Why do people think they need or have the incentive to give other people advice about acne when they have none of it?

Why do people think they need or have the incentive to give other people advice about acne when they have none of it?
>Be me
>Have had acne since 14
>Am 20 now
>Stopped using antibiotics for acne when I was 19 for health purposes
>Started using differin
>Breaking out heavily again
>Don't really mind having acne
>I don't notice it
>Work retail to earn money for studies
>Don't talk to coworkers cause they are retarded
>Everyone comments on my acne and looks to me while making a disgusting face
>Give me tips of how they got rid of their 1-2 pimple when they were 14-teen and had non flawed skin
>mfw I have never talked to them and now they give me tips to make me look better
>Don't even care about explaining my situation to these mongoloids
>They think I am rude for ignoring them

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Shut the fuck up damian, just use acne cream instead of antibiotics you godamn retard

I wish someone had told me to take doxycycline/accutane two years earlier, my skin would be much nicer now.

But I rarely mention these treatments to anyone for fear of what you described OP.

used antibiotical acne cream

Tfw some unlovable shitstain uses antibiotics for 6 years.
Your pathetic body will almost definitely need those in the future, but go ahead. Hand out antibiotic resistance like its the recognition you will never have.


Not OP, but is that a reliable treatment? It seems like no matter what my diet is, how much sun I get, or how often I clean my face and bed, doesn't matter. 22 and still have acne. The clindamycin phosphate and tretinoin gel prescribed by my dermatologist hasn't been helping either.

Just see a derm man. I know exactly how you feel.

I've used antibiotics and differin and antibiotic cream. Pretty much everything short of accutane (due to concerns with baldness). It never got better. Then I stopped doing anything. Apart from an errant pimple on occasion, it just sort of completely went away on its own when i hit 25.

>tfw guttate psoriasis


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A mate of mine got rid of 90% of his psoriasis by going keto

iktf user.

i started getting acne when i was 10. having classmates who just started getting pimples at 13 tell me how to get rid of mine was the worst.
forced me to make a lot of social gains at least, girls seem to think the scars are tough now as well.

Roaccutan and accutane are (iirc) to acne what the nuke was to the war on japan in ww2. it /will/ end it, but the way there will be ugly.

I Can back this up. Was on accurate for 6 months. Cleared my skin up completely. It’s not much fun being on the meds though.

Constantly chapped lips. Can’t be in the sun because you will burn in no time. Daily nosebleeds because your nose gets dry as hell.
Also it will kick your pores into overdrive so you will look like shit for the first few months.

Would do it again though. 6-7years later I only get small blackheads and a rare small pimple or two.

So you created a thread on Jow Forums saying that you DON'T want advice from normies on how to fix your skin? Then I guess I shouldn't tell you that if my acne started around 14, as yours did, I would infer that the cause was likely hormonal and that a 5A reductase inhibitor will get rid of hormonal acne. The primary agonist, dehydrotestosterone, can be controlled via prescription 5ARIs like finasteride, or even via extremely cheap over the counter supplements like saw palmetto, stinging nettle root and pygeum. But apparently you don't want to hear this from me because I've never personally had acne, even though I clearly know more about treating it than you do.

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Your face is far worse than those dots, because everyone can see your face when you're wearing a shirt.

Your concerns are misplaced.

thanks, dude

actually nevermind, i'll delete these posts when i can. i dunno why i'm getting worked up over this, helping OP out even though you interpreted him as antagonistic was a nice move. sorry for being moody.

>started having facial and body acne around age 12
>27 now
>still have acne all over my disgusting fucking body
I was told it would resolve itself when I'm "older"

The only thing that has ever made any difference (and I've tried everything I have ever read on the acne.org forums) was extreme diet changes. The first that made a difference was the paleo diet, although I didn't know why. But it wasn't too much better so I gave it up. Then I tried vegan diet which probably helped the most but it was too expensive to keep up. Then a few years went by but I did tons of research. Turns out, what mostly controls sebum production is a hormone this board is probably familiar with: IGF-1. The only diet I know that can affect IGF-1 production is either a very very low protein diet OR fasting. This is why vegan and paleo diet worked. Vegan diet is mostly pretty low on protein, while paleo diet is just generally pretty low calorie which means you're fasting a lot throughout the day (unintentionally).

I did a lab test to get my own IGF-1 levels and turned out I was almost at 450 ng/ml or ug/l (I might be mixing up the units here) which was 200% of the age adjusted optimal levels for me, which sounds fucking ridiculous, but I guess it explains a lot.

I'm doing intermittent fasting now, 8 hours eating and 16 hours fasting every day. It did make a very noticeable difference, although I sill get some acne but it's nowhere near as bad. I'm thinking of going down to 7/17 hours or maybe even 6/18 hours.

On a side note, I read in one study that the casein protein in milk (what cheese is made of) can elevate IGF-1 levels. I suppose this is why some people can cure their acne when they go dairy free.

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>won’t take advice from people who solved their problem.

Bitter faggot

Rose Hip Oil, thank me later
>t. adult acne no longer runs in the family

lmao just wash your face in the morning and evening


Op here, sorry if I offended you. When a person tells me he suffered from acne I check if they have acne scars if they do I hear em out, others can go suck my dick