confident now, even though I look at you Chads every day lol, and feel better than when I was so underweight. So firstly thanks for the advice.
I have questions for all of you. If you wish to answer, please (you) this post and (you) the post of yourself so I know who you are.
How long have you been weightlifting?
Are you natty?
How do you prepare for a workout so you don't crash midway? (I usually get lightheaded and low energy about 30 mins in, which is strange because I keep my water intake high)
What, if any, accessory lifts outside OHP do I need to get 3d delts?
Is this good progress in your opinion?
Again thanks a lot for the advice over the last couple months.
>105 bench
>looks like a 12 year old boyo
Theres something wrong here and misha does not approve
6'4 78kg. I usually do like 95 kg x 3. I don't do more than 3 reps.
3000kcal diet====
Breakfast: (105 + 76 + 288 + 292 = 761kcal(30gpro))
1 Banana 105kcal
1 cup Strawberries (232 grams) 76kcal
2 slices peanutbutter toast (2tbsp peanutbutter 2 slice whole grain toast) 100kcal(6gpro) and 188kcal(8gpro)
2 Cup whole milk 292kcal(16gpro)
Shake Snack: (130 + 148 + 105 + 146 = 529kal(50gpro))
1 scoop (130kcal(25gpro))
½ cup pre blitzed oats (148kcal(5gpro))
½ cup greek yogurt (105kcal(12gpro))
1 cup whole milk (146(8gpro))
Honey to taste
Lunch: (355 + 164 = 519kcal(8gpro))
1 Shot olive oil (355kcal)
1 oz almonds (164kcal(8gpro))
Dinner: (130 + 227 + 600 = 957kcal(42gpro))
6oz chicken breast 130kcal(27gpro)
1 cup black beans 227kcal(15gpro)
1 cup brown rice 600kcal(12gpro)
Veggie shake (1 cup broccoli 1 cup carrots and water; plug your nose and get ready to die.)
8:30 snack: (120 + 146 = 266kcal(22gpro))
½ cup (4oz) cottage cheese 120kcal(14gpro)
1 cup whole milk 146kcal(8gpro)
final (761 + 529 + 519 + 957 + 266 = 3032kcal) (30 + 50 + 8 + 8 + 42 + 22 = 160gpro)
3 1/2 years
i eat breakfast sometimes, and eat my mealprep before i go to the gym
i feel like db ohp for 10 reps~~ is gut, same with standing shoulder fly
what the fuck, where's that name even from wouldn't mind being called that, sounds very elvish
Can I throw olive oil in a peanut butter shake or would that be undrinkable?
what cycle?
are you me?
5'8, 125lb here
>one shot olive oil
replace that asap lol
I do 5x5 and 3-4 accesories.im 181cm 73kg btw.up your volume
Ohp,lateral raises,rear delt flyes.
Thanks for the answer.
Have you ever used sports drinks/ pre-workout to spike your blood pressure for energy, or do you just rely on carbs beforehand?
>169.8 when I woke up this morning
>455 Deadlift
>315 Squat
>265 Bench
i cannot drink any pre-workouts/coffee since it triggers panic attacks, i rely on just food.
I tried that and it gets stuck to the sides of the cup. Putting the olive oil in the rice works though.
Its purely for the calories. Low volume + high calories are my saving grace.
wow 4 months too. Did you start near your target weight? Were you overweight before?
Yeah. What's wrong with that? I bet I'm bigger than you
Dang what's the secret to the comparatively high dl?
Three sessions with your mom and one with your dad. Cope harder. It gets my cock so hard to be accused of using drugs. My genes are really superior.
you're not
I'd be more vascular if I wasn't freezing my ass off in the mornings
5'11 153ish
Nice you have convinced me now
Fucking goal body right here. Lol at all the pathetic incels threatened by an Asian guy making it.
How did the 25 lb weight loss over 6 months work out? 1800 calories seems really low for your body.
I’ve always just had a strong deadlift/back. Even when I weighed around 150 I was still able to pull 345. But the tried and true way of just putting weight on your deadlift is to just squat. When someone has a big squat they almost always have a big deadlift. BUT when someone has a big deadlift it doesn’t necessarily mean they have a big squat. For example Cailer Woolum, has a pisspoor squat considering he can pull 1000lbs
seething manlet detected
For a year and a half yes :(
Uh a little bit but my sleep(8 hr) and workout routine are perfect rn
Tariel is character in the knight in panthers skin,basically he kills panther barehanded once he tries to cuddle with panther cause it reminded of cloth his love interest gave him.tauriel comes to mind i think when hearing tariel.
>Pic related
I was always lean.never overweight.
Ty for the concern. My hips are fine. What you're seeing is slight impingement from a partial rotator cuff tear years ago on my left shoulder. It's only a slight annoyance now and I can still ohp and bench really heavy with no problems
>My genes are really superior.
>forgets he's a manlet
lmao you'll always be looked down.
19 years old. Judge my arms
imgur link uncensored version
Damn 4 months? How do I get to your chest from