can my chest get big from doing 3x12 instead of 5x5 bench press?
Can my chest get big from doing 3x12 instead of 5x5 bench press?
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Do 5 x 10
yes it can
>Not doing 5x15-20
do people honestly do more then 3x5?
>do people honestly do more then 3x5?
do people honestly do more then 1x1?
>not doing 5x0
it's like they want to stay DYEL
Is the dude is the video dead? How can you let your inner asshole recover properly?
>It wasn’t until the following day that I had most of the broken glass out of my ass. Still, one or two very small broken glass pieces are still in there. I can still feel them with my fingers but I can’t get them out anymore.
>I’d waited for two months and resumed with small plastic bottle.
>no trouble shitting whatsoever.
Your rep depends on your overall volume
If you train full body daily you can get away with any rep ranges because of the total volume you’re accumulating over days/weeks.
But if you train chest once a week, you’re better off doing something like 5x10. Because that’s 50 reps that have to last you 7 days. Where as if you did bench everyday, you could do 1x5, 2x8, 3x5, 5x3, 2x15, etc
3x8 here, bodybuilder
Never give advice here again and post body.
>50 reps that have to last you 7 days
>last you 7 days
>I’d waited for two months and resumed with small plastic bottle.
>no trouble shitting whatsoever.
There’s a reason people on brosplits do lots of high reps.
They need to accumulate enough volume in that 1 day to last them a week.
Its why people on full body, upper lower and PPL can get away with doing smaller rep ranges, it’s because their reps add up to equal a brosplit at the end of a week.
The reason bro dudes come on here flabbergasted at the fact people do 3x5 bench is because they don’t realize someone doing 5x5 bench is doing it 3 times a week, so that ends up being 75 reps for bench over 7 days, the bro dude doesn’t understand that he did those 75 reps just on the Monday, but won’t do them again for another 7 days.
Dunno what’s so hard to understand for you people
Frequency is more important than volume per session
Uh look, I am someone who strictly only does full body. But, volume in one session vs 2 or 3 or 4 does not matter for size and strength anywhere near as much as frequency studies make it out to be. The benefits of frequency are more so related to the technical and mechanical aspect of lifting, which in of itself can produce more gains, but it’s not night and day.
If frequency mattered so much then guys wouldn’t make any gains on brosplit, and many of them do, because they’re still getting the right amount of volume in, despite it all being in 1 day.
no no you are wrong 1 set is plenty, as long as it is PR
Do 25 sets of 1 fucking retard
Hypertrophy range is between 8 to 12 reps.
Anything below builds more strength, above builds more endurance.
This is my bro knowledge.
Don't forget the forbidden 7 reps which makes you lose size and strength.