Still missing the links edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
first for front squat best squat
did blue shoes actually improve
havent been in an owg in 2 years
front and back squat, you do them both, not one or the other.
He memed about starting roids a year or two ago on discord. Don't know if he actually did it or not
yes, he actually did do it. he squats 200+kg now
check this comment thread
200Th for sticking point pause squats
Wew, I still remember him as the autistic kids with Klinefelters
>training to fail
you absolute faggots are so incompetent it fucking gives me heartseizures
>If you are new to weightlifting please read these first and check the other sources they link to before asking questions:
>The information that you are looking for is probably in the above links.
That includes routines, shoes, information on the lifts, etc. Check out the pastebins for literature or the reddit faq for general information.
Included in this youtube playlist are videos related to weightlifting which you may find useful or insightful:
Feel free to post PRs, form checks etc
If you fucking idiots want owg to get more than one reply every 4 hours you need to actually post links and not a fucking zack instagram post in the op. why not a webm or some shit
who are the (mens) natty weightlifters who look good and what kind of 'hypertrophy' work do they do?
Where can I get a pair of new Antas now that hookgrip doesn't sell them?
Stop being a weeb and buy a pair of adidas
adidas are shit besides adiStar but those are too expensive
ugh just search the archive with the subject heading /owg/
the only /owg/ in there was the last one without the links
Post-obesity Spencer Moorman
Waldermar Baszanowski
I put 150 overhead yesterday. Clean and jerk, but soft lockout. 5kg under my best ever from October 2015.
It's coming back boys. The Arnold next weekend should be a good time. Maybe total 250 or 255
Forgot link
Also I'm like 94-95kg bw right now
You jump back quite a bit. If you hadn't memed the 150kg clean, the jerk would've been solid.
Otherwise strong lifts my man. In my country (Belgium) you'd be the champion of the weightclass with that jerk.
Yeah, I've noticed that. I didn't used to. Definitely something to work on next training cycle. I think it has something to do with my low back strength and staying over the bar. Also not really pushing through the whole foot like I used to.
>In my country (Belgium) you'd be the champion of the weightclass with that jerk.
that's really bad though
our best 96kgs do high 190s and that's not world class either
weightlifitng doesnt do much for hyperthrophy, look at hayden in 2012 when he unofficialy borke the wr but looked dyel, it's about strength and strength only if you want hypertrophy you gotta do bodybuilding work
Accessory work for weightlifting is done with the kinda same mindset as bodybuilding work. Build the supporting muscles and the prime movers alike. Those Chinese weightlifters in that gif almost certainly do a shit load of bodybuilding style accessory work.
You might come up on your heels too much. Do you know where your balance is throughout your lift?
the reason you think strength and hypertrophy are separate is because you have a warped idea that bodybuilding is the only way to build muscle because bodybuilders are bigger, well they are bigger because they roid
if you think he looks dyel well that's what you can expect as a natural at his strength level
you're an idiot if you think optimal strength training is also optimal for hypertrophy
never said that
Ideally, it's evenly distributed across my whole foot. I'm sure I'm not doing that most of the time right now.
So, on the midfoot? Try experimenting with balance. I found that I was too much on my heels, so I tried keeping it more to midfoot/the ball of my foot at the start of the lift and it fixed the problem.
It's either balance or hip banging.
I'm really bad at snatching anything more than singles
so can I just do singles with short rests instead of doubles or triples?
You could structure your training that way if you really wanted to but there would probably have to be a lot of accessories and an actual system oriented around that fact. if youre bad at anything besides singles that probably means you'd stand to progress a lot if you worked on that weakness of yours
You're not bad at doubles or triples, you're just using too much weight.
what do you mean there would have to be accessories? also it makes sense in theory since singles are what you would do in the competition too
if I'm failing triples at 70% that's pretty bad
I think pause squats will fix my shin splints/ankle.
in a conventional program the workload would basically have to be moved somewhere else if it wasnt being put into the classics.
try triples at 50 percent first. then triples at 60 percent. then 65 percent. if triples at 70 percent arent consistent they wont become consistent by a stroke of luck all of a sudden
You know you're allowed to reset right? It's not supposed to be one crossfit-esque speedy triple. Just work them every session for two weeks at varying intensities (ascending/across), they'll be better then.
If you wanna stick with singles do the Joe Mills 20/20 workout and follow the protocol.
doesn't the biggest workload usually come from squats and pulls with classics being more for technique? obviously depending on what block youre on
theres ways to do just singles for classics, just be smart about it
yeah, I usually drop the bar in between reps
guess I'll stick to the triples for now
yeah I see that the main function of triples for me is to get many reps done and solidify my technique. But if I miss half the reps it seems kind of pointless.
Tried doing singles today and got 20+ good reps
and no fails with that 70%
Snatch was good. Now, to solidify my C&J...
try prohibiting yourself from doing anything other than triples/quads in the classic snatch until your can triple your best. start at like 50 percent and use top sets to go for bests.
so you mean I shouldnt go for working sets like 5x3x75%
but start at 3x50% and increase until I can't do them anymore?
That's what he means yeah. Don't think in percentages that much, they're a meme and keep you from progressing.
well if you can barely manage to triple 70 yeah drop the weight. its good to limit yourself to triples until you can triple your best is all im saying.
I've done a double with 90% but the sets are inconsistent
yeah, it's just easier to talk using them
>look up Zack Telander
>his gym is down the street from me
No way, pic with timestamp or didn't happen.
tell him i said hi
would it be too autistic to contact a teacher/coach from a primary school to hire him to teach me the oly lifts?
i wanna learn wl but in my city the only places that do it are crossfit gyms and literal middle schools. and i find it hard to trust crossfit places. im guessing some of the middle schools will have a coach that used to compete back in the day or smth
Nah man, they love making money on the side.
ankle is feeling better. not quite there but its improving
My country's best was Clarence so RIP anyone who wants to try break that
Does anyone here take off their shirt when they take a shit?
Also I did my first set of full cleans on Friday. They were pretty good according to my coach
He went 152/190 for the national record in -94. So yeah, that's pretty high. They should've examined his piss better though.
>tfw only do hang cleans and hang snatch because shit mobility
gotta make some changes to training. lots of the things preventing me from training as i plan have been sorted out today. i just have to be competition ready