Wtf’s goin on here

>be me
>pretty lean 175-180 lbs
>pic related
>best bod of class easily
>recently had “gf” of one time going out to eat and a month of talking send me this at 1 am
user I think we’d be better of as friends
>along with 20 other similar texts
>she was with all of her best friends sleeping over and drinking so could they have talked her out of me?
>am generally unpopular but not too disliked
>should I just give up chasing staceys and focus on bodybuilding?
>When she ended it I didn’t take it very hard at all but just went back to my generally sad state as per usual
>mind you I’m a trashy virgin and she was a classic Stacey
>give me your thoughts you robots do I try to find a chick this year or find a pump?

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Ugly or short.


5’ 10”

underage, so a quick word of advice.
You're young, live it up. There will be plenty of thots and staceys in the future.
Don't let one get you down.
>You robots
I'm not a robot, I'm a Jow Forumsizen.

you are too young to be thinking like this

just be a kid holy shit

5’ 10”

get a loyal fat chick or try sex with dudes

This. None of us here are robots, we're all retarded.

But in all seriousness fuck the "gf"
That age they're wanting to ride the cock carousel and you have no choice but to move on and keep your head up. Just lift more and get more jacked otherwise it'll eat you up. You're almost a e s t h e t i c too so you can get whatever girl you want down the road.

Whether or not they talked her out of you is not your concern. Fucking pay attention in school and get jacked.

We think like this now.

I guess you aren't handsome then.

>We think like this now.

well stop it. you sound like a fucking douche.

Oh shit you probs right my man

But it's true.

Knowledge is power
Get smart
Get good job
Get jacked

then you're literally the trifecta any woman wants.

>Power and wealth from good high education job
>Not a retard


Work on that gyno

Women don't give a fuck if you lift or not. Lift for yourself or don't lift at all.

It’s not crazy bad but there’s nothing I can do without surgery so it only gets to me sometimes

Damn nigga guess you right

>*kek* what a fag gottem *munches on hot Cheetos in racing gaming chair*

Fuck all her friends. Fuck them real good

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Not THAT handsome and average height. She is a "Stacey" after all.

Well lifts as in you look aesthetic.

No one gives a fuck how you look, but at the same time a guy who has the same wealth and power as the basedboy next door, BUT also has a body. Is 100x more appealing.

Don't go for the stacies nigga

they will warm your dick, but you need a girl that can warm your heart.


Holy fuck why can't you underaged faggots read the rules


Everyone, including women, cares about how someone looks, it's just that body is just a tiny part of the equation.

where the fuck is the jannie when you need him to clean up a thread?

Reminder: He does it for FREE.

Attached: jannie.jpg (600x603, 46K)

no u

this thread makes me realise how fucking retarded Jow Forums is, good bye faggots

We won't miss you.

Thanks gamer

This nigga's coping by calling everyone a gamer.

brother did u make sexual tension?
bcuz if u dont they just lose interest

this is an easy one. fuck one of her friends.

>I’m a trashy virgin
you had a gf and you didnt fuck her? no wonder she left u bro. next time you get a gf make sure u fuck her and everything will be ok

I got nipples like those, I was hoping that they would go away when I cut. I suppose I’ll have to learn to live with them, fuck.

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